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Wednesday 26 April 2023

AP Students Summer Holidays Activities 2023 Guidelines to Teachers

AP Students Summer Holidays Activities 2023 Guidelines to Teachers AP Schools Summer Holidays 2023 Activities, Instructions to Teachers on Summer Vacation Activities 2023 to AP School Children Summer Break Activities Guidelines to teachers

AP Students Summer Holidays Activities 2023 Guidelines to Teachers School Education - SCERT AP-2022-23 Academic year - Summer vacation- summer activities - communicating certain instructions Rc.No.ESE02/400/2023-SCERT Dated: 25/04/2023

All Regional Joint Directors, District Educational Officers, and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are aware that, the academic year 2022-23 activities will be closed by 29th April 2023. As the summer vacation approaches, it is our duty to ensure that the time of our young students is utilized in a constructive and meaningful way. In order to provide the students with opportunities for growth and learning, it is requested to conduct various summer activities in your respective districts.

Summer activities can be focused on various areas such as academics, sports, arts, vocational skills etc.. These activities should be designed in a way that not only to engage the students but also help them to acquire new skills and knowledge. We have attached some suggested activities here with which can be conducted.

The main objective of these summer activities is to ensure that the students do not lose their academic momentum during the break and to provide them with a platform to develop their interests and hobbies. In addition, these activities will also help to inculcate teamwork, leadership, discipline, life skills, values etc. among the students.

It is suggested to conduct these summer activities in collaboration with various NGOs, educational institutions, and local community organizations. These collaborations will not only provide the students with exposure to new experiences but also help create a sense of community involvement.

All district-level monitoring officers are requested to take this matter seriously and make the necessary arrangements for conducting these summer activities. The activities framed and planned in your districts should be acknowledged to this office with proper documentation.

To conduct summer activities, the participation and planning of teachers are crucial. In this regard, the following instructions should be disseminated to teachers:

1. Class teachers must create WhatsApp groups with their students.

2. Teachers should ask students to maintain a notebook for summer activities and submit it at the time of reopening.

3. Teachers should keep in touch with the students and encourage them from time to time to monitor their activities.

4. Teachers should gather students' activities in the form of pictures, videos, and reports through the WhatsApp group.

5. All the activities done by the students during summer vacation should be presented at the time of re-opening ceremony of schools.

6. Make sure to create a schedule of activities and share it with the students and their parents.

7. Encourage students to read during the summer break and suggest a list of books that they can choose from.

8. Conduct online classes, webinars, or workshops on topics of interest that are relevant to the students' academic and personal growth.

9. Assign students projects that will enhance their creativity and critical thinking skills.

10. Encourage physical activities such as sports, dance, or yoga, and provide students with resources and guidance.

11. Provide students with opportunities to engage with their peers through online activities or virtual events. 

12. Keep in touch with the students and their parents through regular communication and feedback.

13. Finally, gather students' work and share it with their parents, showcase it on the school's website or social media handles to acknowledge and celebrate their efforts.



Guidelines for teachers

  • Class teachers have to create whatsapp groups with their class
  • Ask them to maintain a notebook for summer activities and submit at the time of reopening
  • Keep in touch with the students and encourage them from time to time to monitor their activities .
  • Gather students activities in the form of pics/ videos/reports through whatsapp group


Class - 1


SI. No.

Learning Outcomes



To develop communication skills

Practice one rhyme with action and ask your parent to make a video


To develop creative skills

Collect beads/leave/flower and make garland and count the number in the presence of parents


To develop drawing skill

Colour the symbol of a rupee coin


To develop drawing and creative skills

Draw the different shapes of balloons/Trees/Flowers and colour them


To develop numeracy skills

Collect the sticks and make bundles of ten


To develop creativity

Make a scrap book with pictures of daily activities


To develop Classification skills

Help your mother to categorize vegetables


To develop communication skills

Practice a story with action and ask your parent to make a video


To develop health and well-being

Practice physical exercises daily for 15 minutes


To develop collection and creative skills

Collect some leaves of plants and make pictures of animals , fruits, flowers etc.,


To develop imitating skills

Immitate the sounds of birds and animals


To develop humanity values

Keep water for birds in front of your house


To develop locomotor and management skills

Water the plants in your garden


To develop creative skill

Make different fruits with clay and colour them and place it in plate and display in your home


To develop communication and creativity skills

Practice one rhyme with action and ask your parent to make a video


Class -2



Learning Outcomes



To develop drawing and Classification skills

Draw different fruits and vegetables and colour them to make your own drawing book


To develop creative skill

Make different fruits with clay and colour them and place it in plate and display in your home


To develop communication and creativity skills

Practice one rhyme with action and ask your parent to make a video


To develop communication and creativity skills

Practice one story with action and ask your parent to make a video


To develop humanity values

Keep water for birds in front of your house


To develop oral language skills

Tell the different objects in the kitchen and their uses and ask your parent to make a video


To develop plantation habits

Collect the waste bottles/coconut shells and prepare a tree pot, fill with soil, sow a seed/ plant of your choice write 'my tree-my friend ' on the paper and paste on it and show that your neighbors


To develop creativity and craft skills

Prepare a invitation card to invite guests for your birthday


To develop creativity skills

Make a bullock cart/car/lorry with clay and display it in your house


To develop creativity and communication skills

Make a clock by using card board


To develop health and well-being

Practice physical exercises daily for 15 minutes.


To develop Socio- emotional and presentation skills

Prepare family tree with their photos


To develop motor skills

Prepare lemon juice and serve your family members


To develop visual motor co ordination

Take a paper , apply oil and trace any picture you like


To distinguish the sizes.

Collect the leaves and arrange them from small to big and big to small.


Safety Tips:

  • Accompany with your parents/elders whenever you visit new places
  • Take proper precautions like drinking more water, wearing cotton clothes , avoiding junk food, soft drinks etc.,
  • You should get your parent's permission while using the internet to collect information.
  • Avoid going out in the hot sun especially during peak hours.
  • Eat light meals and fruits rich in water content like melons, cucumber ,citrus fruits etc
  • Drink sufficient water in frequent intervals and carry drinking water while travelling
  • Parents should not allow the children alone to ride bikes or motor vehicles
  • Keep animals in shade and give them sufficient water to drink
  • Follow proper health tips/rules in view of summer season.
  • While going near Tanks, Wells and other water sources must accompany with your parents or elders.
  • Stay away from Fire and Electricity.
  • Stay at home while thunderstorms or lightening
  • While using social media websites and apps don't chat with unknown
    If any such calls you receive, inform your parents or elders
  • Avoid clicking on unknown links in the mobile phones.
  • Protect yourself from insects , snakes and other poisonous animals.

 Download Proceedings & Summer Activities

Summer Camp 2023 Class wise Activities

Download Class 1 Activities

Download Class 2 Activities

Download Class 3,4,5 Activities

Download Class 6 Activities

Download Class 7 Activities

Download Class 8 Activities

Download Class 9,10 Activities

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