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Friday 14 July 2023

AP School Complex Meetings Schedule, Timings, Agenda 2023-24

AP School Complex Meetings Schedule, Timings, Agenda 2023-24 AP Primary Level Complexes, Subject Complex Schedule 2023-2024 Action plan for conduct of school complexes during the year 2023-24 Conduct of Primary & Subject School Complex meetings cum Trainings 2023-2024 Schedule, Guidelines

AP School Complex Meetings Schedule, Timings, Agenda 2023-24 Convergence meeting is held at Conference Hall, Samagra Shiksha on 30.06.2023 with regard to the action plan for conduct of school complexes during the year 2023-24 with SCERT, The Department of Women and Child Welfare, SIEMAT, SAMO, all TSC of SALT project.

Samagra Shiksha, A.P - SIEMAT - AP.SS,- SIEMAT- Amaravati - Conduct of Primary & Subject School Complex meetings cum Trainings - Issue of Guidelines -Orders - issued - Reg. Memo.SS-15/02/2023-SAMO-SSA,   19/07/2023


Ref: Tele phonic Consultation to certain RJDs and DEOs at 06-06-2023 & 07-06-2023.


All the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of SS in the State are informed that, the Cluster Resource centers are the most critical units for training onsite support to schools and teachers at gross root level. The NEP 2020 also indicates that A school complex will be a cluster of public schools in a contiguous geography offerings education across all stages -Foundational to Secondary schools. The Continuous professional development (CPD) of teachers will be an important responsibility of the school complex. A comprehensive teacher development plan (TDP) will be drawn up for the purpose, including multiple modes of development. The aim of these school complex/cluster will promote greater resource efficiency and more effective functioning, coordination, leadership, governance and management of schools in the cluster.


The activities of the School Complexes are as follows:

  • Introduction of better methods of evaluation and for regulating the promotion of children from one class to another.
  • In-service Training on pedagogy, TLM preparation and new programmes implementing by the department to all teachers.
  • Organization of periodical meetings of teachers in the School Complex for Continuous teacher training programmes.
  • o sharing the best practices and resources among the cluster
  • Inspection of Cluster School Head Master to lower schools for providing on job support

The CRCs (CRPs) need to undertake regular visits and organize monthly meetings to discuss academic issues and design strategies for better school performance. Periodic inspection and supervision of schools to observe the infrastructure and facilities and the administrative aspects is critical.


 School Complex Meetings Schedule

Complex Type Primary school complex Meetings for Primary level:

  • Every month: CRC for Primary Schools: 50% of primary teachers
  • Every month: CRC for Primary Schools: 50% of primary teachers

Subject complexes for Secondary level

  • If any holiday comes in the above mentioned day, then the complex meeting should be conducted on the next working day.(As per academic calendar)
  • One slot should be added for pre primary in the primary Complex meeting schedule
  • Conduct orientation meeting to all AMOs (MEOs), Complex HMs and CRPs on organization of school complex meetings before the commencement of school complex meetings.
  • Prepare agenda items in advance in every school Complex meetings and issue instruction to the teachers after finalization of state level
  • PMU and IT team shall develop the monitoring app to track the attendance of complex meetings.
  • Samagra Shiksha should release the budget Rs. 25,000 per complex as per PAB approval before commencement of the school complex
  • Complex HMs should follow the agenda items given by the state office to discuss in the school complex meetings as shown below (Complex HMs should follow the agenda items given by the state The following are the agenda items that can be discussed
School Complex Agenda - Model Schedule (1st - 5th) Primary Schools

Timings, Agenda Points

09:00 - 09:10: Prayer

09:10 - 09:30: Minutes of last meeting to be discussed

09:30 - 10:30: Priorities for the month  Model Lesson Plan discussion | TPD Course discussions and concerns (LFE)

10:30 - 10:45: Break

10:45 - 01:00: Teach Tool Observations and suggestions to be improved(LFE)

01:00 - 02:00: Lunch Break

02:00 - 03:00: FLN - Observations from monitoring, trainings, TLM Usage, and innovative practices (Pratham)

03:00 - 04:00: Assessment Related Observations and Discussion (Ei)

04:00 - 04:15: Tea Break

04: 15 - 04:45: Expert Talk ( Based on the theme)

04:45 - 05:00: Plan for next month | Information sharing by Chairman

  • Every month one priority issue is needed to focus on the complex level meeting
  • School complex HM should discuss and review on the completion of syllabus, assessments, correction of children workbooks , conduct of special days and sharing the best practices
  • Within in the school complex all the schools under AP government (all government management schools) must be identified and mapped.
  • Mapping of Aanganwadi /Pre primary schools to Sr. Secondary schools should be mapped with School Complexes.
  • Establish FLN Model School under each School Complex and also establish FLN Model Classroom in each DIET.
  • For Urdu School, 3-4 mandals can together form one complex.
  • The Following themes will be discussed in the complex meetings as shown below.

Suggested themes Agencies Month

Further all the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of SS in the State are instructed to make functional all the School complexes app roved in the PAB 2023-24. In this regard the APCs of S.S in the State are informed to issue suitable instructions for conduct of conduct 8 Primary School Complex trainings and 8 Subject School Complex trainings for improving the professional quality levels of Teachers in the State. The Primary Level School Complex meetings will be conducted in two phases covering 50% of teachers from each school without hindrance to regular school activities and to ensure each complex 30 to 40 teachers should attend the training with 100%. To make this happens MEO of that mandal may combine two complexes meetings at one place. First day at frst school and second day at another school. The Detail Schedule and guidelines for Primary and Subject level School Complex meetings are placed in minutes approved by the State Project Director of SS.


All the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Officers of SS in the State are informed to communicate all the guidelines to School Complex Head Masters in their respective districts for smooth conduct of School Complexes as per the Schedule.

Download Minutes of Meeting, Agenda
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