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Saturday 12 May 2018

Integration of Centrally Sponsored Schemes of SSA, RMSA and CSSTE as AP Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan - Structure,Powers and Functions

1. Letter D.0.No.2-16/2017-EE-3 dated 16.11.2018, of the Secretary, Ministry of HRD, Dept. of School Education &Literacy, GOI, New Delhi.
2. Letter D.0.No.2-16/2017-EE-3 dated 22.01.2018, of the Joint Secretary, Ministry of HRD, Dept. of School Education & Literacy, GoI, New Delhi.
3. Letter D.0.No.11-2/2017-EE-13 dated. 03.04.2018 of the Joint Secretary, Ministry of HRD, Dept. of School Education & Literacy, GoI, New Delhi.
4. Letter No. F2-16/2017-EE-3 Dated 05.04.2018 from the Director, Ministry of HRD, Dept. of School Education & Literacy, GoI, New Delhi.
5. PEMANDU recommendations of 2016.
6. Lr.Rc.No.1026/Estt.II/2017, dated: 28.04.2018 from the Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati.
In the circumstances reported by the Commissioner of School Education, AP. Amaravati in the reference 6th cited, and after careful examination of the matter, Government hereby accord permission to the Commissioner of School Education AP. Amaravati to dissolve the existing societies of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and Rashtriya Madhyamika Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA). She is also permitted to integrate Centrally Sponsored Schemes of SSA, RMSA and Teacher Education
into Single State Implementation Society (SIS) and register a new society in the name of "Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan", Amaravati with necessary objectives, functions, rules, consisting of Executive Committee, General Council, etc., under Societies Registration Act, 2001 to undertake all activities which are required for furtherance of Integrated Scheme for School Education (ISSE) through this new Society at all levels. Approved Memorandum of Association and Bye-laws of the new society are sent herewith.
2. The Commissioner of School Education, AP., Amaravati is also informed that final orders in the matter will be issued separately.
3. The Commissioner of School Education, AP., the State Project Director, SSA, AP. and the Director, RMSA, A.P. shall take further action accordingly.
(Registered as Society under the Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act,2001)
                                                     (Registered No of 2018)
Memorandum of Association
1. The name of the Society:
The name of the Society shall be Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan, Amaravati
(Here after referred to as the A.P.SSA).
2. Area of Activities:
The area of activities of the Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan, Amaravati shall be whole of the State of Andhra Pradesh consisting of 13 districts.
3. Location:
The registered office of the Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan, Amaravati is situated at Ibrahimpatnam, Krishna District
4. Preamble:
The Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan, Amaravati is constituted as autonomous and independent body duly formed and registered under the Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act, 2001 for planning, implementing the activities formulated for achieving objectives of Integrated
Scheme for School Education.
5. Objectives:
The Society IS established to work with School Education Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh State Council for Educational Research and Training, Amaravati, and Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resources Development,
Government of India, New Delhi and other Governments, with identified Non Governmental Organisations for implementation of policies and Programmes and to undertake all activities which are required for furtherance of Integrated Scheme for School Education through Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Society at all levels.
The objectives are as follows:-

