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Friday 28 June 2019

CCE Examination Reforms - Cancellation of Internal Marks for 10th Class / Class X, Preparation of SA 1, SA 2 Papers G.O.Ms.No. 41 Dated:28.06.2019

School Education Department – Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation pattern of examination system – Implementation of Examination Reforms – Amendment - Orders -Issued.


G.O.Ms.No.  41                                                                                     Dated:28.06.2019

Read the following:-

G.O.Ms. No.17, School Education (PE.Prog.II) Dept. Dt:14.05.2014
G.O.Ms. No.29, School Education (Prog.II) Dept. Dt:23.09.2014
G.O.Ms. No.82, School Education (Prog.II) Dept. Dt. 29.10.2015
G.O.Ms. No.41, School Education (Prog.II) Dept. Dt:07.06.2016
G.O. Ms. No.80, School Education (Prog.II) Dept. Dt. 25.10.2017
From the Commissioner of School Education, A.P., Amaravati,
Lr. Rc. No.105/B/SCERT/2017, Dt.:04.10.2017
G.O.Rt.No.135, School Education (EXAMS) Dept. Dt. 15.06.2018
From the Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Lr.Rc.No.201/B/ SCERT/2018, Dt. 14.06.2018 and 24.07.2018
G.O.Ms. No.62, School Education (Prog.II) Dept. Dt. 18.09.2018
From the Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Lr.Rc.No.2/B/AC/  
AC/2018, Dt. 17.05.2019.
O R D E R:
In the G.O. 3rd read above, Government have issued orders for implementation of examination reforms i.e. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation pattern of examination system for classes VI to IX from the academic year 2015-16 and for Class X from the academic year 2016-17 in fullest extent in all schools in the State i.e. Government, local bodies, aided and private recognized schools.

2.         In the G.O. 4th read above, certain amendments have been made to G.O. 3rd read above viz.. for replacement of certain existing papers and minimum pass marks for the external exams and internal exams, assigning grading for Curricular Subjects, assigning grading for Co-curricular areas/subjects, for incorporation of OSSC Main Language subjects, discontinuation of certain papers from SSC Public examination from March 2017 onwards and also prescribing minimum pass marks for deaf, dumb and blind students as per G.O. Ms.No.33, Education (Exams) Department, dated 19.03.2001.
3.         In the G.O. 5th read above, orders have been issued to conduct 2 Summative Assessments in a year (SA 1 in the 1st week/2nd week of November and SA 2 in the month of March/April)  and SA 2 of class X will be the Pre-Final and will be conducted in the month of March. For class X, the Public Examination will be conducted by Board of Secondary Education. From 2017-18 onwards, SA 1 of classes VIII and IX shall be conducted as an objective type assessment with OMR enabled Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) covering respective academic standards. This shall be extended to Classes VI and VII also from academic year 2018-19 and also calculation of 100 marks i.e. 80% from Summative Assessment which is final exam and 20% marks from 4 Formative Assessments and Summative Assessment-1 (4 Formative Assessments (50x4=200), Summative Assessment-1(80x1=80) = 280). In the G.O. 9th read above, certain amendments have been made to G.O. 5th read above viz.. for class X, the calculation of 20% internal marks would be from 4 Formative Assessments (50x4=200) i.e. for 10% marks and Summative Assessment-1  (80 x 1 = 80 marks ) for 10% marks.  
4.         In the G.O. 7th read above, Government have constituted a 3 member Committee to make a detailed study and analyze on trend of SSC Results-2018 particularly huge number of 10/10 GPAs and pass percentage and submits its report.
5.         In the reference 10th read above, the Commissioner of School Education, A.P.  has stated that 3 member Committee  has submitted its report recommending to drop weightage for internal marks for class-X as it was resulting in abnormal hike in 10/10 GPA points for students studying in private schools and hence, the Commissioner of School Education, A.P. has  proposed certain amendments to the G.O. 9th read above i.e. removal of  20% wightage of internal marks in Class-X, Centralized setting of Question Papers by Assessment Cell of SCERT, decentralized printing and supply of question papers through DCEBs for Summative Assessment-1 and Pre-final examinations for class X. The Commissioner of School Education, A.P. has further stated that no additional budget required for implementing the Centralised pattern of setting, printing and distribution of Summative Assessment Question Papers.

