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Saturday 18 November 2023

UGC NET December 2023 Schedule Exam Dates

UGC NET December 2023 Schedule Exam Dates UGC NET Schedule 2023 Subject-Wise Exam Schedule Released at

Examination Schedule of UGC - NET December 2023


The National Testing Agency (NTA) is conducting the UGC-National Eligibility Test (NET) June 2023 for 'Assistant Professor and 'Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor', in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode.


Subject wise schedule of UGC NET December 2023 is available in 'Annexure - I.


The notification regarding intimation of City of Exam Centre will be displayed on NTA website(s) and, in Prior to 10 days of Exam. Candidates are also advised to visit the NTA website(s) and for the latest updates.


For further clarification related to UGC - NET December 2023, the candidates can also contact 011-40759000 or email

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UGC NET December 2023 Schedule Exam Dates

Download UGC NET Dec 2023 Schedule

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