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Thursday 14 September 2023

Gross salary to Health, Medical & Family Welfare Dept contract employees

Gross salary to eligible Health, Medical & Family Welfare Dept contract employees Implementation of 100% Gross salary to eligible contract employees working in Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department

Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department - Implementation of 100% Gross salary to eligible contract employees working in Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department in terms of G.O.Ms.No.459, HM&FW(J.2) Department, Dated.22.05.2002 - Orders - Issued.




Read the following:-

  1. G.O.Rt.No.217, HM86FW(J.2) Department, Dated.26.02.2001.
  2. G.O.Rt.No.802, HM86FW(B.2) Department, Dated.25.07.2001.
  3. G.O.Rt.No.459, HM&FW(J.2) Department, Dated.22.05.2002.
  4. G.O.Ms.No.10, HM&FW(J.2) Department, Dated.16.08.2008.
  5. Government Memo.No.24277/J.2/2010, Dated.16.08.2012.
  6. G.O.Ms.No.27, HM85FW(G.1) Department, Dated. 16.03.2018.
  7. From the Hon'ble High Court of A.P order dated.01.05.2019 in P.No.4201 of 2019.
  8. Representation received from the President, A.P Contract Outsourcing Service Welfare Employees Association, Vijayawada, dt.29.07.2021.
  9. From the Director of Public Health 85 Family Welfare, A.P, Vijayawada Rc.No.Spl/E4.A/2017, Dated.30.09.2021.
  10. G.O.Ms.No.40, Finance (HR.I-P1g86Policy) Department, Dated. 18.6.2021.
  11. G.O.Ms.No.05, Finance (HR.I-P1g8sPolicy) Department, dated. 17.01.2022.



In the G.O. 1st read above, Government have accorded permission to the Director of Health, Director of Medical Education and Commissioner, APVVP to fill up the vacancies of Civil Assistant Surgeons and Para medical staff temporarily on contract basic initially for a period of one year on consolidated payment @ 90% of the basic pay attached to the concmtethpdstA4.4grawstiRf the continuance of the same candidates, the consolidated payment will be @ 95% and 100% of the basic pay for the second and third years respectively against each post.


In the G.O. 2nd read above, Government have reviewed the payment of consolidated amount to the Civil Assistant Surgeons and Paramedical staff appointed on contract basis and have decided to make consolidated payment @ 90%, 95% and 100% for the first, second and third years respectively on the Gross Pay, instead of Basic pay as ordered in the G.O.Rt.No.217, HM86FW (J2) Department, dated 26.02.2001 and issued amendment orders accordingly.


In the G.O.3rd read above, Government have issued modified orders to the G.O's. 1st 85 2nd read above and permitted Director of Health, Director of Medical Education, Commissioner, APVVP, and Commissioner, Family Welfare for filling up the existing vacancies of Civil Assistant Surgeons and essential paramedical staff under their control on contract basis initially for a period of one year on consolidated payment @100% gross salary attached to the concerned post.


In the G.O. 4th read above, Government have issued orders for enhancing the remuneration to those who were appointed in pre-revised pay scales of 2005 and direct that all the contract employees who were appointed in the terms of G.O.Rt.No.217, HM8sFW (J2) Department, dated.26.02.2001 and G.O.Rt.No.459, HM&FW(J2) Department, dated.22.05.2002 pre- revised pay scales of 2005 shall be allowed to draw their remuneration as per PRC 2005 pay scales i.e., from the date of implementation of the monetary benefit of PRC, 2005.


During the year 2018, a proposal for enhancement of consolidated pay/ remuneration/ honorarium to the contract employees working under control of HM FW Department, has been placed before the Group of Ministers and meeting was held on 06-02-2018. During the meeting the Group of Ministers have agreed for enhancement of salaries to the contract employees working under various Head of the departments under the control of Health Medical & Family Welfare Department. Accordingly, Government have issued orders vide 0 6th read above. Due to implementation of this order a fixed consolidate amount to the contract employees, who are appointed in terms of the orders issued in G.O's 1st and 2nd read above was paid, which is less than their 100% gross salary.


In the reference 7th read above, certain contract employees have filed P.No.4201 of 2019 in Hon'ble High Court of AP with a prayer to suspend the operation of G.O.Ms.No.27, HM86FW(G.1) Department, dated. 16.03.2018 with a direction to forthwith pay regular salary to the petitioners as per the revised pay scales of 2015. The Hon'ble High Court of AP has passed the orders that, there shall be an interim suspension as prayed for, until further orders.


In the reference 8th read above, the President, A.P Contract Outsourcing Service Welfare Employees Association, Vijayawada and some other associations have requested the Government for implementation of 100% Gross Salary in terms of orders issued in G.O.Rt.No.459, HM86FW(J.2) Department, 22.05.2002., which was implemented in PRCs 2005 86 2010 to eligible contract employees in Health, Medical 86 Family Welfare Department.


In the reference 9th read above, the Director of Public Health 86 Family Welfare, A.P, Vijayawada has informed that the payment of fixed consolidated amount to the Civil Assistant Surgeons, Paramedical Staff their 100% Gross salary is decreased vide G.0 reference 6th cited and also informed that previously their pay has been raised as and when the pay was raised till 2015 e., in each PRC as per the Government clarification issued in Government Memo.No.24277/J2/2010, Dated. 16.08.2012 and also informed that Government vide reference 6th read above has superseded G.0 reference 4th which affected the salaries of the contract employees. Therefore, the Director of Public Health 86 Family Welfare, A.P has requested the Government to issue deem fit orders as the employees Association has requested to amend the G.0 6th read above duly retrieving the orders issued in the G.O. 4th read above.


In the G.O. 10th read above, Government have issued comprehensive orders, in suppression of all the orders issued earlier, regarding the remuneration and other benefits to be paid to the persons who have been appointed on contract appointment in terms of the instructions issued in the O.Ms.No.94, General Administration (Ser.A) Department, Dated. 28.03.2003.


In the G.O., 11th read above, Government have issued orders that the extension of Minimum Time Scale (MTS) in the RPS, 2022 w.e.f.01.01.2022 (January, 2022 pay) to the Contractual employees engaged in the Government Departments, Universities, Societies, KGVB and Model Schools in respective of relevant posts in which the employees are working.

Government after careful examination of the entire matter, hereby decided to implement the following:-

  • 100% Gross salary (Pay+DA+HRA) fixed annually to the eligible contract employees who are appointed in terms of the reference 1st, 2nd and 3rd read above w.e.f. issue of this order.
  • The Minimum Time Scale (MTS) 9P1MopanYrrAPPatttt(Lth on contract basis where the pay structure is not mentioned w.e.f. issue of this order.
  • The consolidated amount is different for the same category of employees in the reference 6th read above, this anomaly is to be rectified and uniform salary may be implemented. Hence all the Heads of the departments under administrative control of Health, Medical 86 Family Welfare Department are requested to send the proposals accordingly to Government immediately to take necessary action.
All the Heads of the Departments under administrative control of Health, Medical 86 Family Welfare Department shall take further necessary action in the matter accordingly.

This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (HR-I-Plg.Policy) Department vide their U.O.No.HROPDPP(OCE)/61/2022 (Computer No.1677261), Dated.13.09.2023.

Download G.O.Ms.No.167 Dated.14.09.2023
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