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Tuesday 23 April 2019

Mana Vooru Mana Badi 2019 Schedule, Guidelines, Admit Cards Rc.No.150


Sub:-School Education -MANA VOORU -MANA BADI Campaign Completing the School Admissions for the academic year 2019 -20 from 23-4-2019 to 30-4-2019 -Instructions issued -Reg.
Read:-RTE Act No. 35 of 2009
All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are informed that under Right to Education (RTE) Act 2009~Right to Education is accorded the same legal status as the Right hs7iife a provided by Article 21 (a) of Indian Constitution. Every child in age group of 6 to 14 years shall be provided up to 8 years of Elementary Education on admission to an age appropriate class in the vicinity of his her neighbourhood.
It is further informed that there is a declining trend in Government schools' enrolment over the years. This is resulting in closing of zero enrolment schools, merging/ consolidation of non-viable schools with neighbouring schools during the rationalization process. Multi-grade teaching becomes inevitable when the enrolment does not justify allocation of full complement of teachers. Further, continuous efforts to identify Out of School Children (OoSC) needs to be made to ensure that all children are enrolled in schools.
In the above context, it is proposed to take up a special campaign "Mana Vooru -Mana Badi" to complete the Admissions for academic year 2019-20 in all Government/Mandal Parishad jZilla Parishad Schools from 23rd April to 30th April 2019.

School Level Activity

Details of 5 years completed children should be obtained from the local AWCs and other centres. Similarly details of the students completing 5th class in the Primary Schools and in the catchment area should be obtained. A meeting should be held with the AWWs and the parents of the children completing ~aIof age. They should be made aware of the benefits of joining~hchildren in the Govt. Schools. They must be assured that good quality education will be provided to their wards.
The Headmasters should be available from 9.00 am. to 6.00 p.m. along with one teacher for enrolling the students and reporting daily to higher authorities and uploading the details. The details of admissions made should be entered in the Admissions Register. An admission card is to be issued to all the students getting admitted to the next class clearly indicating the class in which she/he shall be admitted in the next academic year 2019-20. HM should submit a report to the MEO on the admissions made in his/ her respective school. All students successfully completing V Class in a Primary School
should be admitted to the Upper Primary or High School by requirecoordination between the UP/High School HM and the PrimarSchool HM/TeacherThe teacher should identify the catchment area around the schoovicinity and ensure that maximum number of children is enrolled ithe SchoolWhile making efforts for such enrolment, the HM/Teacher shoulenlist the support of School Management Committee Membersteachers and Head Masters of schools in the catchment area, NGOsif any, working in the area, etc.
After a thorough survey in the locality children studying iGovernment schools, children studying in Private schools, Drop
out/Out of School children should be identified and all efforts made to admit them to the next class for the academic year 2019 -20. The Chairman and Convener should arrange for door to door campaign in the early hours of the day / evening hours with all stake holders at school level. Banners, Placards should be used for the door to door campaign highlighting the benefits provided by the Government to the school age children. The Head Master should display the details of the children to be enrolled as entered in the register. He/She also should discuss with all stake holders the plan and procedure to admit the children in Government School. Post card campaign: Letters shall be drafted to the parents whose children are studying at private schools by the students by conveying the message about the effective academic activities of the school and inviting t1l~to admit their children in the school. All the teachers ar;;J requ~steto participate in the campaign without deviating examination schedule for better enrolment in their respective school. With all efforts in the campaign all are requested to ensure that the transition rate should be 100%
Schedule of Activities:
S1. No.ActivityDateTimings
1.1. Conduct the preparatory meeting In the School with SMC/ SMDC members, Anganwadi workers and aoo other stakeholders with teachers of the school concerned and prepare an action plan for smooth conduct of MANA VOORU MANA BADI Programme. 2. Disseminate the benefits and schemes provided to the students by the Govt.23-4-20199.00 AM TO 11.00 AM
2.Survey identification of children from each category to be admitted into Government Schools during the campaign:
• From AWCs
• From Class V in Primary School to Class VI in UP/High School • Children in Slum areas who are not
24-4-2019 TO 27.04.20199.00 A.M. TO 11.00 A.M.
enrolled in schools.
• Out of school children
• Children from Private Schools for joining in Government Schools
3.Conduct of door to door campaign along with all stake holders for enrolling the targeted children and also motivating the parents of the children • Focus on Anganwadis 24thApril • Focus on V class completed children and to be admitted in VI Class 25th April • Focus on VII/VIII completed children and to be admitted in VIII/ IX Classes 26th April • Focus on children from Private Schools to be admitted in Govt School Focus on Out of School Children 27th April • Focus on children from Slum areas-29th April Uploading of the data in CSE at mandallevel -30th April24-4-2019 to 30.04.20199.00 A.M. TO 11.00 A.M. 04.00 P.M TO 06.00 P.M
4.Issue of Admit Card as annexed to the Proceeding) and providing a~ssis to the children \:..,23-4-2019 To 30-4-20199.00 A.M. TO 06.00 P.M.
arrangementsshould bemadetoissueAdmitCardstothe
students identified participating.
2)All the Headmaster and Teachers are requested to participate in
the programme for improving the enrolment of the respective
3)Headmasters One teacher should be available in the school
from 09.00 a.m to 06.00 p.m to issue admit cards and for the
Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, all the District Educational Officers and Project Officers, SSA in the State are requested to follow the above instructions scrupulously and submit consolidated report in the prescribed proforma.
Download Admit card Triplicate
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