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Thursday 15 July 2021

Display of Seniority list of SGTS / School Assistants and equivalent cadres in respective district DEO websites

 Rc.No.13028/9/2021-EST 3 Dated:14/07/2021.

Sub: School Education Certain court cases filed on Seniority Lists - Display of Seniority list of SGTS / School Assistants and equivalent cadres in respective district websites - Certain Instructions - Issued.


All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education/District Educational Officers in the state are informed that it came to the notice of the Director of School Education, A.P. that some of the teachers are being filed court cases on seniority issues.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education/ District Educational Officers in the state are requested to display Seniority lists of SGTS / School Assistants and equivalent cadres in the websites of respective Districts as per the time line given below, to avoid legal complications in the matter

  • i. Display of tentative Seniority Lists: 23-07-2021.
  • ii. Objections if any and redressal: 30-07-2021
  • iii. Final Seniority Lists: 01-08-2021.
Receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged.

Download proceedings | All Districts DEO Websites 

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