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Friday 29 July 2022

AP Schools Standard Clubs Creation - Instructions

AP Schools Standard Clubs Creation - Instructions School Education - Creation of standard clubs in schools of AP - Certain instructions

Memo No.58/A&I/2022  Dated : 29/07/2022

Sub:- School Education - Creation of standard clubs in schools of AP - Certain instructions - issued - Regarding.


1) Lr.No. VJBO/SC/2022-23, Dt: 14.07.2022 (BIS) of the Ministry of consumer affairs, food & public Distribution, Govt of India.

All the Regional Joint Directors of Schools Education and all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to pay attention on the reference cited wherein the Government of India under the Ministry (BIS) of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution has informed that Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the National Standards Body. BIS conducts numerous awareness programs among schools, colleges, consumer organization to educate the common public about the importance of quality, safety of products, consumer rights and complaint handling procedures. Students are the future and form the foundation on which a strong, vibrant and dynamic nation is built. BIS intend to support such activity by providing learning opportunity to young talents in the field of quality and standardization through mutually beneficial collaboration in the form of standards clubs in Educational institutions. As such that the list of schools with contact details are needed for time to time directives from BIS.

In view of the above, all the Regional Joint Directors and the District Educational Officers of AP are informed to select at least 10 High schools in each district, which can be apt for establishing Standards Clubs. While selecting the schools following significances are to be followed:

1. Selection of schools should not to exceed with the number ten (10) in their respective district.

2. All the management schools should be covered ( Govt/ZPP/MPL/APMS/KGBVs).

3. Enrollment in the class of IX is also be taken into consideration.

4. Availability of Science/ Math’s Lab is also be taken into consideration.

5. Each Standards Club of the school have 15 to 20 active students along with one Mentor i. e Teacher/ Headmaster.

While following the above guidelines, all the Regional Joint Directors and the District Educational Officers of AP are informed to submit the selected schools details under their jurisdiction in the prescribed proforma within Five Days (05) so as to submit the same to BIS for further necessary action to take place.

For any clarification / further information in the selection of schools and setting up of standards club, the RJDs/ DEOs can contact Shri. MAJ Vinod, Director and Head BIS, SAP state, Vijayawada ( Mobile No. 9952993252).

This should be treated as MOST URGENT.

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