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Monday 24 August 2020

Maintaining of different MDM Stock Registers at School Level Instructions, List of MDM Stock Registers

No.ESE02-27023/1/2020-MDM-CSE Dated:24/08/2020 - School Education - Jagananna Gorumudda (MDM) Scheme - Maintaining of different Registers at School Level under Mid Day Meal Scheme - Registers Communicated - Regarding 


1) Review Meeting by the Hon'ble Chief Minister, A.P on 22.07.2020.
2) Review Meeting by the Hon'ble Minister for Education, A.P on 10.08.2020.

The Government of Andhra Pradesh is giving the top priority in providing quality Education to all the students of the State. Providing quality Mid Day Meal to the students is important integral part of the quality of Education. In this regard, the "JAGANANNA GORUMUDDA" Scheme with revised Menu is on implementation and the State Government is focusing on the aspects of transparency, quality, accountability and timely delivery of the meals to the students.

In this regard, we are herewith communicating the different registers like Stock Register, Register for Sanitary Workers, Donor Register, Ammavodi Donation Register, Dry Ration Registers etc. to all the DEOS/MEOS/Headmasters to keep and maintain the all records and registers properly.

Therefore, the Regional Joint Directors of School Education/District Educational Officers are requested to issue instructions to the field level functionaries for proper maintenance of registers without fail.

Download Proceedings
Download MDM Stock Registers

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