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Monday 28 December 2020

Jagananna Ammavodi 2020-21 Information regarding Intellectual Disabilities who are attending the Special schools established and developed registered voluntary service organization

Progs. Rc. No.ESE02-28021/27/2020-PLG - CSE  Dt:  27/12/2020 School Education -Planning - NAVARATNALU - Jagananna Ammavodi  Programme  2020-21- Information regarding  Intellectual Disabilities who are attending  the  Special schools established and developed registered voluntary service  organization - Information called for  –  Regarding. 


1.Thi  office Progs.  Rc.  No.  ESE02-28021/27/2020-PLG  -CS  , dated  09.12.2020.

2.  From the  President,  Sirisha  Rehabilitation  Centre,  Vuyyuru,  Krishna  Letter  dated  19.09.2019  received  through  CMO, Lr.No.12779/CMO/2020/2019. 

In  the  reference  2nd  cited,  the  President  of  the  Sirisha  Rehabilitation Centre,  Vuyyuru,  Krishna  Distirct  has  requested  to    consider  their  children  to  get the  financial  benefit  of  Jagananna  Ammavodi  Scheme.  Further,  there  are  130 children   with  Intellectual  Disabilities  who  are  attending  the  Special  schools established  and  developed  by  them,  which  is  a  registered  voluntary  service organization. 

Keeping  in  view  of  children  with  the  provisions  made  under  various Disability   Acts [United   Nations   Convention   on   the   Rights  of  Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD  2006)  and  Rights  of  Persons  with  Disabilities (RPWD) Act 2016] and Right to Education (RTE) ,all the Regional Joint Directors and District Educational Officers in the State are requested to submit the information regarding number of institutions for  Intellectual Disabilities and who are attending the Special schools established and developed by registered voluntary service organization in the Districts along with the child details immediately before 5 day/days i.e., on or before 31.03.2020 on war foot basis in the prescribed proforma for onward submission to the Government. 

The District Educational Officers/Regional Joint Directors are requested topay personal attention on this work and close monitor the item work. 

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