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Tuesday 23 May 2023

AP Intermediate Education Employees, Lecturers Transfers 2023

AP Intermediate Education Employees, Lecturers Transfers 2023 Guidelines for the employees working in the Department of Intermediate Education - Orders INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION  TRANSFER GUIDELINES 2023

PUBLIC SERVICES - School Education - Intermediate Education - General Transfers 2023 - Transfer guidelines for the employees working in the Department of Intermediate Education - Orders - Issued.


SCHOOL EDUCATION (IE.A1) DEPARTMENT G.O.Rt.No.82 Dated: 23-05-2023


Read the following:-

  1. G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (HR-I-Plg.&Policy) Department, Dated 17.05.2023.
  2. From the C.I.E., Rc.No.Ser.II-1/2050794/2023, dated: 08-05-2023



In the reference 2nd read above, the Commissioner of Intermediate Education, has suggested certain draft guidelines on General Transfers, 2023 Government have examined the matter and decided to issue the guidelines on General Transfers, 2023, which are appended to this order as Annexure.


Accordingly, Government hereby accord permission to the Commissioner of Intermediate Education, A.P., to effect the transfers of employees of Intermediate Education Department and to complete the same at the earliest, through Web Counseling.


The Commissioner of Intermediate Education, A.P., Tadepalli, Guntur, shall take further necessary action, accordingly in the matter.



These Transfer Guidelines are applicable to all the Employees working in the Department of Intermediate Education, A.P.

Transfer by Web Counseling:
  1. All transfers shall be made by way of Web counseling through Transfer Committees constituted by the competent authority i.e. Commissioner of Intermediate Education, Guntur.
  2. The employees who worked in any cadre in any station and proceeded on long leave (more than 90 days) shall only be posted to the same station except for the cases when they are liable to be transferred other wise.
Eligibility to apply for transfer:
  1. The employee who completed FIVE years of service at a station irrespective of cadre as on 31.05.2023 are invariably liable for transfers.
  2. All the employees are eligible to apply for transfer on request basis i.e., '0' service viz., joined in a station without stipulation of having put in minimum service in the current station.
Schedule of Transfers:

Commissioner of Intermediate Education shall draw schedule for effecting transfers between 02.06.2023 to 15.06.2023.

Competent authority for issue of posting orders:-

The appointing authorities concerned i.e., the Commissioner of Intermediate Education in respect of Principals & Dy. D.V.E.0./A.0 and Superintendent and the RJDIE's concerned in respect of Junior Lecturers (General and Vocational), Junior Lecturer in Physical Education, Junior Lecturer in Library Science and Non-Teaching Staff working in their jurisdiction shall issue transfer orders respectively based on the eligibility as per norms.

Criteria for transfers:

  1. Transfers shall be effected "on request" based on administrative
  2. Employees who have completed 05 (five) years of service at a station irrespective of the cadre in which they worked shall be transferred
  3. Service in all cadres at a station shall be counted while calculating the period of stay, for which station mean place (City, Town, Village) of actual working for the purpose of transfers and not office or institution.
  4. All vacancies in Notified Agency areas shall be filled up first, prior to filling the posts in the non - ITDA areas.
  5. The employees (Local Cadres, Zonal Cadres) working in ITDA areas (0 service) may be transferred to the place of their choice subject to fulfillment of conditions stipulated in this G.O., with due preference to the inter-se-seniority among the employees working in these areas.
  6. For the purpose of posting in ITDA Areas, the following shall be the Eligibility criteria:
  1. The employees shall be below 50 years of age.
  2. The employees who have not worked earlier in the ITDA areas so far based on the length of service in plain area downwards.

7. (a). Besides ITDA areas, areas which are interior and backward with large number of vacancies shall be given preference while filling up of vacancies on transfers. No person shall be retained beyond 5 (Five) years of stay as on 31.05.2023. Service in all cadres at a station shall be counted while calculating the period of stay.

