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Tuesday 3 October 2023

AP Model Foundation Schools Identification Instructions

AP Model Foundation Schools Identification Instructions Samagra Shiksha - Quality Initiatives - Instructions to the DEOs for identification of Model Foundation schools in the districts


Samagra Shiksha - Quality Initiatives - Instructions to the DEOs for identification of Model Foundation schools in the districts - Regarding.  Rc.No.SS-15024/21/2023-SAMO-SSA,   Dt: 01/10/2023



1. SALT Deliverables

2. Instructions of the Authorities


The District Educational Officers in the State are informed that National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is the first education policy of the 21st century. The 10 + 2 structure will be replaced with 5+3+3+4 new structure of education. The NEP illustrates that the first six years of any child is very crucial as over 85% of cumulative brain development takes place in this foundational stage only. The NEP 2020 indicated the ECCE in the country has the potential to give all young children such access, enabling them to participate and flourish in the educational system throughout their lives.


The Government of Andhra Pradesh has initiated to establish model foundational schools in the State in order improve the foundational levels of every child.


In this regard, as part of the Supporting Andhra’s Learning Transformation (SALT) Project, the department has taken initiative for establishment of 40 Model Foundational Schools (MFS) in Andhra Pradesh.


The objective of this model foundational school is to develop children holistically through play-based learning, which is also focusing on other aspects like good infrastructure, teaching capability, enrollment of the children, parent &community participation for children learning and to provide safe & enriched environment in the school. These model foundational schools should be set as an example for other schools in the entire state of Andhra Pradesh.


To understand the functioning of Foundation Schools/ co-located schools in Andhra Pradesh the Pratham team and Faculties from 13 DIETS have visited 60 co-located Anganwadi across all districts of Andhra Pradesh in October 2022. This study intends to identify the areas which need improvement in terms of infrastructure, teacher capability, enrollment/attendance, TLM usage, community support, convergence between Anganwadi worker & school teacher and other issues for the development of the Model Foundational Schools.


In this regard, it is proposed to identify 40 Model foundational schools out of 10,932 co-located schools/Foundation schools in Andhra Pradesh. out of the 40 Model Foundational Schools, each district has to identify 1 MFS and 1 MFS nearby DIETs (26+13+1) and one MFS in Vijayawada local by using a check list (attached).


Therefore the District Educational Officers to identify the 40 Model Foundational Schools (List enclosed) in collaboration with ICDS, PDs by following the modalities in the given check list (Annexure).


Encls: Check list & List of schools.

AP Model Foundation Schools Identification Instructions

Selection Criteria to be kept:

While selecting the model foundational school some parameters are going to follow, they are as follows:

Infrastructure: School must be co-located and preferably Nadu-Nedu have to be part of the programme.

Building location: School building should be within 500 meters to 1km radius and center of the locality, and easy for access.

Classroom: Classroom should be filled with attractive paintings, well-ventilated, spacious, and equipped with suitable furniture such as chairs, desks, and backboards. Separate classrooms must be for both Anganwadi and Grade 1 & 2 children.

Play area: A safe and well-maintained outdoor play area is crucial for the holistic development of children.

Dining area & kitchen room: In school a well-equipped kitchen and dining area should be available to prepare and serve the food for the children.

RO Purifier and sanitation: School should have clean drinking water and proper sanitation facilities like toilets, handwash area with soap and towel is essential for the health and well-being of children.

Parent-teacher interaction space: School should have a separate space where parents and teachers can meet to discuss the child progress, share information, distribution of food and health checkups for pregnant, lactating mothers.

Enrollment & attendance: The student enrollment should be not less than 15 members in each class and at least 85% attendance must be maintained in the class.

Teacher capability: Teacher should be very active, and ready to take on challenges for the improvement of the child’s progress. Teachers should have a strong foundation in early childhood education and practices that promote holistic development of the children.

Community Participation: Whether the parents or community stakeholders are involved in the school activities/events and knowing their children progress. Good communication and understanding are essential for interacting with parents/community and being able to train other teachers.

Teaching learning material: Classrooms should be equipped with age-appropriate teaching and learning materials like play materials, purchased materials or handmade materials this type of material will help to engage the children learning very effectively. These types of facilities play a significant role in providing a nurturing and stimulating environment for children attending school, fostering their growth, development, and learning.

Direct training of Anganwadi workers and Early Grade Teachers

  • In selected schools, direct training for both Anganwadi worker and grade1&2 teachers will be given on model foundational content like holistic development, basic numeracy and literacy activities with specific calendar.
  • Calendar: as per reference on case study done by DIET faculty and Pratham team need to create specific calendar which involve of both departments in pedagogy, co-curriculum activities and community
  • Specific Teaching Learning Material as per pedagogy will be developed and implemented.
Monitoring and Evaluation

The Pratham team will create a monitoring checklist for selected 40 model foundational schools based on training given. Team members from Pratham, DoSE and WD&CW will be monitoring regularly by visiting the 40 model foundational schools whether the implementation of the training is happening or not. The team will identify the challenges and provide necessary support required for the teachers. Monitoring team will document the best innovative practices and experiences in the field.


Convergence between Anganwadi worker and Early Grade Teacher (EGT):

Convergence between Anganwadi workers and EGTs are crucial for holistic development and seamless transition of children from Anganwadi centre to formal schooling. Hence recommended that SOP to be circulated to both departments at various levels.

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