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Friday 28 October 2022

HM Account Test Notification November 2022

HM Account Test  Notification November 2022, Fee Payment, Online Application 

Head Master Account Test. November 2022 - Application receiving through Online Certain instructions - Reg.  Rc.No: 23/C1/HM.AC/2022, Dated:27/10/2022

Ref:- This office press note on Re.No.23/01/2022, dt: /10/2022

The Head Master's Account Test scheduled to be conducted in the month of November 2022. The application forms should be received through online only. The due dates for submission of applications through online are mentioned hereunder. The printed application along with relevant documents submitted by the candidates should be verified and certified by the concerned DEOs and should approve the same through link provided by this office. Concerned DEOS should verify and counter sign the Printed Nominal Roll after approving the applications received through online by the DEO link. The District Educational Officers instructions, due dates and user guidelines may also be downloaded from the website i.e..

Candidates to follow the guidelines already kept in website regarding payment of examination fee and uploading of application form. The examination fee of Rs.150 (Rupees One hundred and fifty Only) for both papers and Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only for single paper should be remitted by the candidate while submitting the application using Debit card Credit card/Net Banking. 

1) DEO should verify the printed application form whether the candidate attached the required Documents i. e., Service certificate.

2) Application form should be counter signed by concerned H.M along with school stamp. 

3) Applications should be segregated and generate Nominal Roll along with concerned DEOS stamp for submission of the same in DGE's office. 

Rc.No. 23/C1/IIM.AC/2022    Date: 27/10/2022



It is hereby notified that the Headmasters' Account Test is scheduled to be conducted in the month of November. 2022 i.e., Paper-I & Paper-11 respectively. The following are the due dates for remittance of Examination fees and submission of application forms.


Particulars of Fee

Submission of
application and Payment of
Examination fee by
the Candidates up
to in website

Submission of printed
applications along with 
required documents at 
the concerned DEOs office by the candidates

After approving the application through online
and submission of NR etc., by the DEO's concerned in
the office of the OCE, AP; Amaravati.


Examination fee of Rs.150/- (for 2 papers) Rs.100/- for one paper.





With Late Fee Rs.60/-




The Web link to upload applications online will be available from 01/11/2022.

Procedure to pay Examination Fee through e-Payment / Payment in SBI through Challan Reference Form

  1. Visit website :
  2. Go to Citizen Services and click on Receipts Links and then click on Citizen Challan
  3. Select Department as ESE03 – Government Examinations Dept
  4. Select Service as Exam fee for Minor Exams
  5. Click on Submit
  6. Fill the Details of Purpose, Remitter Name, Remitter ID, Address, Mobile No., E-Mail ID, Amount in Rs., etc.
  7. Select any one of the option Manual Payment / e-Payment

    Option1: e-Payment:

  1. If e-Payment is selected then click on submit
  2. Select any one of the payment gateway option SBI / Payu Money
  3. Choose appropriate payment option i.e. Debit Card / Credit Card / Net banking etc.
  4. d. Pay the amount and take the printout of the Acknowledgement

   Option2: Manual Payment:

  1. If Manual Payment is selected then click on submit
  2. It will show CFMS Transaction ID, Total amount, Bank Reference No., Bank Status
  3. Click on Print
  4. It will generate Challan Reference Form and take print out of the same and pay the amount in SBI.

The Candidates who desire to appear for the Examination should fill the application through online from this office website and filled application form should he submitted at the concerned DEO's office.

HM ACCOUNT TEST 2022 Online Application click here

Download HM Account Test 2022 Notification

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