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Thursday 22 July 2021

Usage of IFA PINK tablet for the children - Instructions

Memo.No.41-A&I-2021 Dated:22/07/2021

Sub: School Education- National Health Mission - RBSK - Usage of IFA PINK tablet for the children (6-10 years) - Certain instructions issued - Regarding. 

Ref: Procgs.Rc.No.291/RBSK/NHM/2021, Dated: 30.06.2021 from the Commissioner, HM&FW Dept., GoAP.

The attention of all Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the reference cited and informed that, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and UNICEF have launched the Anemia Mukt Bharat programme to reduce the prevalence of Anemia in all over India. Further, the usage of IFA PINK tablet for the children of age group 6 to 10 years is to be achieved in Anaemia Mukt Bharat and to reduce the deficiency of Iron which is leading to several health problems to the children. 

Therefore, all RJDSES and DEOS are requested to issue instructions to the field level functionaries that, to see every child of age group 6 to 10 years should consume IFA PINK tablet on every Thursday which will be supplied by either ANM or ASHA worker in coordination with the concerned officials in the matter.

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