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Thursday 15 July 2021

SSC Non-Furnishing of FA 1 and FA 2 Marks in CCE portal - Instructions

Rc.No: ESE02/501/2021-IT-CSE 14/07/2021

School Education - SSC Public examinations during the year 2020-21 - Non-Furnishing of FA 1 and FA 2 Marks in CCE portal of certain schools in the state - Instructions issued - Reg.


1. U.O.NoteNo.SPI/SCERT/2021 of Director,SCERT,AP,Dated:23.06.2021
2. Information furnished by APCFSS on 06.07.2021 
3. Instructions of the Director, School Education, AP.

All the District Educational Officers in the state are informed that a provision is made available to enter FA 1 and FA 2 marks in CCE portal with a time frame. It is observed that, certain schools have not entered FA 1 and FA 2 marks pertaining to 10th students in CCE portal, despite repeated reminders.

2. Further, it is informed that this office is in receipt of multiple representations regarding the non-entering of FA 1 and FA 2 marks at field level. To avoid inconvenience to the students and ensure proper enter of the relevant data, a provision will be made available in DEO login to enter pending FA 1 and FA 2 marks pertaining to 10th students in CCE portal as a special case and one time measure. It should be noted that, the marks which were already entered cannot be edited at this stage.

3. As such, all the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to constitute a committee with (3) three members i.e MEO of the respective Mandal and two High School Head Masters of the Mandal to verify the marks and submit the marks to their respective District Educational officer. The Committee has to see whether there are answer papers and if they valuation was done properly and the whether the marks register is maintained properly and then only permit the management/ headmaster to enter the marks. 

4. The District Educational officers in the state in turn arrange to take action to enter the pending marks of the respective students in CCE portal. A Provision will be given to DEOS login to enter pending marks of the respective students, and this exercise shall be completed before 18-07-2021 without fail. However at no cost, editing the marks already posted shall not be entertained.

5. The above instructions should be followed scrupulously and if any deviation found in this regard, the matter will be viewed seriously.

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