100% enrollment of children in schools guidelines "No child must be left behind and all the states must achieve 100% enrollment of children in schools" - Providing access to Education to the children to enable the achievement of the goal of 100% literacy by 2030
Memo.No.ESE02-30021/27/2022-A&I -CSE. Dated:29/07/2022
Sub: School Education - "No child must be left behind and all the states must achieve 100% enrollment of children in schools" - Providing access to Education to the children to enable the achievement of the goal of 100% literacy by 2030 - Copy communicated - Reg.
Ref: Govt.Memo.No.ESE01-SEDNOCSE/932/2022-PROG-III, Dated:17.07.2022.
While enclosing a copy of the Government memo vide reference cited, together with its enclosures the Director, SCERT, A.P., Amaravati, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the District Educational officers in the State are requested to take further necessary action as desired by the Government of India accordingly.
Encl: As above
Memo No. ESE01- SEDN0CSE/932/2022-PROG-III Dated:17.07.2022
Sub: School Education - "No child must be left behind and all states munst achieve 100% enrolment of children in schools"- Providing access to education to the children to enable the achievement of the goal of 100% literacy by 2030-Reg.
Ref: From the Secretary, Department of School Education & Literacy Ministry of Education, Gol, D.O.No.F. 15-21/2022-Sch.3, Dated: 29.06.2022.
A copy of the reference citied is sent herewith to the Commissioner of School Education, wherein the Secretary, Department of School Education & Literacy Ministry of Education, Gol, has stated that, one of the main recommendations of the discussions on school education held during the Chief Secretary's Conference in Dharamshala in June 2022, is that "no child must be left behind and that all states must achieve 100% enrolment of children in schools, and therefore, requested to make efforts and to provide access to education to the children to enable the achievement of the goal of 100% literacy by 2030.
The Commissioner of School Education, is therefore, requested to take necessary action, as desired by the Gol, therein.