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Saturday 12 June 2021

Enhancement of Remuneration for Telangana Contracting and Outsourcing Employees

Contracting and Outsourcing of certain services in Telangana Government Departments - Enhancement of Remuneration - Orders - Issued G.O.Ms.No.60 Dated:11-06-2021 Download

Read the following: -
1. G.O.Rt.No.4271, Finance (SMPC) Department, dated: 1.11.2008
2. G.O.Ms.No.14, Finance (HRM.I) Department, dated: 19.2.2016.

O R D E R:
Government have been contracting/outsourcing certain services to cater to the needs of Departments/organization/undertakings. The Government vide reference 2nd read above issued orders fixing the remuneration for Contract/outsourcing services.

Government after reviewing the present monthly remuneration prescribed for contract/outsourced services, hereby order for enhancement of the monthly remuneration fixed in the Government order issued vide reference 2nd read above by 30%, i.e., to Rs.15,600/-, Rs.19,500/- and Rs.22,750/- for the categories I, II & III respectively, for all types of services engaged on contract/outsourcing basis, from
the month of June, 2021, payable in July, 2021.

This order shall be applicable for all categories of services engaged on contract/outsourcing basis in terms of the orders issued vide reference 1st read above and continuing with Government orders from time to time.

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