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Tuesday 31 August 2021

Shikshak Parv 2021 - through virtual mode - Instructions. Schedule

Memo Rc.No.ESE02 /650/2021-SCERT Dt: 30/08/2021

Sub: School Education - SCERT, AP-  Shikshak Parv, 2021 commencing from 5th September, 2021 till 17th September, 2021 through virtual mode - one-day Inaugural Conclave on 7th September, 2021 by Hon'ble Prime Minister of India - Reg. 

Guidelines to celebrate Shikshak Parv-2021

SS- ac. NO.15021/15/2021-SAMO-SSA        04/09/2021

Sub:-AP   Samagra    Shiksha   -  SIEMAT   - Guidelines   to  celebrate Shikshak   Parv-2021,   with  the  theme   'Quality    and  Sustainable   Schools: Learning   from  the  Schools  of India':-Certain     Instructions    issued:

Ref  1: - D.O.No.7-4/2021-EE.1     (pt).  dated  28th August,   2021,  from  the Additional    Secretary   (SE), Department    of School  Education   and  literacy, Ministry   of Education,   Government    of India,  New  Delhi.

All  the  District   Educational    Officers   and  Additional    Project   Coordinators    in the  State   are  hereby   informed    that   the   Secretary,    Ministry   of  Education, DoSEL, Govt.  of  India,  New  Delhi  has  decided   to  celebrate    Shikshak   Parv-

2021,   commencing     from   7th  September    through    virtual    mode   with   the theme   'Quality    and  Sustainable     Schools:   Learning    from   the   Schools in   India',     where    in   PM  will    address    stake    holders    associated     with education    on  7th   September    at  11  AM.  It  will   be  followed    by  webinars, discussions   and  presentations    up to  17th September.

In this   regard   the  Ministry   of  Education,    DoSEL,  Govt  of  India  has  shared the   following    links   to  view   the   one  day   inaugural    conclave    of  Shikshak Parv-  2021.   You  tube   link  for  PM address:   http://youtube/jrs3rClk8z0,PM website    link:   at   11AM  on  7  TH  September,https:/ and Shikshak           Parv-2021           webpage  link as under:


Hence,   the   Ministry  of  Education,  DoSEL,  Govt.   of  India,   New  Delhi   has instructed to  issue  necessary  instructions      for    dissemination of   he Guidelines    to  celebrate    Shikshak    Parv-2021.    In  this   regard   suggestions, views   were   invited    in  the   areas   of  Curriculum,     Pedagogy    inclusion    and Assessment    from   the  stake   holders   of  education    like  Principals,   teachers, CRCs,  BRCs,DIETs,   Regional   officers    from     all  over   the   country    in  MCQ question   format   on  MyGov  portal   on  5th September    under  the  Google   live


Ministry of Education DoSEL, Govt of India is also inviting  questions through Mygov  platform  from   the  stake   holders of  education on various themes of conclave and webinars   of Shikshak   Parv  2021.  

The  Google  link will     be live  until  5th  September as  under webinars/.       

In view  of the  above,   all  the  District   Educational    Officers   and Additional     Project    Coordinators     in   the   State    are   hereby    requested     to disseminate      the    above    said    information      for    utilization      by   Principals, teachers,    CRCs,  BRCs,  DIETS  ,Regional  officers,    educational     practitioners and   other  stake  holders  for  wider  use.

Ref: D.O.No.7-4/2021-EE 1(pt.) Dated: 28.08.2021 from Santosh Kumar Sarangi, Additional Secretary (SE), GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOL EDUCATION & LITERACY.

The attention of all the District Educational Ofcers in the State is invited to the reference cited and they are here by informed that the Department of School Education & Literacy. Ministry of Education would be celebrating Shikshak Parv. 2021 commencing from 5th September, 2021 till 17th September, 2021 through virtual mode.

The theme for this year's Shikshak Parv has been decided keeping in view the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations, as 'Quality and Sustainable Schools: Learnings from the Schools in India. During the Shikshak Parv, it has been decided to organize a one-day Inaugural Conclave on 7th September. 2021 in which the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India has consented to grace the occasion. He will be addressing a large number of teachers, parents and students on this occasion. The conclave will be followed by webinars, discussions, presentations etc. up to 17th September, 2021 in which the educational practitioners from various schools of the country have been invited to share their experience, learnings and the roadmap ahead

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Officers and Principals of IASES / CTES /Govt. DIETs in the state are requested to give clear instructions in their respective districts to kindly ensure that teachers across the state, parents and students see the address of Hon'ble Prime Minister on 07th September, 2021 and also attend subsequent webinars

The link for the event as follows:

YouTube link for PM address:

PM webcast link (11:00 AM on 07th September,2021)

Shikshak Parv webpage link:

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