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Monday 3 July 2017

Rubella Vaccination campaign camps-Conducting in all Schools-Instructions

All The Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officer s in the State are requested to conduct the Measles Elimination and Rubella control by year 2020 As port of this strategy Measles -Rubella(MR) vaccination campaign is being planed all Schools in the District a phased manner targeting all children in the age group of 9 Months to less than 15 years. All children in target age group will be administered one MR vaccine injection irrespective of prevision vaccination.The MR campaign will be conducted in the state of Andhra Pradesh during August 2017. improvement programme in Schools in the state with Coordinator, % D.M.H.O and Health Department in the Districts.
The objectives and Guidelines of the Programme ore as follows.
Conduction of Programme details:-
1. Conduct sensitization meeting regarding MR campaign to 011 district level with support from district immunization officer.
2. DEOs to be part of MR campaign district task force chaired by collector and Dy.DEOs. and MEOs. HMs at divisional and mandai task force meetings under chairmanship of RDO and MROs respectively.
3. Share list of all schools and number of children enrolled (government. government aided, private, residential etc) with health deportment.
4. Circular to all schools from education department regarding Measles Rubella vaccination campaign and extending their support.
5. Send MR campaign information booklet to all schools which will be prOVided from UNICEF
6. Conducting meeting of all headmasters/principals and school nodal persons in the districts and sensitizing them regarding the campaign at Mandal/PHC levels in  coordination with DOI & PHC Medical officer.
7. Support health department in micro-planning through collecting information from each school in MR form 2A for planning of school sessions(Annexure attached).
8. Take necessary steps for sharing information regarding campaign with parents through parents-teachers meetings in all schools.
9. Organize awareness generating activities/competitions. in every schools (Debate,Painting/Drawing,slogan,essay writing etc).
10. Take necessary actions to display MR campaign related information/poster on notice boards of schools provided by health department.
11. Send information card provided by health department to all parents regarding MR campaign.
12. Provide list of all schools drop-out children to the health department.
13. Facilitate and support vaccination booths to be conducted in all 'the schools during the campaign.
14. Support health department in collecting forms 2C and 2D from each school after MR campaign sessions are held to plan for missed children for MR vaccination
(Annexure attached).
15. During the campaign. supervise and monitor the progress of schools and children's covered.
16. To take necessary action wherever schools refuse to allow vaccination teams 01 their schools.
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