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Tuesday 31 August 2021

Mana Badi Nadu Nedu - Phase II Conduct and Monitoring of Technical Training to Engineering Assistants / Ward Amenities Secretaries

Progs Rc.No. 1492071/MBNN/TRG, Dt: 30/08/2021

Sub: School Education- Mana Badi Nadu Nedu - Phase II Conduct and Monitoring of Technical Training to Engineering Assistants / Ward Amenities Secretaries at District and Mandal Level in the State - Orders-issued- Reg.


1. This office Circular Memo: .1361273 /2021/MBNN Dated: 05/03/2021 
2. This office Procgs Rc.No.1361273/MBNN-P-II/TRG/ 2021, Date: 13/03/2021


The attention of all the District Educational Officers and Addl. Project Co coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State is invited to the subject and references cited, One day Technical Training Program was conducted on 18-08 2021 at State Level to Four Master Trainers from each district for conducting Technical Trainings at District and Mandal Level. an

It is informed that, the State Level Master Trainers have to conduct District level Technical Training program for the identified Mandal Resource persons @ one from each Mandal in the District, further the Mandal Resource Persons have to conduct training at Mandal Level for all Engineering Assistants / Ward Amenities Secretaries for the smooth implementation of the Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase II Program.

The Entire Technical Training programs from District to Mandal level shall be monitored by the State Level Master Trainers for proper implementation of the Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase II Program, and they should send regular feedback on the Technical Training programs to the Director of School Education.

Guidelines for Technical Training and identification of Master Trainers are as follows:

a) District Level:

1. One day District level training shall be on 1-09-2021. 

2. One Member from each Mandal & Municipality should be identified for Technical Training. 

3. Identified Trainers should be energetic, articulate, with a learning attitude and should posses good communication skills.

4. These Trainers should be identified from all the Executing agencies.

b) Mandal Level Training:

1. Mandal Level Technical Training to Engineering Assistants / Ward Amenities Secretaries should be held on 3rd & 4th September 2021.

2. Mandal level Technical Training program shall be held for 2 days.

3. All Engineering Assistants / Ward Amenities Secretaries should be covered.

Financial guidelines for Technical Training Programme are as follows: 1. Per day @ Rs 250/- per participant at District and Mandal level trainings. (Rs.150 for working Lunch +Rs 100 for 2 times Tea, Snacks and water bottles)

Miscellaneous charges for each District level training is Rs.20000/ 3. Miscellaneous charges for each Mandal level training program is Rs.2000/

All the District Educational Officers and Addl. Project Co-ordinators of Samagra Shikhsa are requested to conduct the Technical Training Programs to Engineering Assistants/Ward Amenities Secretaries at District and Mandal level. The District wise expenditure as mentioned in the Annexure-1&2 shall be released to APCs of Samagra Shiksha in the State and the above expenditure of the Training programs may be met from the Nadu-Nedu funds.


1. District level and Mandal level Technical training Programme Schedule. 
2. Abstract of district wise participants.

Download Proceedings, Guidelines

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