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Tuesday 12 March 2019

Strengthening of School Libraries - Instructions Rc. No. 74

Rc. No. 74/A&I/2019 Dated: 10/03/2019

Sub:- School Education – School Libraries – Strengthening of School Libraries – Certain Instructions - Issued.

1. Letter Dated: 04.02.2019 of Sri. Ramamohan Rao Kakani, Secretary, BREAD Society, Kakinada
2. Samagra Shiksha Program
3. Academic Calendar 2018-19

The attention of the Regional Joint Directors and District Education Officers is drawn to the letter of Sri. Ramamohan Rao Kakani, Secretary, BREAD Society, Kakinada in reference read above. It is hereby informed that, during the last ten years, the BREAD Society has established 1,158 children's libraries in Government High Schools, out of which 680 schools are in Andhra Pradesh and 478 schools are in Telangana State. The main objective of the BREAD Society is to inculcate reading habits among students. The Society also replenishes new books to all existing libraries to keep the libraries vibrant and every year awards prizes to 10 students, two from each class for the best book reviews submitted by them. It has also developed processes and systems to operate the libraries. It has also conducted trainings for teachers to ensure effective functioning of the BREAD Libraries. A copy of list of Bread Library schools is enclosed herewith.
Under Samagra Shiksha Program, cited 2 above, funds are provided for Primary schools and Secondary schools to purchase Library books and facilitate students to develop reading habits.You are also aware that in the Academic Calendar released by SCERT, cited 3 above, one class is scheduled for Library activities for each grade. Further, programs like Patanotsavam, book reading, book review, etc. activities/programs are also conducted.
In the above context, it is informed that close coordination may be ensured with BREAD Society representatives and make best use of the Libraries supported and strengthened by them. the following guidelines are issued for establishment / running of the BREAD Children’s Library effectively in the Schools:

ILocation of School Library:

The location of the school library is of as much concern as is its size and shape. It should best be located in an area of maximum accessibility to the students and teachers. The premises chosen to accommodate the library should meet the following requirements:
  •   should be in a quite area free from excessive noise, disturbances and pollution.
  •   should be away from canteen, common room, play ground and parking area
  •   should have good ventilation and ample day light.
  •   should have sufficient floor area in the Reading Room to enable the students to use it     comfortably either in groups or individually.
  •   should have sufficient work space to receive books on approval and undertake accessioning,     classification, cataloguing, minor repair, issue and return, and reference service activities.
  •   should have separate enclosure (where possible) to be used as Committee/Conference
  •   Room by teachers and pupils for participating in joint or group discussions.
  •   should have sufficient stack area so as to organise the books in open shelves.
  •   should have a counter/enclosure for keeping personal belongings.
  •   Sufficient Racks, Tables and Chairs have to be provided

II. Objectives of School Library:
  • School Library is to inculcate reading habits among the your students / generations
  • Effectively participate in the teaching-learning programme of the school;
  • Provide the students with appropriate library materials both printed as well as audio visual and services for the overall growth and development of the personality of the students as an individual;
  • Develop reading ability and interest, and inculcate love, enjoyment and pleasure of reading amongst the students;
  • Assist the students to become skillful and discriminating users of library;
  • Offer opportunities for experiences in creating and using information for knowledge, understanding, information and enjoyment;
  • Support all students in learning and practicing skills for evaluating and using information, regardless of form, format or medium, including sensitivity to the modes of communication within the community;
  • Stimulate and guide each student in the selection and use of books and other reading materials for the building of taste at appropriate level of maturity;
  • Workout a programme in consultation with teachers for the effective use of all types of library materials;