  •  To provide access to free education to all children up to the age of 14 years;
  •  In consonance with the strengthening of the Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, providing of access to all the children in the age group of 14-18 years;
  • To enroll and retain all children in formal and alternative education up to 18 years;
  • To impart quality education for all the children up to the age of 18 years;
  • To improve access to schooling to all children according to norms through proximate location (say, Pre Primary, Primary School with in 1 Km, Upper Primary Schools within 3 Kms, Secondary Schools within 5 kms, and Higher Secondary Schools within 7-10 kms). Efficient and safe transport arrangements! residential facilities, depending on local circumstances including open schooling shall be provided. However in hilly and difficult areas, these norms can be relaxed. Preferably residential schools may be set up in such areas;
  • To ensure that no child is deprived of Secondary Education of satisfactory quality due to gender, socio-economic, disability and other barriers;
  • To improve quality of Secondary Education resulting in enhanced intellectual, social and cultural learning;
  • To ensure that all students pursuing Secondary Education receive education of good quality;
  • Define and achieving the grade system of expected learning outcomes at elementary level in all subjects.
  • Define and achieving the grade system of expected learning outcomes at elementary level in all subjects; 
  • Introducing the independent  evaluation  system through single school education development  programme covering grades from  I   to X/XII classes;  Will  have  a  common  sector-wide development  programme  for  the entire school education; Will follow   a   strategy   for   supporting    interventions   for   school effectiveness  and  sustainable  institutional capacity  and  to  improve system level  performance and school outcomes; Envisage-the  school  as a  continuum from  Primary,  Upper Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Level with an integration  of teacher education;
  • To concentrate on institutional  capacity building  duly converging the programmes with  likeminded  agencies/Non  Governmental Organisations   to  monitor  all  pre-service  and  in-service   programmes with  a  focus   on  creation  of  Digital   Learning   material,   innovative pedagogy and capacity building; Preparation  of  annual  plans  and  audit  reports  and  submit  to  the Government of India;
  • To ensure inclusive  education;
  • To provide financial support to the newly recruited  teachers in  newly upgraded schools,  additional  teachers consequent on fulfilment of Pupil Teacher   Ratio,   on  providing    teacher,   to  the  teacher  education, academic facility working in District Institute of Education and Training, College of Teacher Education,  Institute of Advances Studies in Education  and State Council  of Educational Research and Training.
  • To  support  the  strengthening    of  teacher  education   institutions   by providing     facilities,     salary    to   the   teacher   educators,    providing infrastructure  development  facilities,   faculty  development  of teacher educators,  conducting  of programmes and activities  in  District  Institute of Education  and Training/College  of Teacher  Education/  Institute of Advanced Studies  in Education,   establishment of Cells,  providing   of residential   training  programmes to the teacher educators,  Principals  of District Institute of Education and Training,   Headmasters and Master trainers    and     conducting   of   orientation    and   induction   training programmes to teacher educators.
  • To provide  infrastructure  i.e.  construction of schools.  additional  class rooms, strengthening of State Project Office/ District  Project Offices/Manda! Resource Centres/Urban Resource Centres/School Complexes/Cluster  Resources Centres. toilets and drinking water facilities,  Science and Maths labs and major repairs to school buildings etc.,
  • To implement  Kasturba Gandhi  Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV) programme and to promote gender equity among children  duly strengthening of existing  KGBVs/upgradation  of KGBVs and Girls  Hostels at Secondary Level with  residential  and schooling facilities  up to class XII in  every Educationally Backward Mandal;
  • To formulate a scheme in  accordance with sustainable development goal (SDG-4)  for education  so as to ensure inclusive  and equitable quality  of education  duly promoting lifelong learning opportunities,  i.e. sanction  of new schools,  up-gradation of primary  into Upper primary, up-gradation  of  Upper  Primary   into   Secondary,   sanction  of  new composite  schools from Class I   to XII and buildings  for building   less schools,  providing   of Residential  Schools and hostels from Class I   to XII,  strengthening of existing  residential  schools and facilities,  providing transport   and   escort  facility  to   children    from  classes   I     to  XII strengthening   of  existing   infrastructure,   major  and  minor   repairs of schools fr?m Classes. I    to XII,  construction of residential  quarters for teachers  in   remote/hill  areas/in areas with  difficult  terrain  and also female  teachers;
  • To  provide   physical   an_d  self. defence  training    programmers for  girl student and .  interventions   like  environment   building   programme, inspiration/motivation camps for children and  conducting enrollment/ retention drives  etc., at all levels of classes I  to XII6.  

In pursuance   of the  above  objectives,  the functions of the AP SSA  shall be as follows:

To undertake  all activities  that  may be necessary  for the  implementation   of  the objectives  of  AP.SSA.

