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Friday 9 August 2024

Enhancement Expenditure Incurred for Gram Panchayats Independence Day, Republic Day Celebrations

Enhancement Expenditure Incurred for Gram Panchayats Independence Day, Republic Day Celebrations Enhancement of ceiling limit for expenditure incurred by the Gram Panchayats for Independence Day, Republic Day Celebrations G.O.Rt.No.450 Dated: 09-08-2024 Enhancement of ceiling limit for expenditure incurred by the Gram Panchayats on the celebration of Republic Day & Independence Day PR & RD Department Enhancement of ceiling limit for expenditure incurred by the Gram Panchayats on the celebration of Republic Day & Independence Day Orders Issued.


Read the following:

1. G.O. Rt. No. 1236, PR & RD (Pts.l), Dt. 25.7.1990.

2. From the Director, PR & RD, AP, Tadepalli, Guntur Lr.No. 2509327/CPR & RD/D6/2024, dated 4.8.2024.


In the circumstances stated by the Director, PR & RD, AP, Tadepalli in the reference 2nd read above, Government after careful consideration of the proposal, hereby suppress the orders issued in the G.O.Rt. No. 1236, PR & RD (Pts.I) Department, Dt. 25.7.1990 and the ceiling limit on expenditure to be incurred by the Gram Panchayats on the celebration of Republic Day and Independence Day is enhanced to Rs.10,000/- for Gram Panchayats of population upto 5000 (2011 census) and Rs.25,000/- for Gram Panchayats of population above 5000 (2011 census) subject to meet the expenditure from Gram Panchayat General Funds.

The Director, PR &RD, Tadepalli, shall take necessary further action accordingly.

This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (FMU-PR & RD, RWS) Department vide their U.O.No.FINOFMUOPC(PRRD)/83/2024(Computer No: 2520184) dated. 08.08.2024

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Download G.O.Rt.No.450 Dated: 09-08-2024

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