III. Guidelines to run Libraries effectively:

  • 2 or 3 students selected by class teachers as Voluntary Student Librarians (VSLs) may be trained by designated library teacher to issue books to their classmates in the library period to take home, read and return
  • Students shall be permitted to take the library books to their homes for reading and the books shall be returned after completion of the reading of the book.
  • Students can exchange library books in vacations and can return any library book after
  • vacation
  • Students can borrow another book after returning the book borrowed earlier. Till the they can read books in the library
  • Giving responsibility to students to issue and receive books develops responsible behaviour, team spirit and life skills among them
  • Volunteers issuing books during their schooling period will result in regular functioning of BREAD Library, independent of library teacher
  • Students will demand Volunteers to issue library books in library period. They cannot do the same if the library is operated by library teacher
  • Doing brief write-ups on books read will improve writing, comprehension and communication skills
  • 2 students from each class may be provided prizes every year for best write-ups if 10 students from each class do write-ups on at least 10 books
  • HMs will recommend students for awarding prizes by BREAD Society (in schools where they supported setting up Libraries) and/or award them a memento during the school annual program
  • A student can get prize only once. This will encourage other students to do write-ups
  • Facilitating students to use Library and read regularly should not be seen as an extra burden by the designated teacher/s.
  • Write-ups are conclusive proof of reading books
  • Adding new books at regular intervals sustains interest of students in the library
  • On an average every student in every grade should be encouraged to read 25 general books per annum @ of at least 2 books every month. Hence sufficient stock should be maintained in the Library.
  • Old, torn, unserviceable library books may be weeded and removed from the Library shelfs twice a year, sold or thrown away (depending on the condition) and resultant funds utilised for buying new books.
  • Every year books shall be purchased to replenish the Library stock.
  • Donors may be approached for donating books, book shelves, etc.
IV. Financial Assistance available for setting up and replenishing School Lbrary
a.Samagra Sikhsa Abhiyan / RMSA / SSA funds under Library components can be utilised
b. BREAD SOCIETY is providing financial assistance of Establishment/ running of BREAD Libraries in the Schools.
c.Contributions (funds or books) from Local Donors/Alumni/Students.
V. Purchase / Collection of Books for School Library
a. Books to be purchased through State Level Committee constituted by the Commissioner of School Education, A.P., Amaravati to maintain uniformity.
b. Broadly the books can be categorized in the following manner;

i.General Books : The subject matter is discussed in a general manner. The subject may be simple exposition of a specific subject.
ii. Textbooks: It is a book of instructions developed for the students of a particular level course for the particular branch of study. Accordingly it provides basic knowledge about a particular subject in an easy and understandable language (Mother tongue) with colourful presentation and plenty of illustrations.
iii.Reference Books: Contains readymade information basically known a compilation and compendium of various discipline of knowledge. They are not meant fo continuous reading rather these are consulted for specific piece of information. The variety of reference books include dictionaries, encyclopaedias, year boos, almanacs, biographical, dictionaries, handbooks, atlases, gazettes etc.,
VI. Catalogue:
A library Catalogue is a list of books and other graphic material in a library arranged according to a recognized order and containing specific items of bibliographical information for the purpose of identification and location of the material catalogued.
VIIFunction of Library Catalogue:
  • To record each work in a library by author, translator, editor, compiler, series or by corporate body as author under which entries are made and a reader likely to search for a book.
  • To arrange author entries in such a way then a reader fiend all the work of an author together. (In a dictionary catalogue).
  • To arrange subject entries so that light topic will foll together and related topic will be correlated.
  • To record title of works when necessary i.e. if it is a fiction or a popular work or if it is written by more than three author or if it a completed or edited work.
  • To employ cross reference i.e. ‘see’ and ‘see also’ by which a reader may be guide from one entry or topic to author.
  • To provide description of each book by mentioning author, title, edition, imprint, collection, bibliography and note when necessary.
  • To list the call number (Class no+Author mark) by which books may be located or obtained.
  • To work of as a book selection tool for other comparatively new or small library.
  • To help the research workers and readers know what materials are available on a given subject in the library.

Therefore all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education / District Educational Offices in the State are requested:

a.To follow the above given guidelines for establishment / running School Libraries (including BREAD Libraries) in the Schools to inculcate the reading habit among the students.
b.A Committee has to be constituted in each school with identified Library Teachers\ (LT) and three students ie., one from Boys and two from Girl students as Voluntary School Librarians (VSLs) to maintain the Library as per the guidelines.
c.Obtain the Financial support from BREAD Society / Samagra Siksha Abhiyan under Library components and also Donations from local donors for establishment / running
of the Library effectively.
d.Dy. Educational Officers, Mandal Education Officers and Head Masters should monitor setting up and utilisation of Libraries in the schools, and submit report tof their observations on library utilisation in their Visit Reports.
e.To issue instructions to all Headmasters of Govt. Management schools in the State to submit the recommendations for awarding prizes in the prescribed form along with sample write ups/ reviews on the books of the one student from each class of the school at the year end.
f.To identify Headmasters of 9 – 10 Schools, where BREAD Libraries are running successfully and submit the details ie, Name of Headmaster, School and Address along with email id & cell nos on or before 30th March, 2019 to conduct a workshop on a suitable day.
g.To coordinate with BREAD Society or with the local colleges offering Library Sciences program to organise training on setting up, cataloguing and promoting the utilisation of School Libraries to the Teachers and to the Student Volunteers.
h.To organise Book reading, Book reviewing, story writing and other such activities in coordination with Director, Public Libraries and BREAD Society.
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