  • To maintain  a fund to which shall be created  for (i)  funds  provided  by the Central and State Governments. (ii) funds   received   by  the  Society  by  way  of  grants,   gifts,   donations, benefactions   or other-wise. (iii) funds   received   by  the  Society   in  any  other  means   of  any  other source  from time to time.
  • To  do  all  such  activities   and  things   as  may  be  considered   necessary incidental  or conducive  to the  attainment  of all  or any  of the  objectives  of the Society.
  • To make  rules for the conduct  of the affairs of AP.SSA   and add or amend, vary or rescind  them from time to time.
  •  To create  academic,  technical,  managerial,   Finance  and other  posts  in the AP.SSA    and to make  payments  for the same  in accordance  with the Bye• laws of the AP.SSA
  •  To  accept  the  residuary  money  into   the  account  of AP.SSA   Society  from the  Societies  of  Sarva  Shiksha  Abhiyan  (SSA)  and  Rastriya  Madyamikha Shiksha  Abhiyan  (RMSA)  consequent  on closure  of the societies.
  • To honor  and continue  the agreements  made  by the societies  of SSA and RMSA  and  not  finalized   with  any  other  Departments/Non    Governmental Organisations and   to   finalize   the   same   with   the   accepted    residuary amounts  credited  to this society from their societies.

7.    Bye-Laws:
A copy  of the  Bye-laws  of the Society,  Certified  to be a corrected  copy by the  nominated   committee   members  for  framing  the  Bye-laws  of AP.SSA society   is filed  along  with this  Memorandum   of Association   as required  under section 4 of the Andhra  Pradesh  Societies  Registration  Act,  2001.
8.   Executive  Committee:
The  under  mentioned   members   of the  Executive   Committee   (EC)  to  whom, under  the  Bye-laws  of the  Society,   the  management   of the  society  affairs  is hereby  entrusted   as  required   in section  14 of the  Andhra   Pradesh  Societies Registration   Act,  2001.

The General Council shall function as the General Council  of the Society and shall have the following  functions:
(i)  To meet and review  the implementation of the programme and to give over all policy guidance and directions  for the efficient functioning of society in fulfilment of its objectives;
(ii)  To consider  the balance sheet and audited  accounts for the previous year passed by the Executive Committee;
(iii)  To consider the annual report passed by the Executive Committee.

ln pursuance of the objectives,  mentioned in  the Memorandum of Association as well as the functions enumerated in Bye-law 7 above,  the powers of the General Council shall be as follows:

(i) Powers over the Executive Committee:

The General Council  shall have powers to modify,  annul  or overrule the decision   taken,   regulations  made  and  resolutions  passed  by  the Executive Committee;

(ii)  Powers to acquire  property etc:-

The General Council shall have the powers to take over and acquire  by purchase,  hire,   lease or otherwise any immovable property for the  use of Andhra  Pradesh Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan  Society.

(iii)       Powers to sell  properties etc:-

Subject to the provision of the Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act,   2001,       General   Council   shall  have  the  powers  to  sell  any immovable property of the Society,  or less any immovable  property, Provided   that,   no assets  of the Andhra  Pradesh  Samagra  Shiksha Abhiyan Society,  Amaravati created out of Central  or State Government grants shall,  without the prior  approval of Government concerned,  be disposed  of,  encumbered or utilized for purposes other than those for which the grant was sanctioned.


9. Term of Non-Official Member:-

The term of non-official  members nominated  by the Central Government and State Government shall be  two (2) years  or the unexpired period thereof in respect of a member nominated to fill in a vacancy.

10.  Disqualification:

Nominated members of the General  Council shall cease to be such members if:

(a) They  resign  or of  unsound mind;   or  insolvent;   or  convicted    of criminal offence involving  moral turpitude etc;  or,

(b) They  do  not  attend  two consecutive  meetings  of the  General  Council without proper prior permission obtained from the Chairperson.
11.  Resignation:

Resignation by a nominated member from the  membership of the General Council  shall be tendered to the Commissioner of School  Education  and Ex• Offi~io  State Project Director",    Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha    Abhiyan Soc1et¥ and shall not take effect unless it has been accepted by the General Council  of Andhra Pradesh  Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Society.

12. Vacancies:
Any vacancy   in the nominated membership   of the  General  Council  shall be filled in by nomination  of the authorities entitled to make such nominations.
13.  No Invalidation    of General  Council   Functioning:
The  General  Council   shall function   notwithstanding    that  there  is  a  vacancy  in any  non-official    members   of  the   General    Council   for   the   time   being   and notwithstanding    any  other   vacancy  in the  body,   whether   by  non-nomination, absence  or otherwise,    and  no  act  of the  Andhra   Pradesh  Samagra   Shiksha Abhiyan  Society  shall  be invalidated   merely   by reason  of the happening  of any of the  above  event  or any defect  or omission  in the  nomination    of any of the General  Council.


