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Friday 30 December 2022

Nadu-Nedu Phase 2 Guidelines and Precautionary Safety Measures

Nadu-Nedu Phase 2 Guidelines and Precautionary Safety Measures Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu Phase-II Certain guidelines and precautionary Safety Measures to be adopted to avoid incidents / accidents in Nadu - Nedu School premises

Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu, Phase-II Certain guidelines and precautionary Safety Measures to be adopted to avoid incidents / accidents in Nadu - Nedu School premises - Issued - Reg. Circular.No.1941089/MBNN/2022 Dated.28/12/2022



1).GO Ms. No 87, dated 30-11-2019 of the School Education (Progs-II) Department.
2).GO Ms. No 22, dated 06.05.2020 of the School Education (Progs-II) Department.
3).GO Ms. No 27, dated 30.03.2021 of the School Education (Progs-II) Department.
4).GO Ms. No 119, dated 22.06.2022 of the School Education (Progs-II) Department.


The Government have accorded administrative sanction for implementation of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-II for improving the infrastructural facilities in 22344 Schools (AWCs, High Schools, Upper Primary Schools, Primary Schools and Junior Colleges) with a total Budget outlay of Rs.8000 Crores vide ref 4th cited.


As part of this program construction activity is taken up like digging of ground, dismantling of buildings and there is a scope for occurrence of accidents and adequate precautionary measures are to be adopted to prevent accidents.


The following are the safety guidelines to be followed to ensure proper safety of students in School Premises to avoid untoward incidents and accidents.


Steps to ensure Child Safety:

  • Head Master Should Walk around the school site with the Engineer/Parents Committee to highlight key risks, sharp objects.
  • Ensure the construction zone is separated from the school site i.e., fenced with safety tapes available in the market.
  • Identify safe travel routes around the construction site for staf and students.
  • Provide separate access times for machinery, equipment, Materials and removal of waste from site i.e., before or after school hours.
  • Ensure that there is no access to the construction zone for school staf, students, or others.
  • Provide Caution board at the work Site to reduce accidents, enforce school rules.
  • While dismantling, necessary precautionary measures shall be taken to safe guard the public and surrounding properties of Government or Otherwise. Material not found useful shall be properly disposed of away from the school premises. Proper hoardings/Blue Sheets shall be kept to safeguard the adjoining properties/ Structures.

Safety Precautions for workers and Engineers:

  • All the workers should wear personal protective equipment like Helmet, Steel toed boots, Gloves, glasses, face masks etc.
  • Provide First AID equipment at site of work.
  • Keep the work area clean
  • Ladder safety and scaffolding at stable surface
  • Additional care should be taken where power lines are falling near the working area
  • No crowding inside the site premises.
  • Precautionary measures to be taken while lifting of materials, concrete etc.
  • emergency exit should be planned in case of fire accidents etc
  • Arrange caution signs at site area.
  • Not to wear loose cloths and slippery foot ware
  • Assess the risk before approach the work.
  • Don’t take short cuts always follow the rules.
  • The entire construction site should have caution boards.

Hence, All the Head Masters/Sachivalayam Engineers and the Parents Committee shall ensure that the above instructions are properly complied and followed.


Encl: Annexure

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