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Thursday 27 June 2019

Extension of Five-Day week to the employees of A.P.Secretariat,Heads of Department,Corporations and other Government Organizationsfor a further period of one year with effect from 27.06.2019 G.O.s.No.71


G.O.MS.No. 71                        Dated: 27-06-2019                        
Read the following:- 
 1. G.O.Ms.No.125, GA (GPM&AR) Dept., dated 23.05.2016. 
2. G.O.Ms.No.142, GA (GPM&AR) Dept., dated 27.06.2016. 
3. G.O.Ms.No.64, GA (SB) Dept., dated 24.05.2017. 4. G.O.Ms.No.86, GA (OM-II) Dept., dated 19.06.2018. 
5. Representation, dated:28.05.2019 of Sri Muralikrishna, President, APSA. 
6. Representation, dated:31.05.2019 of Sri Bopparaju Venkateswarlu, Chairman, APJAC Amaravati. 

     In the reference 5th read above, the President Andhra Pradesh Secretariat Association among others has stated that many of the employees have not shifted their families in view of studies of their children in professional courses / occupations at Hyderabad.  He has further stated that transport and accommodation facilities have not been properly developed in the new capital area. He has, therefore, requested to extend the facility of Five-day week administration.  The Chairman, AP JAC, Amaravati for the reasons mentioned in his representation 6th read above, has also requested for extension of Five-Day week administration.  
2.     After careful consideration of the representations of 5th and 6th read above, and in continuation of the orders issued in the G.Os 1st to 4th read above, Government hereby extend the facility of Five-day week to the employees of A.P. Secretariat, Heads of Department, Corporations and other Government Organizations functioning in the Amaravati Capital Region Area with the working hours from 10.00 AM to 05.30 PM for a further period of one year with effect from 27.06.2019.  3.   All the Departments of Secretariat, all the Heads of Department and other Government Organizations having this facility shall take necessary action accordingly. 

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