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Sunday 1 August 2021

NISHTHA DIKSHA Secondary Level Training Courses Joining Enrolment Links

NISHTHA Secondary Level Training Courses Joining Enrolment Links

NISHTHA 2.0 Training Courses Batch 2 Joining Enrolment New Links click here

SAMAGRA SHIKSHA-SIEMAT NISHTHA SECONDARY LEVEL Teachers' and School Heads of Secondary Schools From class 9th to 12th 12 Generic Courses, 7 Subject specific courses (Any one course has to be selected) 01-08-2021 to 31-12-2021.

NISHTHA Secondary courses in DIKSHA:

  • 1 -Curriculum and Inclusive Education, Generic Course 
  • 2 -Integration of ICT in Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Generic Course 
  • 3 -Developing Personal-Social Qualities for Facilitating Holistic Development of Learners.
  • Enrolment into the course stats from 01-08-2021. 
  • Enrolment into the courses ends on 25-08-2021.
  • Teachers has to complete three courses in one-month i.e., 01-08-2021 to 31-08-2021, prior to enroll into the courses teachers has to ready with installed DIKSHA app in their mobile. 
  • Teachers can select any one of the mediums to complete the course. 
  • After enrolling into course, one has to complete it.
  • మన à°°ాà°·్à°Ÿ్à°°ంà°²ో 9 à°¨ుంà°¡ి 12 తరగతుà°²ు à°­ోà°§ిà°¸్à°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ à°…à°¨్à°¨ి సబ్à°œెà°•్à°Ÿ్ à°² ఉపాà°¦్à°¯ాà°¯ుà°²ు Diksha app à°¡ౌà°¨్à°²ోà°¡్ à°šేà°¸ుà°•ొà°¨ి తమ à°«ోà°¨్ à°¨ెంబర్ à°¤ో à°°ిà°œిà°¸్à°Ÿ్à°°ేà°·à°¨్ à°ªూà°°్à°¤ి à°šేయవలెà°¨ు.
  • à°¨ిà°·్à°Ÿా à°¶ిà°•్షణలో à°®ొదటి 3 à°•ోà°°్à°¸ుà°²్à°²ో à°œాà°¯ిà°¨్ à°…à°—ుà°Ÿà°•ు à°²ింà°•్à°¸్ ఇవ్వబడినవి.
  • à°‡ంà°—్à°²ీà°·్ à°®ీà°¡ిà°¯ం, à°¤ెà°²ుà°—ు à°®ీà°¡ిà°¯ం, ఉర్à°¦ూ à°®ీà°¡ిà°¯ం లలో à°Žà°¦ో à°’à°• à°®ీà°¡ిà°¯ం à°Žంà°šుà°•ుà°¨ి  à°•ోà°°్à°¸్ à°ªూà°°్à°¤ి à°šేà°¯ వచ్à°šు. GSR INFO -
  • 1.8.2021 à°¨ుంà°¡ి 25.8.2021 మధ్à°¯ ఇవ్వబడిà°¨ à°²ింà°•్à°¸్ à°¦్à°µాà°°ా à°•ోà°°్à°¸్ à°²ో à°œాà°¯ిà°¨్ à°•ావలసి à°‰ంà°Ÿుంà°¦ి.
  • à°•ోà°°్à°¸్ à°µ్యవధి 1.8.2021 à°¨ుంà°¡ి 31.8.2021 వరకు
  • à°ª్à°°à°¤ి à°®ంà°—à°³, à°¬ుà°§, à°—ుà°°ు à°µాà°°ాలలో NCERT à°µాà°°ి à°…à°§ిà°•ాà°°ిà°• à°¯ూà°Ÿ్à°¯ూà°¬్ à°šానల్ à°¨ంà°¦ు à°ª్à°°à°¤్యక్à°· à°ª్à°°à°¸ాà°°ం 5pm à°¨ుంà°¡ి 6pm వరకు à°‰ంà°Ÿుంà°¦ి.
NISHTHA 2.0 COURSES 10, 11, 12 Joining Enrolment Links
  • 01.11.2021 à°¨ుంà°¡ి à°ª్à°°ాà°°ంà°­ం à°…à°—ు à°¨ిà°·్à° ా 10, 11, 12 à°•ోà°°్à°¸ెà°¸్ à°²ింà°•్à°¸్
  • 25.11.2021 à°²ోà°ªు à°•ోà°°్à°¸ు à°²ో à°œాà°¯ిà°¨్ à°•ావలెà°¨ు.
  • 31.11.2021 à°²ోà°ªు à°®ాà°¡్à°¯ూà°²్à°¸్ à°ªూà°°్à°¤ి à°šేయవలెà°¨ు.
10, 11, 12 Courses Enrolment Links:

