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Thursday 22 October 2020

AP IIIT RGUKT Admission Test 2020 Notification, Schedule, Fee, Syllabus, Model Paper, Online Application

AP IIIT RGUKT Nuzvid, RK Valley, Ongole, Srikakulam Admissions 2020-21, Notification, Schedule, Online Application.

RGUKT-IIIT Nuzivid, RK Valley / Idupulapaya, Ongole, Srikakulam Undergraduate Admissions 2020 - 21 / 6 Year integrated  B.Tech programme Notification and Application / 6 - Year Integrated B.Tech Programme Notification for Admissions - 2019-20 of IIIT Nuzvid, IIIT RK Valley, IIIT Ongole and IIIT Srikakulam Detailed Notification / Link to apply online.

  • The Test will be conducted on 28-11-2020 from 11.00 A.M. to 01.00 P.M.
  • The Entrance test is conducted as paper based with OMR answer sheet for a duration of two hours and the question paper consists of total 100 questions comprising of 50 questions in Mathematics, 25 questions in Physical Sciences and 25 questions in Biological Sciences with each question carrying one mark.
  • All questions are of objective type (multiple choice) only and each question carries onemark. The syllabus of 10th Class of Board of Secondary Education, AP in Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences is prescribed as given in page number-8. The model question paper is available in There is no negative mark.

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  • O.C à°…à°­్యర్à°¥ుà°²ు: à°°ూ. 300
  • B.C à°…à°­్యర్à°¥ుà°²ు: à°°ూ. 200/
  • SC, ST à°…à°­్యర్à°¥ుà°²ు: à°°ూ. 100/

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