14. Meetings:
The  meeting   of the General    Council  shall be held at least  once  a year  at such time,  date and place  as may be determined  by the Chairperson.
15.   Notice  for  Meetings:-
(1)    Except   as  otherwise    provided    in   these   Bye-laws,    all   meetings   of  the General  Council   shall  be called  by notice  in  writing  of not  less than  fifteen (15)    working   days   under  the  signature    of  the   Commissioner     of  School Education   and   Ex-Officio  State  Project  Director   Andhra  Pradesh Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Society.
(2)  Notice  to give  details:
Every  notice  calling   a meeting  of the  General  Council   shall  state the  date, time  and   place  at which   such   meeting  will be  held  and  shall,   be under  the signature   of  the   Member-Convener,     may  in  writing   authorize   any   other official  to issue the said notice.

16.   Chairing   of Meetings:
The  Chairperson    shall  generally    preside  over  the   meetings    of  the  General Council,   provided   that  in  his  absence,   Vice-Chairperson     may  preside  over the meeting,    in absence  of both  the  Chairperson/    Vice-Chairperson        any  of the Member  nominated   by the  Chairperson  may chair the meetings.

17.   Quorum:
One-third  of the members  of the General  Council   present  in  person  shall  form a quorum  at every  meeting  of the  General   Council,    provided   that  no quorum shall be necessary  in case of an adjourned  meeting.

18.  Voting   at Meeting:
All disputed   questions   at meetings   of the General   Council   shall  be determined by vote and  in  case  of equality  of votes,  the person  chairing   the meeting   shall have a casting  vote.



 The Chairman
(1)   Shall  ensure  that  the  affairs  of the  General   Council    are  run efficiently   and  in accordance  with the  Memorandum   of Association   and  Bye-laws  of the Andhra Pradesh  Samagra  Shiksha    Abhiyan  Society;
(2)   Shall preside  over the meeting   of the General  Council.
(3)   May himself  call,  or,  by a requisition   in writing,   signed  by him  may require   the Member-Convener to call  a meeting   of the General   Council   at any time,   date and place as determined   by him;
(4)   In case the votes for and against  a particular  issue  in a meeting  are equal,  may exercise   his casting  vote;
(5)    Shall be the sole and absolute  authority  to judge  the validity  of the vote cast by members  at all the meetings  of the General  Council.

(6)   Shall be entitled  to invite any other person to attend the meeting   of the General
Council  provided  that such persons  shall have no right  of voting.

(7)    May direct  the Member-Convener   to call a meeting   of the General  Council  at a short notice  in case of an  emergency.
(8)  May  in writing  delegate  such  of his powers  as  he/she  consider   necessary  to any of its members  in the interest or expediency  of work;  and
(9)  May  take  any  decision   of  urgency  and  importance   anticipation   of  it  being ratified by the next meeting  of the General  Council.


(1) The  affairs  of the  Society  shall  be managed,   as per the  Bye-laws,   and  orders of the Andhra  Pradesh  Samagra  Shiksha   Abhiyan   Society  by the  Executive Committee  composed  at para 8 of the Memorandum  of the Association.
(2) Functions:

It shall be the responsibility  of the Executive  Committee  to Endeavour  to achieve   the   objectives    of  the   Andhra    Pradesh    Samagra    Shiksha Abhiyan   Society  and  to discharge  all its functions,   subject  to the  Bye• laws   of  Andhra   Pradesh   Samagra   Shiksha     Abhiyan   Society.   The Executive   Committee   shall  exercise   all  administrative,    financial   and academic  activities  in this behalf.
(3) Powers:

