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Wednesday 24 May 2023

TS EAMCET Result 2023

TS EAMCET Result 2023 Download Telangana EAMCET Result 2023 Declared / Released Result of TS EAMCET 2023 has been announced. Telangana State Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test-2023 TS EAMCET-2023 Result Released

TS EAMCET Result 2023: à°®ే 25à°¨ à°¤ెà°²ంà°—ాà°£ à°Žంà°¸ెà°Ÿ్ à°«à°²ిà°¤ాà°²ు à°µిà°¡ుదల.

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The Telangana EAMCET results will be announced on May 25 at 11 am by Education Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy.. -Government Secretary (Higher Education) V. Karuna College, Technical Education Commissioner Naveen Mittal, Telangana Board of Higher Education Chairman Acharya R. Limbadri JNTU Hyderabad VC Professor: Katta Narasimha Reddy and others will release these results. EAMCET Convener said that these results will be released in the Golden Jubilee Hall of JNTU Hyderabad. BD Kumar disclosed in a statement. 

On May 10th and 11th, EAMCET Agriculture and Medical stream exam, May 12th to 15th - EAMCET Engineering stream exams will be conducted in six phases. The officials who have recently released the preliminary T response sheets and received the objections are ready to release the latest results. Prepared. Around 2 lakh students appeared for EAMCET (engineering exam) from Telugu states. More than one lakh students appeared for agriculture and medical exam.

TS EAMCET Ag & M Result 2023 click here

TS EAMCET Engineering Result 2023 click here

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