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Monday 6 November 2023

AP Deepavali Holiday 2023

AP Deepavali Holiday 2023 Declaration of 13th November, 2023 (MONDAY) as General Holiday on the occasion DEEPAVALI (Tidhi Dwayam) - Notified

HOLIDAYS - Declaration of 13th November, 2023 (MONDAY) as General Holiday on the occasion DEEPAVALI (Tidhi Dwayam) - Notified.




G.O. Rt. No.2167. Dated:06-11-2023


Read:- G.O. Rt. No. 2692, General Administration (Political. B) Department, dated 15.12.2022.



In the G.O. read above, Government have issued orders declaring the 12th November, 2023 (Sunday) as Holiday on the occasion of DEEPAVALI.


Government, after careful consideration of the matter, have decided to declare the 13th November, 2023 (Monday) as General Holiday on the occasion of "DEEPAVALI (Tidhi Dwayam)". Accordingly, the following Notification shall be published in an Extra-ordinary issue of A.P. Gazette, dated 06-11-2023.

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In partial modification of the orders issued in G.O. Rt. No. 2692, General Administration (Political.B) Department, dated 15.12.2022, notifying the General Holidays and Optional Holidays for the year 2023, the Government hereby declare the 13th November, 2023 (Monday) as General Holiday on the occasion of "DEEPAVALI (Tidhi Dwayam)".

Download G.O. Rt. No.2167 Dated:06-11-2023

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