The  Executive  Committee  shall have  under  its control  the management of all the  affairs  and funds  of the Society  and  in this  regard  shall  have the following  powers:
(i)Powers  to create posts:
The Executive Committee shall have powers to create academic, technical, administrative, Finance, managerial and other posts in the Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha  Abhiyan Society and sanction remuneration I honorarium for the posts created.
(ii) Powers to make regulations:
The Executive Committee shall have powers to make regulations for the  conduct of the  affairs of the Andhra  Pradesh Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Society and add or amend, vary or rescind them from time to time.
(iii) Delegation  of Powers:-
The Executive Committee may delegate to ChairpersonNice• Chairperson (Commissioner of School Education and "Ex-Officio State Project Director"),  Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha  Abhiyan Society or any of its members or to a committee or any officer of the society such administrative, financial and academic powers as it deems fit and subject to such conditions as it may like to impose.
(iv) Powers  to  enter  into  contracts  etc:  The Executive  Committee shall have the powers to enter into contracts, agreements, arrangement with other public or private organizations or individuals for furtherance of its objectives.
(v)Powers to acquire  movable properties  etc:  The Executive Committee shall have the powers to take over and acquire by purchase, gift, hire, lease,  or otherwise from Government and other public bodies or private individuals,   movable  properties  or  other  funds  together  with  any attendant obligations, and engagements not inconsistent with the objectives of the Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Society and Provisions of these Bye-laws.
(vi)Powers to take or give  contracts  for building  construction etc:  The Executive Committee shall have powers to undertake or give contract for construction, alteration and maintenance of buildings  required for the Society and powers to acquire stores and  services  required for the discharge of the functions of the Society.
(vii) Powers to lease properties  etc: Subject   to   the   provisions    of   the Andhra Pradesh  Societies   Registration  Act,   2001   the   Executive Committee shall  have the  powers to  lease any movable  property of Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha  Abhiyan Society  provided that no assets of Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha   Abhiyan Society created out  of  Central  or  State  Government Grants  shall,   without the  prior a~~roval of Government concerned,  be  disposed  off,  encumbered or utilized  for  purposes  other  than   those   for  which  the  grant  was
(viii) Powers   to set  up subordinate    bodies:   The Executive   Committee  shall have powers to establish  and spell out the name,   composition,  functions and  powers   of  subordinate   bodies  to  be  set   up   at  the  District/Sub• District level  for  managing   the   affairs   and   activities   of  the  Andhra Pradesh Samagra   Shiksha     Abhiyan   Society,    in  furtherance    of  its objectives,   subject  to such conditions  as it may  like to impose.
(ix) Powers  to setup  Standing/   Adhoc   I Advisory Committees  etc:   The Executive Committee shall have powers to  establish and spell out the membership of   standing,    Adhoc   and    advisory    committees   or taskforce/group etc.,  for various areas of the Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha  Abhiyan  Society  and  decide  with   regard  to  powers  and functions.
(x)Annual  Report etc: The  Executive Committee  shall  have powers to prepare and  pass the  annual report on the  working  of the  society, together with  balance sheet and audited  accounts.

(4) Terms, disqualification etc., of Executive  Committee   member
Term of Non-Official  Member:
The term of non-official members nominated by the Central Government and State Government shall be as specified by the Central Government or State Government respectively;

(5) Disqualification:

Members of the Executive Committee shall cease to be such members if:

(a) They resign or of unsound mind;  or insolvent;  or convicted of criminal offence involving moral turpitude etc;  or,
(b) They  do  not  attend  three  consecutive  meetings  of  the  Executive
Committee without proper prior permission obtained from the Chairman.

(6) Resignation:

Resignation by a nominated member from the membership of the Executive Committee shall be tendered to the Commissioner  of School Education  and Ex-Officio State Project Director, Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha  Abhiyan Society and shall not take effect unless it has been accepted by the Executive Committee of Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Society.

(7) Vacancies:

Any vacancy in the nominated membership of the Executive Committee shall be filled in by nomination of the authorities entitled to make such nominations.

(8) No Invalidation  of Executive  Committee  Functioning:
The  Executive  Committee  shall  function  notwithstanding  that  there  is  a vacancy in any non-official members of the Executive Committee for the time being and notwithstanding any other vacancy in the body,  whether by non• nomination,  absence or otherwise, and no act of the Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha  Abhiyan  Society  shall  be  invalidated  merely   by  reason  of  the happening  of  any  of  the  above  event  or  any  defect  or  omission  in the nomination of any of the Executive Committee.