Course 10: à°¸్à°•ూà°²్ à°¬ేà°¸్à°¡్ à°…à°¸ెà°¸్‌à°®ెంà°Ÿ్ School Based Assessment Links↴

Course 11: à°ªాà° à°¶ాà°² à°µిà°¦్యలో పథకాà°²ు Initiatives in School Education Links↴

Course 12: à°¬ొà°®్మల ఆధాà°°ిà°¤ à°¬ోధనా à°¶ాà°¸్à°¤్à°°ం Toy Based Learning Links↴
Telugu Medium|English Medium|Urdu Medium


NISHTHA 2.0 Training Courses Batch 2 Joining Enrolment Links

NISHTHA DIKSHA Secondary Level Training Courses Batch 2 Joining Enrolment Links

Memo. No. SS - 15023/24/2021 - SAMO - SSA dated: 02.12.2021 Rerun the generic NISHTHA Courses to teachers

☛ à°…ందరు à°¹ైà°¸్à°•ూà°²్ ఉపాà°§్à°¯ాà°¯ుà°²ు à°¨ిà°·్à°  2. 0 à°•ోà°°్à°¸్ à°²ు  à°¤à°ª్పని సరిà°—ా à°ªూà°°్à°¤ి à°šేయవలసి ఉన్à°¨ంà°¦ుà°¨ à°œాà°¯ిà°¨్ à°•ాà°¨ి à°µాà°°ి à°•ోà°¸ం Batch 2 à°ª్à°°ాà°°ంà°­ిà°¸్à°¤ూ à°¸ూచనలతో ఉత్తర్à°µుà°²ు.

☛ à°¨ిà°·్à°Ÿ 2.0 à°¬్à°¯ాà°š్ 2 à°²ో 1 à°¨ుంà°¡ి 6 à°®ాà°¡్à°¯ూà°²్à°¸్ మరల à°•ొà°¤్à°¤ à°²ింà°•్à°¸్ à°¤ో à°“à°ªెà°¨్ à°…à°¯్à°¯ాà°¯ి. 

☛ à°œాà°¯ిà°¨్ à°•ావడాà°¨ిà°•ి 25.12.2021 వరకు అవకాà°¶ం à°‰ంà°Ÿుంà°¦ి. ఇదే à°šివరి అవకాà°¶ం.

☛ à°—à°¤ంà°²ో à°ˆ à°®ాà°¡్à°¯ూà°²్à°¸్ à°ªూà°°్à°¤ి à°šేà°¸ినవాà°°ు మళ్à°³ీ à°šేయవలసిà°¨ అవసరం à°²ేà°¦ు.*

☛ à°ªాà°¤ à°²ింà°•్à°¸్ పనిà°šేయవు. à°•్à°°ింà°¦ి à°µెà°¬్ à°ªేà°œీà°²ోà°¨ి à°•ొà°¤్à°¤ à°¬్à°¯ాà°š్ 2 à°²ింà°•్à°¸్ à°¦్à°µాà°°ా à°¸ులభంà°—ా à°šేà°°ంà°¡ి.👇

