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Tuesday 30 January 2024

TCC Technical Certificate Course April 2024 Notification

TCC Technical Certificate Course April 2024 Notification, Online Application AP TCC Technical Certificate Course Examination April 2024 in Lower and Higher Grades Notification, Fee details, Online Application


It is hereby notified that, the Technical Certificate Course Examination in Lower and Higher Grades in Drawing, Handloom Weaving and Tailoring & Embroidery will be held in the month of April, 2024 at the identified centres. The candidates who have passed VII Class Examination are eligible to appear for Lower Grade Examination in the above Trades and those who have passed Lower Grade Technical Examination (or) equivalent to lower grade exam are eligible to appear for Higher Grade Examination in the concerned Trade. The candidates who are aspiring to appear for these examinations should apply through ONLINE in our website i.e., and submit their downloaded web application forms at concerned DEOs office without fail.


The candidates who possess Pass Certificates issued by the States / Boards other than Andhra Pradesh either Academic or Technical qualifications shall obtain prior permission from the Director of Government Examinations, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati to apply to the above Technical Examinations.


The Proposed dates for remittance of examination fee and submission of web application forms by the candidates to the District Educational Officers concerned and by the DEOs to this office are as follows:

Sl.No Trade & Grade Exam Fee
1 Drawing (Lower Grade) 100/-
2 Drawing (Higher Grade) 150/-
3 Handloom Weaving (Lower Grade) 150/-
4 Handloom Weaving (Higher Grade) 200/-
5 Tailoring & Embroidery (Lower Grade) 150/-
6 Tailoring & Embroidery (Higher Grade) 200/-

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Procedure to apply  TCC 2024:

Visit Click on TCC Tab→ Click on "Online Application of TCC Examinations April 2023 Click on Apply Online Enter Mobile Number Enter OTP Fill the Particulars → Submit Application Make Payment Verify and click on "Proceed to Pay Select any payment mode (Note:- Use Net Banking, Credit Card and Debit Card Payment option for successful transaction of examination fee.) Print Application Form.

                                          Due Dates
Last Date for remittance of exam fee and submission of Downloaded Application Forms the candidates to the DEOs concerned Without Late fee 20.02.2024
Last Date for remittance of exam fee and submission of Downloaded Application Forms the candidates to the DEOs concerned With Late fee Rs 50/- 29.02.2024
Last Date for remittance of exam fee and submission of Downloaded Application Forms the candidates to the DEOs concerned With Late fee Rs 75/- 06.03.2024
Last Date for submission of Application forms and Nominal Rolls by the DEOs to the DGE 11.03.2024

Handover the printed copy of downloaded application form along with attested copies of all the qualification related documents to the District Educational Officer concerned without fail.


1) The minimum Educational qualification for Lower grade is VII class for all Trades and for Higher grade who passed Lower grade or equivalent Examination in concerned trade (attested copies should be furnished). 

2) Candidate's recent black and white passport size photo and signature to be scanned and uploaded separately.

3) The applications received without all the enclosures /after due dates notified will summarily be rejected. 

4) Candidates who are studied outside Andhra Pradesh should obtain prior permission from the Director of Government Examinations, A.P., Amaravati for appearing Technical Certificate Course Examinations before paying the examination fee and have to be uploaded the same document.

TCC April 2024 Online application click here

Download TCC April 2024 Notification

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