(9) Meetings:
The meeting of the Executive  Committee shall be held at least twice in a year at such time,  date and place as may be determined by the Chairman.

(10)  Notice for Meetings:

(i) Except as otherwise provided in  these Bye-laws,  all meetings of the Executive  Committee shall be called by notice in writing of not less than fifteen working days  under the  signature of the Commissioner of School Education  and Ex-Officio State Project Director, Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan.
(ii)  Notice to give details:

Every  notice  calling  a meeting  of the  Executive   Committee   shall  state the date,   time  and  place  at which   such  meeting  will   be  held  and  shall, be  under  the  signature  of the  Member-Convener,   provided  that  in the absence  of Member  Convener,  the  Chairman   may  in writing  authorize any other official  to issue the said notice.

(11) Chairing of Meetings:
The  Chairperson   shall  generally  preside  over  the  meetings   of the  Executive Committee,   provided  that in his absence,   Vice-Chair  Person  shall  preside  over the meeting,   in absence  of both the Chairperson   and Vice-Chairperson,   any of the Member  nominated   by the Chairperson  may chair the meetings.

(12) Quorum:

One-third  of the members  of the Executive  Committee,  present  in person  shall form  a quorum  at every  meeting  of the Executive  Committee,  provided  that no quorum  shall  be necessary  in case of an adjourned  meeting.

(13) Voting at Meeting:
All  disputed   questions   at  meetings   of  the   Executive   Committee,    shall  be determined by vote  and  in case  of equality  of votes,   the  person  chairing  the meeting  shall  have a casting vote.

(14) Functions  and powers of the Chairman/ Chairperson: 
The Chairman  / Chairperson
(i) Shall   ensure   that  the   affairs    of  the   Executive   Committee    are   run
efficiently  and  in accordance  with the Memorandum   of Association   and
Bye-laws  of the Andhra  Pradesh  Samagra  Shiksha   Abhiyan  Society. (ii)       Shall preside  over the meeting  of the Executive   Committee.
(iii) May  himself/herself   call,   or by  a  requisition   in writing,   signed  by  him may  require  the  Member-Convener   to call  a meeting  of the  Executive Committee  at any time,  date and place as determined  by him;
(iv) In case  the  votes  for  and  against  a  particular   issue  in  a meeting  are equal,  may exercise  his casting vote;
(v) Shall  be the sole and absolute  authority  to judge  the validity  of the vote cast by members  at all the meetings  of the Executive  Committee.
(vi) Shall  be entitled  to invite any other  person  to attend  the meeting  of the Executive  Committee  provided  that such  persons  shall  have no right of voting.
(vii)     May  direct  the  Member-Convener    to  call  a  meeting  of  the  Executive
Committee   at a short  notice   in case  of an emergency,   as per  Bye-law
20  of Sub-Bye-law  (10) (i) and  (ii) above.
(viii)     May  in writing   delegate   such  of  his  powers   as  he/she  may  consider necessary  to the Vice-Chairperson/   Commissioner   of School  Education and  Ex-Officio   State  Project  Director,  in the  interest  or  expediency   of work;  and
(ix) May  take  any  decision   of  urgency  and  importance   anticipation    of  it being  ratified  by the next meeting  of the Executive  Committee.


The  following   shall   be  the  authorities   of  Andhra   Pradesh   Samagra Shiksha   Abhiyan  Society