6.         Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby issue following amendments in partial modification of the orders issued in para 1 of the G.O. Ms No.80, School Education (Prog.II) Department, dated 25.10.2017 read with G.O. Ms.No. 62, School Education (Prog.II) Dept. Dt:18.09.2018 :- 


            In para 1, Summative Assessment Procedure, the following shall be read as against existing provision:-

Read as
Finally, student is awarded 100 marks. This includes 80% from Summative Assessment 2 which is final exam and 20% internal marks.

The calculation of 20% internal marks from 4 Formative Assessments (50x4=200) and Summative Assessment 1 (80 x 1 = 80) shall be done for total 280 marks from classes VI to IX.

For class X, the calculation of 20% internal marks would be from 4 Formative Assessments (50x4=200) i.e. for 10% marks and Summative Assessment-1  (80 x 1 = 80 marks ) for 10% marks.  
Finally, student is awarded 100 marks. This includes 80% from Summative Assessment 2 which is final exam and 20% internal marks.

The calculation of 20% internal marks from 4 Formative Assessments (50x4=200) and Summative Assessment 1 (80 x 1 = 80) shall be done for total 280 marks from classes VI to IX.       

There will be no weightage for Internal Marks for Class X.  Summative Assessment -1, Pre-Final Examinations, SSC Board Examinations will be conducted for 100 marks duly following the existing 11 paper system.

First Language, Third Language & Non-Language subjects contain two papers and each paper will be conducted for 50 marks. Second Language paper will be conducted for 100 marks.

For Composite Course, Paper -1 is for 70 marks and Paper-2 is for 30 marks.

However, four Formative Assessments will be conducted for 50 marks for Class-X.

2.         Under para 3, Role and Responsibilities of RJDs of School Education and District Educational Officers, the following shall be added at the end namely: -

The Commissioner of School Education, A.P. should constitute 3 member committees at Division, District and State Levels to randomly verify the Internal marks of Class X students certified by the mandal level 3 member committee constituted as per the orders issued in G.O. Ms No.80, School Education (Prog.II) Department, dated 25.10.2017.
Role of DGE:-  DGE is held responsible for printing and supply of S.A-1 question papers for class X duly maintaining confidentiality by following public examination procedure.
Role of Director, SCERT:-
Director, SCERT should prepare S.A-1 and S.A.-2/Pre-final question papers for class X duly maintaining confidentiality and submit hand written scripts to DGE for printing and supply.

Role of DEOs:- DEO is held responsible for smooth conduct of S.A-1 and S.A-2 from classes VI to X in their respective district.



Role of Director, SCERT:-

a. Director, SCERT should centrally prepare S.A-1 and S.A.-2/Pre-final question papers for classes VI-X duly maintaining confidentiality and provide duly encrypted, password-protected soft copies of Question Papers to DCEBs for printing and supply to the Schools. 

b. Director, SCERT is held responsible to prepare Blue Print, weightage, Question Bank for classes VI-IX, Model Question Papers for class-X in pattern of examination system, Model Principles of Valuation.

Role of DCEB: Under the chairmanship of District Educational officer, the DCEB has to print and supply of Question Papers for classes I to X duly maintaining confidentiality. Question papers for classes I to V will be developed by DCEB from the Question Bank to be provided by SCERT for each class.

Role of DEOs:- DEO is held responsible for smooth conduct of S.A-1 and S.A-2 from classes VI to X in their respective district.

7.         The Commissioner of school Education, A.P., the Director, SCERT, A.P. and the Director of Government Examinations, A.P. shall take further action in the matter accordingly. 


                           B. RAJSEKHAR
                                 PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT 

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