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Thursday 10 February 2022

AP SCERT CAREER WEEK Career Day Celebrations in AP High Schools

AP SCERT CAREER WEEK Career Day Celebrations in AP High Schools 

Proc.Rc.No.ESE02/441/2020-SCERT Dated: 09/02/2022

Sub: AP SCERT CAREER WEEK Career Day Celebrations in all Govt./ZP/Mpl High Schools from 14-02-2022 to 19-02-2022 Certain guidelines issued.

Ref:- Instructions of the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, AP.

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Officers and Principals of Govt. DIETs in the state are hereby informed that it is proposed to organize Career Week from 14-02-2022 to 19-02-2022 in all Govt. / ZP / Mpl. High Schools in the State..

Objectives of the Career Week:

1. To increase the students and teachers access for usage of the career portal.
2. To create awareness on career planning and dashboard to teachers.
3. To initiate and deploy a sustained training and coaching programme for Personal Development and Career Readiness for children and adolescents in schools.
4. To enhance the confidence, leadership, and communication skills of students.
5. To improve critical thinking and problem-solving capacities for youth through life skills.
6. To mentor, counsel, and coach the students to harness a positive, growth mindset.
7. To develop effective studying habits for better academic performance in schools.
8. To track career aspirations and aptitude for suitable and appropriate skill development and capacity building programmes post school. 

The day wise activities are suggested at annexure.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, the District Educational Officers and Principals of Govt. DIETs in the state are requested to disseminate these guidelines to all the Headmasters of High Schools under Govt./ ZP / Mpl managements with a request to ensure career week at School Level is organized. Further, All Headmasters may be requested to collect the feedback formats given at the student activity worksheet books supplied by Samagra Shiksha and to send all the collected worksheets to the DIETS concerned to study the impact of the program.

Activities to be taken up during career week









•       Pretest

•       Careers in the family

•       My role models

•       Survey

•       Career portal hands on experience





•       Identify your strengths

•       Use your strengths

•       My interest -Related careers

•       Self- Awareness


•       Job Analysis

•       Career portal hands on experience






•       Holland's career code test

•       Poster Making

•       Visiting an organization

•       Career portal hands on experience





•       Occupational information

•       Educational information

•       Job Card

•       Pic a career


•       One minute talk

•       Career portal hands on experience






•       My future plan

•       Making my mark

•       career day preparation

•       Career portal hands onexperience



















Career day celebration


Morning Session

•       Essay writing

•       Elocution

•       Vocational dress up

•       My career my choice 2 minute video


Evening Session

•       Guest

lecture( interactive

session with students)

•       Student talk

•       Career portal importance

– talk

•       Career talk by teachers

•       Displaying posters, activity books

•       Prize distribution


  • Every day one teacher shall give complete information about less familiar and upcoming career during career week.
  • Conduct Career Guidance Classes in any two periods which are available during the day may be conducted to 9th to 12th Classes students during the career
  • On 19thFeb2022 career day shall be celebrated with parents, Local body representatives, Officials, and other eminent people as
  • Refer Career Guidance Resource Book / Academic Claendar for Career Day Celebration
  • Headmasters may follow the suggested activities and schedule or they may design and perform their own schedule based on the availability of resources. However, the objectives of the career week shall be fulfilled.

Download Proceedings | Download Activities

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