(i) (ii) Chairman/Chairperson,   General  Council. Chairman/Chairperson,    Executive  Committee.
(iii) Vice-  Chairman/Chairperson   of the EC - Commissioner Education     and   "Ex-Officio     State    Project    Director, of School Andhra Pradesh  Samagra  Shiksha  Abhiyan  Society
(iv) Ad?itional     S~ate  Pro~ect  Director,    Andhra    Pradesh   Samagra Sh1k~ha Abhiyan Society  and  such  other  authorities   as may  be considered  by the General  Council.
(a)    Commissioner     of   School   Education      and   Ex-Officio    State   Project Director of  Andhra    Pradesh   Samagra   Shiksha      Abhiyan    shall    be appointed by the  State  Government   which  shall  prescribe   and  govern his/her  recommendation   and other conditions   of services.
Commissioner     of   School    Education    and    Ex-Officio     State   Project Director,  Andhra  Pradesh  Samagra  Shiksha   Abhiyan   appointed  by the State Government  under Bye-law 5(iv) above,  will be Vice• Chairman/Chairperson      of   the   Executive    Committee.     He/She   shall function   as  Chief  Executive  Officer  for  over  all  Supervision   of Andhra Pradesh  Samagra  Shiksha  Abhiyan   Society.
(b)  Additional   State  Project  Director  of Andhra  Pradesh  Samagra  Shiksha Abhiyan shall   be   appointed   by  the   State   Government    which   shall prescribe  and  govern  his/her   recommendation    and  other  conditions  of services.
Additional   State   Project  Director,   Andhra   Pradesh   Samagra   Shiksha Abhiyan  appointed   by the State Government  under  Bye-law               5(v) above,  will  be  Member  Convener  of the  Executive  Committee.   He/She shall   function   as  the  Additional    Chief   Executive    Officer   of  Andhra Pradesh  Samagra  Shiksha    Abhiyan  Society.

(c)  Appointment   of Officers:
The    other    Officers    of   the   Society    shall    be   appointed     by   the Commissioner   of School  Education  and Ex-Officio  State  Project  Director of Andhra  Pradesh  Samagra  Shiksha     Abhiyan  basing  on the recommendations   of the Executive  Committee.

23. Functions    and  powers   of  Commissioner    of  School   Education    and Ex-officio State     Project     Director,      Andhra      Pradesh     Samagra Shiksha    Abhiyan:
(i)   Prescribe  the duties  and responsibilities   of all Officers  and  Staff of Andhra   Pradesh  Samagra  Shiksha    Abhiyan   Society   including    of its branches  and units at district   and sub-districts  units.
(ii)   Exercise  over  all  supervision   and  administrative,     financial   powers and disciplinary  control  over all the officers  and staff of the Andhra Pradesh  Samagra  Shiksha    Abhiyan   Society  as  may  be  deemed fit.

24.    Functions    and  Powers  of Additional    State  Project   Director  of Andhra
Pradesh   Samagra   Shiksha    Abhiyan:

(a) Exercise  such supervision  and administrative   powers  as entrusted  by the  Government   I Commissioner  of School  Education and Ex-Officio State Project Director,  financial powers and disciplinary  control over all the  officers and staff of the Andhra  Pradesh Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Society as may be deemed fit.
(b) Keep a record of proceedings of the meetings of the General Council and the Executive Committee, in accordance with these Bye-laws,  and
(c) Discharge such other functions as may be assigned to him by the
General Council,  Executive Committee, Commissioner of School Education and Ex-Officio State Project Director,  Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha  Abhiyan  or under these Bye-laws in furtherance of objectives of the  Integrated Scheme for School Education

Management of Finances of the Society

25.    Composition of Society  Funds:-

The funds of the Society shall consist of the following.
(i)       Grant-in-Aid   made  by  the  Central  Government  and  the  State
Government for furtherance of the objectives of the Society.

(ii) Contribution from other sources.
(iii) Income from the assets of the Society.
(iv) Receipts of the Society from other sources,  and
(v) Grants,     donations    or   assistance    of   any   kind    from    Foreign Governments and  other  external  agencies,   with  prior  approval  of the Central  Government.
(vi) On  transfer   of  amounts   from  the   Bank  Accounts    of  dissolved societies   i.e.,   Sarva  Shiksha  Abhiyan,    and  Rastriya  Madyamikha Shiksha  Abhiyan.,
26.  Bank Accounts:
The bankers of the Society shall be decided by the Executive Committee. All funds shall be paid into the Society account or accounts and shall not be withdrawn except through a cheque or appropriate instrument signed by the Commissioner  of School Education and Ex-Officio State Project Director I Additional  State Project Director Andhra  Pradesh Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Society,  as the case may be or such officers as may be duly empowered on their society duly ensuring joint signatory arrangements.

