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Friday 19 May 2023

LIP Workshop to develop quality action plan 2023-24

LIP Workshop to develop quality action plan 2023-24 Instructions, List of Resource Persons

Samagra Shiksha, AP - Quality Initiatives - LIP - Implementation of the LIP Programme - workshop to the resource persons from 22nd to 24th May, 2023 at Hotel Arka, Gollapudi, Vijayawada to develop quality action plan for the year 2023-24 - Instructions issued - Regarding Rc.No.SS SS-15021/46/2023-SAMO-SSA, Dt: 19/05/2023


Ref:- Lr.No.CIPS-ASCI/FLN/2023/4098, Dt:15.06.2023 of the Director, CIPS.


The District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of LIP districts are informed that as part of implementation of LIP a tentative action plan for the academic year 2023-24 have been prepared to address the learning gaps as identified by the state level monitoring team during their school visits from 14th to 17th Feb, 2023.


In this regard, the monitoring partner of LIP i.e., CIPS is conducting a 03 days residential workshop from 22nd to 24th May, 2023 at Hotel Arka, Gollapudi, Vijayawada to develop quality action plan for the following areas.

  • Development of standards for quality teaching.
  • Teacher trainings – Nature, content, Number of days, etc.
  • Development of strong district and state-level monitoring teams.
  • Strengthening of school complexes.
  • Developing processes for academic monitoring of schools and teacher support mechanisms and tracking the quality of classroom teaching and progress in children learning performance.
  • Review meetings on LIP implementation processes and progress on the identified indicators.
  • Tracking the processes and outcomes through online apps.

The Resource persons are identified (list attached) for the said workshop.


Therefore the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of concerned districts are requested to relieve and depute the resource persons to the above said workshop from 22nd to 24th May, 2023. The expenditure towards travel, accommodation, boarding, etc., will be borne by CIPS.


Encls: list of resource persons


Download Proceedings | List of Resource Persons

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