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Tuesday 26 February 2019

Maintenance, repairs, paintings and providing additional amenities to Model Primary and Upper Primary Schools G.O.RT.No. 66 Dated: 26-02-2019

                            SCHOOL EDUCATION (PROG.Il) DEPARTMENT

 G.O.RT.No. 66   Dated: 26-02-2019

From the SPD, SSA, AP, Lr.Rc.No.306/APSSA/CW/DyEE-2/UP Schools/2017, dt.21.1.2019.

  In the reference read above, the State Project Director, SSA, AP has requested the Government to sanction an amount of Rs. 261.46 crores from the matching state share of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan grants available under Head of Accounts 2202-01-001-06-05-310- 312 (General) for Rs. 572,00.00 lakhs for the works of maintenance, repairs, and paintings to 3886 Model Primary Schools and 4984 Upper Primary Schools in the entire state of Andhra Pradesh as the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is also spending the same for similar works. Further he has requested that the sanctioned amount shall be adjusted to the State Government towards salary of teachers from Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.

  2. In the circumstances reported in the reference read above and after careful examination of the matter, it is observed that the SSA incurred expenditure of Rs.261.46 crores from their funds for the works of maintenance, repairs, and paintings to 3886 Model Primary Schools and 4984 Upper Primary Schools in the entire state of Andhra Pradesh and they have also to remit the amount of Teacher salaries incurred by the State Government for the year 2017-18. Government, therefore hereby order to adjust to that extent towards Government Account under Teacher salary component of SSA.

  3. The Commissioner of School Education, AP/ the State Project Director, SSA, AP shall take further necessary action accordingly.

4. This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance (FMU-SE) Department vide U.O.No.41022/186/2017, dt.18.10.2018 and dt.4.2.2019.

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