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Monday 10 April 2023

DSC 1998 SGTs MTS Selection Lists

DSC 1998 SGTs MTS Selection Lists All Districts Counseling Lists List of Candidates for Counseling DSC-1998 Provisional Selection List for Contract Appointments Counseling DSC 1998 Selection List of 4072 Teachers as SGTS on Minimum Time Scale DSC 1998 SGTs MTS Appointments on contract basis DSC 1998 Qualified candidates for taking them into service on MTS DSC-1998 Appointment of 4,072 candidates as SGTS who were qualified in DSC-1998 on contract basis Minimum Time Scale (MTS) Lists

DSC 1998 SGTs MTS Selection Lists The details of 4072 candidates have been placed on the website of the concerned District Educational Officer as per the orders of the Commissioner, School Education Department to work on the minimum time scale of the DSC 1998 candidates. Shortlisted candidates must bring their Original Qualification Certificates along with Aadhaar Card, Passport Size Photographs (5), and Hall Ticket of DSC 1998 to the office of the concerned District Education Officer on 12-04-2023 at 10:00 AM. Intimation to attend the counseling at the notified venue.

à°¡ి.యస్.à°¸ి 1998 à°¸ంà°¬ంà°§ింà°šి à°•à°¨ీసపు à°Ÿైం à°¸్à°•ేà°²్ à°•ు పనిà°šేà°¯ుà°Ÿà°•ు à°•à°®ీషనర్, à°ªాà°  à°¶ాà°² à°µిà°¦్à°¯ా à°¶ాà°– à°µాà°°ి ఉత్తర్à°µుà°² à°ª్à°°à°•ాà°°ం 4072 à°…à°­్యర్à°§ుà°² à°¯ొà°•్à°• à°µివరముà°²ు à°¸ంà°­ంà°¦ిà°¤ à°œిà°²్à°²ా à°µిà°¦్à°¯ాà°¶ాà°–ాà°§ిà°•ాà°°ి à°µెà°¬్à°¸ైà°Ÿ్ à°¨ంà°¦ు à°¯ంà°¦ు à°ªొంà°¦ుపరచబడినవి. à°œాà°¬ిà°¤ాలలో ఉన్à°¨ à°…à°­్యర్à°¥ుà°²ు తప్పనిసరిà°—ా 12-04- 2023 à°µ à°¤ేà°¦ిà°¨ ఉదయం 10:00 à°—ంటలకు à°µాà°°ి à°¯ొà°•్à°• Original Qualification Certificates à°¤ో à°ªాà°Ÿు ఆదాà°°్ à°•ాà°°్à°¡్, à°ªాà°¸్à°ªోà°°్à°Ÿ్ à°¸ైà°œు à°«ోà°Ÿోà°²ు (5), మరిà°¯ు à°¡ి.యస్.à°¸ి 1998 à°¯ొà°•్à°• à°¹ాà°²్ à°Ÿిà°•ెà°Ÿ్ à°¨ు à°¤ీà°¸ుà°•ొà°¨ి à°¸ంà°­ంà°¦ిà°¤ à°œిà°²్à°²ా à°µిà°¦్à°¯ాà°¶ాà°–ాà°§ిà°•ాà°°ి à°µాà°°ి à°•ాà°°్à°¯ాలయం à°¤ెà°²ిà°¯ à°šేà°¸ిà°¨ à°µేà°¦ిà°•à°¨ంà°¦ు à°•ౌà°¨్à°¸ిà°²ింà°—్ à°•ు à°¹ాజరు à°•ాà°µాà°²్à°¸ింà°¦ిà°—ా à°¤ెà°²ియపరచడమైనది.

DSC 1998 SGTs MTS Counseling Schedule:



No. of



To confirm the Provisional list of the DSC- 1998 candidates with the approval of the District Selection Committee

One day



Intimation to the candidates

One day



Conduct of counselling and issuing of posting orders

Two days

12.04.2023 & 13.04.2023


Submission of compliance report to the CSE, AP Office.

One day


DSC 1998 SGTs District wise Qualified Candidates Provisional Selection Lists for Counselling with DEO Press Note and Instructions

DSC 1998 MTS SGTs Agreement Bond, Declaration Form, Option Forms click here to download

Vizianagaram DSC 1998 List download
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