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Tuesday 22 June 2021

Treasury Bills Submission Required Documents / Certificates for claiming all types of bills in treasury

Treasury Bill Submission Required Documents / Certificates  for claiming all types of bills in treasury

DOCUMENTS/CERTIFICATES REQUIRED FOR ALL KINDS OF AP TREASURY BILLS (Note: If required certificates are available in check-list, need not insist for scanned copy in CFMS)

S.No. Nature of Claim Scanned documents required Scanned certificates required
1] a) Regular pay bills/GIA/WC etc., i) Cadre Strength  
    ii) Absentee statement ii) HRA is claimed as per the ceiling limits prescribed
    iii) Outer form  
    iv) Inner Sheet  
    v) Change Statement  
  b) If increments Included i) Increment Sanction proceedings i) Necessary entries have been made in the SR of individual
    ii) Increment Certificate  
  c) If Pay fixation included i) Pay Fixation sanction proceedings i) Necessary entries have been made in the SR of individual
  d) If leave salary included i) Leave Sanction Proceedings i) Necessary entries have been made in the SR of individual
  e) If Temporary posts included i) Continuation orders  
  f) In respect of February payable in March   Certified that the APEWF contribution has been recovered from all employees
      Certified that necessary Income Tax has been recovered from all employees.
  g) In respect of March payable in April   Certified that the service verification as on 31st March has been made in SRs of all employees
  h) In respect of April payable in May - Certified that the Permanent Advance Acknowledgment has been sent to AG AP Hyd.
  i) In respect of May payable in June    
  j) If included transferred employees i) Transfer proceedings i) Necessary entries have been made in the SR of the individual
    ii) LPC duly noting the date of Joining  
  k) In respect of December payable in January   Certified that the flag fund has been recovered from all employees
  l) If bill included AAS i) AAS appointment orders ii) Certified that no eligible senior is overlooked while appointment to AAS