27. Maintenance of Accounts:
The Society shall maintain proper accounts and other relevant records and  prepare  annual accounts comprising the  receipts and  payments, statement  of  liabilities  in  such  forms  as  may  be  prescribed  by  the Registrar of Societies of State Government in keeping with the Bye-laws in force under the Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act,  2001.  In respect  of  grants  received  from  the  Government  of  India,   shall  be adhered to,  as per the directions of the Government of India.

28. Auditing of Accounts:
The accounts of the Society shall be audited annually by an Independent Chartered  Accountant  and  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of the Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act,  2001.

29.  Processing of Audited Accounts:

The audited accounts shall be placed before a meeting of the Executive Committee for  its  consideration which shall submit Audit  Report along with observations,  if any, to the State Government within a fortnight from the date of receipt thereof by it.

30.  Comptrollerand AuditorGeneral (Duties, Powers and Conditionsof Service) Act, 1971  to Apply:-

The accounts of the society shall also be subject to the provisions of the Comptroller and Auditor General (Duties, Powers and Conditions of Service) Act,  1971 as amended from time to time.

31. Property and Assets:
The  income and property of the Society,  in whatever  manner derived, shall be applied towards promotion of the objectives thereof as set forth in the Memorandum of Association subject to nevertheless in  respect of the expenditure of grant made by the Government may,  from time to time impose.  No portion of the income and property of the Society shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly,  by way of dividend,  bonus or otherwise however by way of profit,  to the persons who at any time have been members through them provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment in good faith of service rendered to the Society for travelling allowance,  halting or other similar charges in  accordance with the Rules of the Society.

Annual Report:

32. Preparation and submissionof Annual Report:

The  Annual   Report  on  the  working  of  the   Society  and  the  work undertaken by it during the year together with Balance sheet and audited Accounts  shall prepare and passed by the  Executive Committee.  The Annual Report shall be placed before the General council for consideration, which after giving its approval shall submit the same to the State Government.
33. State Governmentto forwardAnnual Report to Central Government:

The State Government would,  with comments, if any, forward the Annual Report along with the Audited Account of the Society and Audit Report to the Central Government for acceptance.


34.  Amendment of Purpose:

With the prior approval  of the State Government and the Central Government, the General Council may amend,  alter,  extend or abridge the purpose for which it is established, or amalgamate the Society either wholly or partly with any other Society in accordance with the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act,  2001.

35.  Dissolution  of Society:

If the Society needs to be dissolved,  it should be dissolved as per the section 24(1)  of the Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act,  2001, with the consent of the Government of Andhra Pradesh.

36.  Appropriation of Society'sproperty:

If, on the winding  up or dissolution  of the Society, there shall remain,  after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities,  any assets and property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to,  or distributed  amongst the members of the Society or anyone of them but shall be transferred by the General Council to the State Government which  will have that powers  to decide about its further utilization.

37.Change in Nomenclature:

As and when there is any change in the nomenclature of Ministries, Departments,  or lnstitution(s)  and Designation(s) mentioned in the Bye• laws,  such change shall automatically stand incorporated in these Bye• laws.
38. Common Seal:
Society shall have a common seal and emblem of such make a design as approved by the Executive Committee.

39. Government's powers:

The State Government and the Central Government may jointly appoint one or more persons to review the work and progress of the society and to hold enquiries into the affairs thereof and to report thereon in  such manner as the Central Government, may stipulate; and upon receipt of any such report, the State Government may;,  in  consultation with  the Central   Government,   issue  such   directions   as   it   may   consider necessary,  in respect of any of the matters dealt with  in the Central report,  and the General Council shall be bound to comply with such directions, in addition, the State Government,  in consultation with the Central Government may at any time  issue directives  on matters of policy to the  General Council and latter shall be bound to  promptly comply with  such direction where there  is any divergence  of views between the State Government and Central Government.

40. Filing Annual  List of Members:-

Once in every year a list  of members of the Executive Committee shall be filed with the Registrar  of Societies as required  under the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act, 2001.
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