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Tuesday 27 October 2020

Conduct of Transfers Counselling of Sr. Lecturers and Lecturers in DIETs - Guidelines

Rc.No.ESE02-12021/300/2020-EST 2-CSE Dated:27/10/2020  School Education - Conduct of Transfers Counselling of Sr. Lecturers and Lecturers in DIETs in Andhra Pradesh during the month of November 2020 - Instructions - Issued.

Read: G.O.Ms.No.54 School Edn (Ser.II) Dept., dated.12-10-2020.

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State are informed that Government vide reference read above have issued orders to the DSE to take up the transfers in DIETs.

Accordingly, the Regional Joint Directors of School Education are requested to follow the guidelines and procedure, regulating the transfers of the categories of Lecturers working in DIETs mentioned hereunder.


  • Transfer counseling of Lecturers working in DIETs should be held Zone wise in RJDSE office and complete the entire process on or before 20th November 2020.
  • List out the names of Lecturers working on regular basis subject wise and period of service put in there.
  • List out the names of the persons working against the Lecturer posts in DIETs subject wise working on deputation basis.
  • List out the Lecturers who have completed 5 Academic years of service as on date of closures of DIETs in a particular DIET by the end of Academic year 2019-20 shall be transferred compulsorily within the Zone. Transfer should be taken subject-wise taking into the consideration of
  • completion of service and availability of same subject vacancies in other DIETs of respective Zone otherwise no transfers to be taken up. If the post of the same subject is available in other DIETs against which teachers working on deputation can be considered for their repatriation to
  • the parent department and effect the transfer. If the repatriated teacher of the respective subject is willing to work in other of the same Zone on deputation basis subject to availability of
  • vacancy should be preferred at first instance or else willing teacher can taken up on deputation duly following the prescribed procedure which is already in existence.
  • Lecturers who completed a minimum period of two years service in DIET as on 1st October of the year in which transfers are to be taken up shall be eligible to apply for request transfer.
  • Provided those who are going to retire below one (1) year from 1st October of the year in which transfers are to be taken up shall not be transferred until and unless the incumbent requests for such transfer.

In respect of Senior Lecturers working in DIETs, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State are requested to receive request transfer applications from the Senior Lecturers in their respective Zone and forward their applications to this office on or before 5th November, 2020 for onward taking further action in the matter.

These instructions should be implemented scrupulously without any deviation.

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