NISHTHA 2.0 Training English Courses Batch 2 Joining Links↴

Course 1      Course 2       Course 3

Course 4      Course 5       Course 6

Course 7      Course 8       Course 9

Course 10    Course 11     Course 12

NISHTHA 2.0 Training Urdu Courses Batch 2 Joining Links

Course 1      Course 2       Course 3

Course 4      Course 5       Course 6

 Course 7     Course 8        Course 9

Course 10   Course 11    Course 12

NISHTHA 2.0 Training Telugu Courses Batch 2 Joining Links

Course 1      Course 2       Course 3

Course 4      Course 5       Course 6

Course 7      Course 8       Course 9      

Course 10    Course 11    Course 12


NISHTHA 2.0 COURSES 7, 8, 9 Joining Enrolment Links
  • 01.10.2021 à°¨ుంà°¡ి à°ª్à°°ాà°°ంà°­ం à°…à°—ు à°¨ిà°·్à° ా 7, 8, 9 à°•ోà°°్à°¸ెà°¸్ à°²ింà°•్à°¸్
  • 25.10.2021 à°²ోà°ªు à°•ోà°°్à°¸ు à°²ో à°œాà°¯ిà°¨్ à°•ావలెà°¨ు.
  • 31.10.2021 à°²ోà°ªు à°®ాà°¡్à°¯ూà°²్à°¸్ à°ªూà°°్à°¤ి à°šేయవలెà°¨ు.
7, 8, 9 Courses Enrolment Links:

Course 7: à°ªాà° à°¶ాà°² à°ª్à°°à°•్à°°ియలో à°²ింà°—à°­ావనను సమగ్à°° పరచడం Integrating Gender in Schooling Processes Links↴

Course 8:  à°ªాà° à°¶ాà°² à°¨ాయకత్à°µం - à°­ావనలు మరిà°¯ు à°…à°¨ువర్తనాà°²ు School Leadership: Concepts and Applications  Links↴

Course 9: à°µృà°¤ి à°µిà°¦్à°¯ Vocational Education Links↴

English Medium|Telugu Medium|Urdu Medium

1, 2, 3 Courses Enrolment Links:

Course 1: Curriculum and Inclusive Education Links↴

Course 2: Integration of ICT in Teaching, Learning g and Assessment Links↴

Course 3: Developing Personal-Social Qualities for Facilitating Holistic Development of Learners Links↴

NISHTHA 2.0 COURSES 4, 5, 6 Joining Enrolment Links
  • 01.09.2021 à°¨ుంà°¡ి à°ª్à°°ాà°°ంà°­ం à°…à°—ు à°¨ిà°·్à° ా 4, 5, 6  à°•ోà°°్à°¸ెà°¸్ à°²ింà°•్à°¸్
  • 25.09.2021 à°²ోà°ªు à°•ోà°°్à°¸ు à°²ో à°œాà°¯ిà°¨్ à°•ావలెà°¨ు.
  • 30.09.2021 à°²ోà°ªు à°®ాà°¡్à°¯ూà°²్à°¸్ à°ªూà°°్à°¤ి à°šేయవలెà°¨ు.
4, 5, 6 Courses Enrolment Links:

Course 4: à°•à°³ ఆధాà°°ిà°¤ à°…à°­్యసనం Art Integrated Learning Links↴

English Medium|Telugu Medium|Urdu Medium

Course 5:  Understanding Secondary Stage Learners à°®ాà°§్యమిà°• దశలోà°¨ి à°µిà°¦్à°¯ాà°°్à°¥ులను à°…à°°్à°¥ం à°šేà°¸ుà°•ోవడం Links↴

Course 6: Health and well being à°†à°°ోà°—్à°¯ం మరిà°¯ు à°¶్à°°ేయస్à°¸ు Links↴

English Medium|Telugu Medium|Urdu Medium
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