    ii) Pay fixation proceedings  
    iii) calculation sheet  
2] First appointment bill i) Allotment Orders i) Certified that the physical fitness certificate is obtained
    ii) Appointment orders ii) Appointment was made in accordance with the sec.4 of Act 2 of 1994
    iii) Joining report  
    iv) calculation sheet  
3] Subsistence allowance i) Suspension order  
    ii) Suspension Review Orders i) Certified that the nonemployment certificate is obtained as per FR & retained
    iii) calculation sheet  
4] Increment Bill i) Increment Sanction Order  
    ii) Increment Certificate i) SR entry certificate
    iii) calculation sheet  
5] Funeral Charges (employee) i) Sanction Order  
    ii) Death intimation  
6] Arrear claims i) Sanction Order  
    ii) Due and drawn particulars i) Certified that the claim is verified w.r.t. the corroborated records available in office
    iii) Indemnity bond ii) SR entry certificate
    iv) Revised Pay fixation statements iii) Certified that the delay on administrative reasons only
    v) calculation sheet  
    vi) Administrative sanction is required in respect of Municipal claims which are prior to 01-04-2009  
7] Automatic Advancement Scheme bill i) Sanction Order  
    ii) Pay fixation statement i) SR entry certificate
    iii) calculation sheet ii) Certified that no eligible senior is overlooked(in respect of 12/24)
8) Stepping up of pay claim and preponment claims i) Sanction Order  
    ii) Comparative Statement ii) SR entry certificate
    iii) Approved Seniority list  
    iv) SRs of both Junior and Senior  
    v) Due and Drawn particulars  
9) FAC Additional Charge Arrangements i) FAC arrangements order copy  
    ii) FAC allowances sanction order copy i) Certified that there are no persons in approved panel awaiting for promotion.
    iii) calculation sheet  
10) Education Reimbursement i) Sanction order  
    ii) Original receipts i) Certified that the spouse is not a Government employee
    iii) Proforma containing the School Reorganization order ii) Certified that the spouse is not Gaz Servant
    iv) If spouse is a Government employee, obtain non-drawl from the employer iii) Certified that the Children have been promoted to the next higher class
      iv) Certified that the employee is having only 2 living children.
11) Travelling Allowance (TA Bill) i) Inner sheet duly counter singed by the Controlling Officer  
    ii) Original Lodge Receipts duly appending pass order by the DDO i) Certified that the claim was preferred by the claimant in time.
      ii) Certified that no TA advance is pending for ecovery
      iv) Certified that the individual has not provided free lodging and boarding
      v) Certified that the individual has not provided with Govt. conveyance
      vi) Certified that I have satisfied myself about the necessity, frequency and duration of journeys and halts claimed.
      vii) Certified that the vehicle is in the name of Government employee(In r/o mileage allowance claimed)
12) Transfer TA (TTA) i) Transfer order i) Non-drawl certificate
    ii) Inner sheet ii) Certified that I have satisfied myself about the distance and rates claimed in this bill
    iii) Original receipts/tickets iii) Certified that the claim is preferred within the time
13) Fixed Travelling Allowance (FTA) i) Inner Sheet i) Non-drawl certificate
      ii) Certified that I have obtained the tour journals and satisfied myself that the FTA was drawn and paid for previous month
      iii) Certified the requisite tour details and journals were retained for audit purpose.
14) Leave Travel Concession(LTC) i) Sanction Order i) Non-drawl certificate
    ii) Inner Sheet countersigned by the controlling officer ii) Certified that the spouse is not a Government employee
    ii) Original Tickets duly appending pass order by the DDO-Paid by me by the individual iii) SR entries
      iv) Certified that I have verified the claim and fully satisfied
    iii) Non-drawl certificate in respect of spouse Government employee v) Certified that the claim is preferred within the time limit.
      vi) Certified that the Government employee has completed 5 years of service
15) GPF Temporary Advance i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl Certificate
    ii) Appendix-I  
    iii) GPF latest slip  
    iv) Calculation sheet  
16) GPF Part final withdrawl i) Appendix O i) Non drawl Certificate
    ii) GPF latest slip ii) SR entry Certificate
    iii) Calculation sheet iii) Certified that this is first part final with drawl during current FY year
17) GPF final with drawl i) Final with drawl authorization issued by the AG/DD i) Non drawl Certificate
18) Leave salary i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl Certificate
    ii) calculation sheet ii) SR entry Certificate
      iii) Certified that the individual has not undertaking any employment during the period of leave
      iv) Certified that the individual is having less than 2 children(in respect of maternity leave/ Paternity leave/Abortion leave/Child care leave)
      v) Certified that the conditions imposed in SR 4, under FR 44 are fulfilled in r/o HRA & CCA.
19) Surrender Leave I) Sanction Order i) Non drawl Certificate
    ii) Extract of SR copy ii) SR entry certificates
      iii) Certified that the individual has not availed this concession during the financial year
20) Medical Reimbursement i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl Certificate
    ii) Scrutiny Certificate ii) Certified that the Spouse / Parents are not Government employees/ Pensioners.
    iii) Emergency, Essentiality, Discharge Summary iii) SR entry Certificates
    iv) Original receipts duly appending pay order with attestation of DDO, Authenticated by the RMO and paid by me by the individual. iv) Certified that the claim is received within the time limit
    v) Hospital Recognition Order v) Certified that the parents of the claimant have no property or Income of their own and they are wholly dependent on the claimant (Rule 7(b)(ii)of AP IMA Rules.
    vi) Non drawl Certificate in case of Spouse is a Government employee. vi) Certified that this is a 1/2/3 spell in r/o dental claims.
    vii) Appendix II  
    viii) Declaration of dependency duly attested by the Gazetted Officer.  
    ix) Justification certificate from the specialist doctor in r/o 2nd and 3rd spells of same treatment.  
21) Festival Advance Sanction Order I) Non drawl Certificate
      ii) Certified that no previous advance is outstanding
22) Education Advance i) Sanction Order I) Non drawl Certificate
    ii) Non drawl certificate in r/o spouse is Government employee ii) Certified that no previous advance is outstanding
      iii) Certified that the spouse is not a Government employee
      iv) Certified that the Government employee having 2 living children only
23) House Building Advance i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl certificate
    ii) Non drawl certificate if spouse is Govt. employee ii) SR entries
      iii) Utilization certificate for 2nd and subsequent installments
