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Monday 5 July 2021

AP PS, UPS School Teachers Clarification on attending schools

Memo.No.151-A&I-2020 Dated:03/07/2021

Sub: School Education COVID-19 pandemic Academic year 2021-22 Preparation of School Preparedness Plan and teaching - learning process for the Academic year 2021-22 - Certain clarifications regarding. 


1) D.O.Lr.No.40-34/2020-DM-I(A), Dated: 19.06.2021 of the Union Home Secretary, Chairman, NEC, Gol, New Delhi, 
2) This office, Dated: 30.06.2021 to the Government.
3) Govt.Memo.No.1441536/Prog.ll/A1/2021, Dated: 30.06.2021 from the School Education (Prog.ll) Dept., GoAP.

The attention of all Regional Joint Directors of School Education, A.P and District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the ref 3rd cited, wherein the Government have issued certain instructions for preparation of School Preparedness Plan and teaching-learning process for the Academic Year 2021 2022. Further, it is hereby clarified on the following instructions as follows

Instructions issued:

From the next day (i.e., 02.07.2021) onwards, all teachers of primary and  upper primary schools shall attend  to school in alternative days.


Primary and Upper Primary Schools shall function daily with at least 50% of staff. Individual teachers may come on alternative days, but school shall function on all working days.

Further, single school teachers shall attend daily (half a day)

However, it is clearly mentioned that, the concerned headmaster appropriate decision based on may take need of works on which day which teacher to attend.

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The above specified guidelines/instructions shall be followed scrupulously.

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