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Monday 16 November 2020

Payment of salaries to the School Assistants appointed under IEDSS 2018 in Special DSC - Instructions

APSS - IEDSS - Payment of salaries to the School Assistants appointed under IEDSS 2018 in Special DSC - Instructions issued - Reg Rc.No. ESEO2-32023/9/2020-ACCOUNTS-CSE Dt. 15/11/2020 


1. G.O.MS No-341 dated 21-12-2012 of the Finance (SMPC-I) Department, GOAP
2. G.O.Ms.No.39, dated on Dated:07-04-2015 3. GO.Ms.No.65 School Education (Service. II) Department, Dt.28.09.2018.


The attention of all the District Educational Officers and Ex-Officio District Project Coordinators in the State is invited to the references cited and are instructed to take necessary action to pay the salaries to the School Assistants Special Education) from the following Head of Account.

"2202 - General Education, 01-Elementary Education,
800 - Other Expenditure
10 - Centrally Sponsored Schemes SH (15) - IEDC
010 - Salaries".

Further they are instructed to coordinate with the Treasury authorities to release the salaries immediately without any delay.

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