      iv) Certified that the Govt. employee is completed 8 years of service
24) Vehicle Loans & Personal Computer Loans i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl certificate
    ii) Invoice of the Dealer ii) SR entries
25) Marriage Advance Sanction Order i) Non drawl certificate
      ii) SR entries
      iii) Certified that the individual completed 5 years of service.
26) Contingent Bills- i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl certificate
  a) Telephone bills ii) Demand issued by the BSNL authorities ii) All Telephone calls are official.
  b) Cell Phone Charges i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl Certificate all calls are official purpose
    ii) Demand issued by the Agency Concerned. ii) Certified that the claim is limited to the ceiling limit prescribed by the Government.
  c) Electricity Charges i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl certificate
    ii) Demand issued by the APEPDCL.  
  d) Hiring of Vehicle bills i) Agreement copy i) Non drawl certificate
    ii)RC book ii) Certified that the vehicle procured on hired basis and the procedure laid down in Art.125 of APFC Vol.I was followed.
    iii) Insurance Policy iii) Certified that the vehicle is under Taxi quota
    iv) Fitness Certificate iv) Certified that the vehicle is solely used for official purpose.
    v) Pollution Certificate  
    vi) Administrative sanction order with Finance concurrence.  
    vii) Advance stamped Receipt from the owner of the vehicle – pass order by the DDO  
    viii) Driving License  
    i) Sanction order  
    ii) Original Receipt  
    iii) copy of log book  
  e) POL i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl certificate
    ii) Receipts from the owner ii) Certified that the vehicle is used for official purpose only
    iii) Rent fixation order in r/o enhancement and fresh cases. iii) Certified that the ceiling limit prescribed by the Government was not exceeded
    IV) Agreement copy from the owner  
  f) RRT i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl certificate.
    ii) Administrative Sanction order if necessary ii) Certified that the rented building is insured
    iii) Original vouchers duly noting the sub voucher Number, appending pass order by the DDO, stock received in good condition and entered in the stock entry register at page No.___ iii) Certified that no portion of the building is let out or used for Residential purpose.
    iv) Advance stamped receipt from the vendor duly appending pass order by the DDO  
  g) 230 Diet Charges All reports generated from e-Hostel package duly signed by the DDO wherever required i) Non drawl certificate
    i) Sanction Order  
  h) Scholarships All reports generated from scholarships package duly signed by the DDO wherever required i) Non drawl certificate
    i) Sanction Order  
    ii) Scholl Attendance  
  i) Cosmetic Charges i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl certificate
    ii) School Attendance  
  j) Other office Expenditure i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl certificate
      ii) Certified that the stock has been received in good condition and entered at page No.__ in the stock register.
      iii) Certified that the tender system has been followed as per Art.125 of APFC Vol.I
  k) Service Postage i) Sanction Order Non drawl certificate
27) Tour Advance(TA) i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl certificate
      ii) Certified that no previous advance is outstanding for recovery
28) Travelling Advance (TTA) i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl certificate
    ii) Transfer order  
29) Pay Advance i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl certificate
    ii) Transfer order  
30) 300 OCS bill i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl certificate
    ii) Continuation order with Finance concurrence ii) Certified that EHS, PF etc are remitted to respective Government Account
    iii) Receipt of outsourcing Agency  
    iv) Agreement copy  
31) 020/021 Daily Wages i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl certificate
32) 020/022 Wages i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl certificate
    ii) List of employees  
33) First payment of pension i) AG /LF authorization i)Non-drawl certificate
    ii) Non-drawl certificate regarding anticipatory pension and anticipatory gratuity.  
    iii) Calculation Sheet  
34) Pensions-CVP i CVP order issued by the AG/LF i) Non-drawl certificate
35) Pensions-DCRG i) DCRG authorization issued by the AG/LF i) Non-drawl certificate
36) Pensioners death relief i) Sanction Order i) Non-drawl certificate
    ii) Death intimation/ death extract  
37) PensionsLTA i) Sanction Order i) Non-drawl certificate
    ii) Calculation Sheet  
    iii) Death extract  
    iv) Family Members certificate  
    v) Notary if necessary  
38) Pensions-Additional Quantum i) Sanction Order i) Non-drawl certificate
    ii) Age Proof  
    iii) Calculation sheet  
39) Pensions Revisions i) Revision order issued by the AG/LF i) Non-drawl certificate
    ii) Calculation Sheet  
40) AC Bills i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl certificate
    ii) Beneficiary list ii) Certified that____Number of DC bills pending for submission.
41) Mid day meals i) Sanction Order Non drawl Certificate
    ii) School Attendance  
    iii) Advance stamped Receipt  
42) Payments to Home Guards /Anganwadi workers/Anganwadi Helpers i) Sanction Order Non drawl certificate
    ii) List of beneficiaries  
43) Pleader Fee i) Sanction Order Non drawl certificate
    ii) Receipt issued by the PP duly appending pass order by the DDO  
44) Advertisement and Publicity i) Sanction Order Non drawl certificate
    ii) Original receipt  
    iii) copy of the advertisement  
45) Over Time Allowance(OT) i) Sanction Order Non drawl certificate
    ii) Details of remittances  
46) Repairs to the Motor Vehicles i) Sanction Order Non drawl certificate
    ii) Certification given by the Transport Authority  
    iii) Original bill  
47) EEL at the time of Retirement i) Sanction Order i) Non drawl certificate
    ii) Leave Extract from SR ii) SR entries
    iii) Retirement order copy  
    iv) Calculation sheet  
48 GIS i) Sanction Order Non drawl Certificate
    ii) Calculation sheet  
    iii) Annexure-C  
    iv) Retirement order copy  
49 Refund Bills i) sanction order Non drawl certificate
    ii) original challan  
50 GSTN Refunds i) GST Refund order 04 or refund order 06 Non drawl certificate
    ii) Refund order 05-payment advice  
51 Permanent Advance -First time or at the time of enhancement i) Orders issued by the Govt. with Finance concurrence Non drawl
    ii) sanction order Certificate
52 a) PD Cheques – salaries i) list of employees with emoluments Non drawl certificate
  b) PD Cheques – Contractor cheques i) details of work Non drawl
    ii) Resolution of the general body Certificate
    iii) certificates  
    iv) copy of M Book  

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