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Monday 4 April 2022

New DEOs to AP New 26 Districts G.O.Rt.No.52

New DEOs to AP New 26 Districts G.O.Rt.No.52 

School Education Department Restructuring of Districts - Human Resources - Provisional allocation of the District Educational Officers in the restructured Districts - Orders- Issued.


G.O.Rt.No.52 Dated: 03.04.2022 

Read the following:

1) G.O.Ms.No.31, Finance (HR.I-PLG.&POLICY) Department, dt 26.02.2022,

2) U.O. Note No.5702355/General-A1/2022, Dt:31.03.2022 of School Education, addressed to the Finance Department. 

3) From the C.S.E., A.P., E-office file bearing No: ESE02 11021/64/2022-JD-VE-CSE (Comp. No.1686463), Dt.31.03.2022 

4) G.O.Ms.No.62, Finance (HR.I-PLG. & POLICY) Department, Dt 03.04.2022. 

5) Govt. Memo No.5702355/General-A1/2022-2, S.E. (Genl.) Dept., dt:03.04.2022.


In the G.O.4th read above, the Finance Department have issued orders approving the provisional allocation of the cadre strength of the Commissioner of School Education in the District Offices amongst the restructured districts.

2. Government hereby order that the persons specified in the Annexure to this order shall, on and from the 4th day of April, 2022, serve provisionally in connection with the affairs of the districts as shown therein, until further orders of the Government.

3. The above orders are issued in relaxation of the ban on transfers imposed in G.O.Ms.No.59, Finance (HR.I-PLG. & POLICY) Department, Dt:04.07.2019.

4. The authorities concerned shall relieve the employees mentioned in the Annexure immediately, with direction to report before the Competent Authority of the District, to which their services are provisionally allotted, so as to enable the Offices to function on and with effect from 04.04.2022. 

5. The Commissioner of School Education, A.P, shall take further necessary action accordingly, in the matter.

New DEOs to AP New 26 Districts

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