  • The employees retiring on or before 31.05.2025 shall not be transferred unless they make a specific request for transfer.
  • Women employee shall be posted to Women's Institution to the extent possible. Male employees who are over and above 45 years of age only may be considered for posting to women institution if no women candidate is available. However, the Junior Lecturers in Urdu Medium/Urdu Colleges may be considered where there is clear The Junior Lecturer in Urdu Medium may be retained in a same place when nobody opted to that place. Minor subjects like Logic may be retained if no candidate applied for request transfer.
  • NCC trained Junior Lecturers shall be considered for posting to the colleges where NCC units exist as far as possible.
  • In Government Junior Colleges where only one regular Junior Lecturer is working and if he is discharging the duties of FAC to the post of Principal and if all other teaching  faculty are contract/redeployed staff such Junior Lecturers may be transferred if they are otherwise eligible. However, they will not be relieved from their present posting till a regular Junior Lecturer or a Principal/Principal(FAC) is posted to that College. Relief can be considered only after the new incumbent joins in the station.
  • The employees eligible for transfers shall not be posted in the Government Junior Colleges, which are located in the same Gram Panchayat/Municipality /Municipal Corporation, in which they are working during transfers by counseling. It is to ensure that candidates do not remain long in a particular station. Station means place (City / Town /Village where he/she is working) of actual working for the purpose of transfers and not office or institution.
  •  Principals can however, be posted within the native Districts.If any employee who is liable to transfer, fails to apply and attend the counseling, such person will be allocated the leftover vacancy in the counseling and no further correspondence will be entertained in this respect guidelines and instructions issued by the Commissioner of Intermediate Education from time to time. The highest scorer in the respective subject and respective zone will be given the first choice for transfer and so on.
  • Once transfer orders are issued by the Competent Authority as per counseling it shall be treated as final. No case will be reviewed at any circumstances except in cases where there is serious complaint of non-adherence to guidelines issued by the authorities.
  • All employees shall join at the new place of posting after the orders are issued. Avoiding of posting orders and applying leave on personal or medical grounds in order to avoid joining will be treated as violation of Conduct Rules and in such circumstances disciplinary action shall be initiated against such employees.
  • The requests of the employees having any charges / ACB/Vigilance cases pending against him/her shall not be considered for transfer and the same shall be indicated clearly against the name of that employee if there is any request made for transfer by such employee.

Grading of Places:

The transfers shall be affected from Focal to Non-Focal, Non-Focal to Non-Focal or from Non-Focal to Focal posts only. Transfer from one focal post to another focal post shall not be entertained. In respect of Urdu Medium College & minor subject like Logic the same may be relaxed in case no eligible candidates are available.

Procedure for notification of vacancies:

(a). The places where P.T.J.L.s / Re-deployed Staff working for more than 5 (five) years will be taken as vacancies.

(b). (1). The office bearers of the Recognized Employees Union at State Level and District Level shall not be transferred if the stay in the station is below Nine (9) years as on 31.05.2023. The instructions on the transfers of office bearers of recognized employees associations as issued in Circular Memo.No.GAD01-SWOSERA/27/2019-SW, General Administration Dept., Dt.15.06.2022 will apply.

(2). The above benefit is applicable only to the Recognized Associations. If the stay is for more than nine (9) years at a station, that post shall be deemed vacant and shall be shown in the vacancies list published.

(c). It has been noticed that there are a number of Government Junior Colleges, particularly in the Agency and Remote areas where there is a shortage of teaching staff. In some areas, except the Principal there is no other regular Junior Lecturer available. The academic and administrative work in those colleges is seriously affected. It is, therefore, necessary to maintain a minimum number of regular staff of Principal / Junior Lecturer (General & Vocational) / Junior Lecturer (Physical Education) / Junior Lecturer(Library Science) in such stations.


Entitlement points:-

The points shown as below shall be allowed to the candidates eligible / liable for transfer:-

(a). Present station :

  1. For every completed year of service in places with 20% 02 points HRA
  2. For every completed year of service in places with 04 Points 5% HRA
  3. For every completed year of service in places with 12% 06 points HRA [other than Tribal area]
  4. For every completed year of service in notified Tribal 08 points areas
  5. For completion of 6 months and below 1 year half of the prescribed points are given

Note:- The period of leave / absent for more than 90 days shall not be counted while giving the points


(b). Other Categories:

i. Un - Married female employee / Widow : 10 Points

ii. Spouse employment in State or Central Government: 10 Points Aided / Public Sector establishment only [The applicant seeking transfer under this category shall produce certificate to that extent. Once this facility is utilized, the next request can be made only after eight years].

iii. Physically handicapped [> 40% disability]: 10 Points

iv. The following life threatening diseases for Self, Spouse and dependent Children only:- 25 Points

Cancer, Open Heart Surgery only, Neuro­Surgery, Bone TB, Kidney Transplantation/ Dialysis. [The applicant seeking transfer under this category shall produce the Discharge Summary and all detailed Medical Certificates from the referral Hospital]

  1. For the following diseases : 05 Points
  2. Physical & Mental retarded children [recent medical certificate along with photographs shall be enclosed]
  3. Other heart ailments [i.e. Angioplasty, Bypass Surgery]
  4. Persons who suffered with serious accidents within the last one year and are partially disabled/ incapacitated.

