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Monday 3 July 2017

Incorporation of Learning Outcomes in State RTE Rules,2010-Guidelines Rc.121 Dated:3-7-2017

                       Proc. Re. 121/B/C&T/SCERT/2016 Dated: 3-7-2017
Sub: SCERT, AP, Amaravati - School Education Department - Incorporation of Learning Outcomes in State RTE Rules, 20 I0 - Draft copy of Learning
Outcomes and certain Guidelines issued - Reg.
Ref:- 1) From The Secretary, DSE&L, MHRD, Gol, D.O. No.16-3/20l6 EE.17/EE.13, Dated, 21-3-2017.
2) File No. C.No. 550605/Prog. II/A1/2017, dated 28-4-2017 from Deputy Secretary, to Education, Andhra Pradesh.
All The District Educational Officers, Principals of DIETs in the State are hereby informed that Ministry of Human Resource Department, NCERT developed Learning Outcomes to improve the Quality of Education. The Learning Outcomes have been incorporated in the RTE Act - 2009. In this connection SCERT translated Learning Outcomes developed by NCERT with team of subject experts. The draft copy of translated version is disseminated to all DEOs further they are informed to communicate the same to all stakeholders to create awareness on Learning Outcomes.
The guidelines on the draft copy of Learning Outcomes are herewith enclosed.

SCERT, Andhra Pradesh
                                                  LEARNING OUTCOMES
Ministry of human resources department, NCERT developed learning outcomes to improve the quality of education. These learning outcomes will be expected levels of learning that children should achieve on compilation of the particular class. These learning outcomes have been incorporated in central rules to the RTE act 2009 by amending section 23(2) of the rules.
• In this connection Andhra Pradesh also prepare learning outcomes and need to incorporate them in the RTE act 20 I0 of Andhra Pradesh.
• SCERT translated the learning outcomes document developed by NCERT. The draft copy of learning outcomes translated version is disseminated to all DEO's, DIET Principals to create awareness among stakeholders on them.
• All the District Educational Officers are informed to communicate learning outcomes to all teachers under all managements to improve standards of the students.
• National, State level achievement surveys will be conducted to know the performance of the students is based on these defined learning outcomes.
• The position of Andhra Pradesh in various national level achievement surveys is below the rank of national average. This indicates that quality of education in our state in questionable. If class room teaching aimed to achieve learning outcomes then our students' performance in the achievement surveys will be increased.
• All the teachers, monitoring teams should have proper understanding about learning outcomes. This will be helpful for the teachers to modify teaching and learning process.
• SCERT invite suggestions to improve the draft version of the document.
• After finalization of this document SCERT, Department of School Education is planned to conduct orientation on learning outcomes· to all stockholders.
• All the DEOs are suggested that please ensure every teacher to follow teaching learning process in view of learning outcomes of classes 3'd 5th and 8th particularly in the subjects of mother tongue, mathematics, science and social. NCERT is going to conduct NAS - 2017 probably in the month of September, so all the DEOs create awareness among teachers to improve the standards of the students in the light of learning outcomes.
Download Learning Outcomes in State RTE Rules,2010-Guidelines 
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