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Friday 25 December 2020

Jagananna Vidya Deevena, Vasathi Deevena are not applicable to PG Students of Private Aided and Private Unaided Degree/PG Colleges

Post Metric Scholarships - Implementation  of Schemes Jagananna Vidya Deevena (RTF) and Jagananna Vasathi Deevena (MTF) -Confinement of the scheme  in  case  of PG  courses  to  the  students  admitted  under Convener  quota offered by  the State funded  Universities  and  Government Degree/PG Colleges - Orders - Issued.

G.O.MS.No. 77  Dated: 25-12-2020. 

Read the  following :- 

1.  G.O.Ms.No.66,  Social  Welfare  (SW-EDn.2)  Department,  Dt.08-09-2010. 

2.  G.O.Ms.No.115,  Social  Welfare  (Edn)  Department,  Dt.30-11-2019. 


In the reference 2nd  read  above, Government have formulated two new schemes  viz.  (i) “Jagananna Vidya Deevena (RTF)”and (ii)  “Jagananna  Vasathi Deevena (MTF)”. 

After careful  consideration and in partial  modification of G.Os  under reference 1st  and 2nd  read above,  the Government hereby  orders  that in case  of Post  Graduation courses,  the (i) “Jagananna Vidya Deevena (RTF)”  and  (ii)  “Jagananna  Vasathi Deevena  (MTF)”  schemes  shall  be  applicable  only  to  the  students  admitted  under Convener  quota  in  the  Post  Graduate  programs/Courses  offered  by  the  State  funded Universities  and Government  Degree/PG Colleges  in the State of Andhra  Pradesh from 2020-21.  

The Schemes  under para  (2) above  are  not  applicable  in  case  of  Post  Graduate programs/courses  to  the students  admitted  under convener  quota, either regular  or self-finance  mode,  in  the  Private Aided  and  Private Unaided Degree/PG Colleges  from the  academic  year  2020-21 fresh  admissions. 

The  CEO  of  APCFSS  is  directed  to  make  necessary  modifications  in  the  software accordingly.  

The  Director  of  Social  Welfare,  A.P. shall  take  necessary  action  accordingly. 

Download G.O.MS.No. 77  Dated: 25-12-2020

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