Blind Employees :-

  1. Not to insist on the transfer of visually/physically challenged employees and teachers from their present place if they find it more accessible and easy to commute on daily basis.
  2. Consider the visually/physically challenged Employees / Teachers in category (a) while providing a choice for transfers, giving them an ample opportunity to choose a place of their preference depending on their convenience for travel and other basic facilities necessary for their dignified movement and the mundane survival.
Applications :-
  1. Applications of all the eligible employees liable for transfer and request transfers shall upload in the transfers portal prescribed by the department for calculating the entitlement points by the R.J.D.I.E. duly certified by the Principal concerned for the approval of the same by the J.D.I.E.
  2. If any employee fails to submit the same, the entitlement points may be prepared at R.J.D.I.E. level based on the available information and any discrepancy due to lack of information shall not be entertained.
  3. Employees liable for transfer and who fail to attend counseling shall be allotted to the left over vacancies available by the respective transferring authority.
Display of employee details and vacancy list :-
  1. The list of employees who are liable for transfer and request applications by candidate eligible for transfer with entitlement points shall be displayed at the Offices of the R.J.D.I.E. and D.V.E.O. and will be uploaded in the web-portal.
  2. The Junior College-wise vacancy list [for counseling purpose] will be displayed with the approval of the competent authority and no vacancy shall be hide except for orders from Govt. if any.
  3. No allotment for future arising vacancy will be considered during counselling.
  4. The employee is responsible for the correctness of the information furnished in the request transfer application. Hiding of the facts and furnishing of erroneous information shall attract disciplinary action as per Conduct Rules.
Schedule of transfers and counseling:-
  1. The detailed time table for counseling shall be given and wide publicity has to be given by the concerned RJDIEs duly displaying at the Offices of RJDIEs/DVEOs and RIOs and web portal as stipulated in the G.O. issued by the Government lifting ban on transfers.
  2. Necessary registers and records shall be maintained for web counseling duly signed and will be produced for scrutiny whenever required at Regional Joint Director Level.
Counseling Procedure:-

The lists of employees liable for transfers are to be prepared in descending order as per entitlement points accrued to them. Such lists shall be displayed on the notice board at the Counseling camp and web-portal. The applicants will be called in the descending order of entitlement points and may choose any of the vacant posts available at that point of time. The option has to be exercised in writing and in case two or more applicants secure same number of entitlement points, preference shall be given to the employee who has put in longer service in the particular station.

Relief and Joining:-

The transferred employee is deemed to be relieved at the end of seventh day from the date of receipt of the orders. The Principals will relieve the candidates immediately irrespective of the request from the candidate for relief. They have to join at their new places within the joining time, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by the Government. This shall not applicable to the cases described in 5(e) above.

Powers of Head of Department:-
  1. The Government may either suo-moto or on an application received from any person aggrieved by the orders of the "Transfers Committee" may call for and examine the records in respect of any proceedings of transfers to satisfy himself about the regularity, legality or propriety of the same. If, in any case, it appears to him that any such proceedings need to be modified, annulled or reversed or remitted for re­consideration, orders deemed fit may be passed accordingly so as to rectify any violation of rules or discrepancies. Such order shall be binding.
  2. The Commissioner may stay the implementation of any such proceedings duly exercising of his/her powers under sub-rule (a) above in case of need either suo-moto or on a complaint.
Punishment for furnishing false information and violation of Rules:-

Anybody who has submitted false information or certificates and the officers who have counter-signed such false information shall be liable for disciplinary action in addition to prosecution as per rules. Any order issued against these guidelines or in violation of guidelines issued by the Commissioner of Intermediate Education from time to time in this matter shall be rejected and persons responsible for such orders are liable for disciplinary action as per rules.

AP Inter Employees Transfers 2023 Guidelines G.O

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