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Tuesday 25 July 2023

CRMT Creation CSE Orders

CRMT Creation CSE Orders Creation of Cluster Reserve Mobile Teacher posts and providing at each school complex level as Resource pool to curb the absentee Teacher problem

School Education - Est.III - Creation of Cluster Reserve Mobile Teacher posts and providing at each school complex level as Resource pool to curb the absentee Teacher problem - Copy Communicated - Regarding. 


G.O Ms.No. 65 School Education (Services.ll) Department, dated: 10.07.2023.

(copy) communicated by CSE to all the DEOs

The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the State are invited to the reference read above, wherein the Government have designated the CRTS as Cluster Mobile Reserve Teacher (CMRT) and his primarily work will be as substitute teachers in all the single teacher schools (9,602) wherever a teacher is absent. Each CMRT has to look after 3-4 schools. They will be reporting to the MEOS.

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to take further necessary action as per the instructions of the Government.

Encl: As above.

Download CSE Memo | GOVT G.O Ms.No. 65

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