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Wednesday 1 March 2023

Office Details Mapping of Contract and Outsourcing Employees

Office Details Mapping of  Contract and Outsourcing Employees AP Contract and Outsourcing Employees Office Details Mapping How to map  AP Contract and Outsourcing Employees Office Details USER MANNUAL FOR OFFICE DETAILS MAPPING OF OUTSOURCED EMPLOYEES AND OFFICE DETAILS MAPPING OF CONTRACT EMPLOYEES

PS - T&A Department - Office Details Mapping - Contract and Outsourcing employees - User Manual furnished - Instructions to DTAOs-Address the DDOs to complete the mapping - Reg Memo No: FIN02-18069/39/2023-H SEC-DTA 28/02/2023

Ref: User manual furnished by APCFSS authorities on 28-02-2023 

The attention of all the DTAOs is invited to the subject and references cited. As per the instructions issued by the Government, the APCFSS have developed a module in the HERB platform to map the Contract and Outsourcing employees with their respective offices ie, their actual place of work. The user manual regarding this is herewith enclosed.

They are therefore instructed to inform about this development to all the DDOs under their jurisdiction and see that the mapping of Contract and Outsourcing employees shall be completed by 10-03-2023. They are requested to treat this as Most URGENT.


Step 1:

Open browser and in URL box, give the following URL DDOs should log in to HERB Platform with their respective username and password.

Step 2:

After successful log in, DDO shall click on ‘HR & Payroll’ Tile in his/her dashboard

Step 3:

By scrolling down, in ‘Master Data’ Module, user shall click on ‘Office Details Mapping For Outsourced Employees’.

Step 4:

Now, the DDO will be redirected to ‘Office Details Mapping For Outsourced Employees’ Page.

DDO Code will be selected from the drop list. Once required DDO Code is selected from the list, user will click on ‘Submit’ Button.

Step 5:

By clicking on submit, list of outsourced employees whose office details must be mapped to concerned DDO will be displayed below. User will click on ‘Update’ Button, to update the working location details of employees.

Foe searching a specific individual, ‘Search Box’ facility is also provided for the feasibility of the user.

Step 6:

User should click on ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ radial button, based on the criteria if the post is sanctioned against government regular vacancy or not.

Step 6A:

If the employee is sanctioned against the regular government vacancy, other details must be furnished. If the employee is working under other DDO, his code must be mapped from the drop list. Employee working office ‘Organization ID’ must also be chosen from the drop list If the outsourced employee is working under any specific against government regular position and designation, his or her position and designation must also be mapped from a drop list.

Step 6b:

if the employee is not sanctioned against the regular government vacancy. Step 6a must be skipped and step 6b must be followed. DDO Code, under which this specific outsourced employee is working must be selected from the drop list. The employee working office ‘Organization ID’, must also be correctly mapped.

Step 7:

Once all the required details are appropriately given, user will click on ‘Save’ Button. Now the above changes are successfully updated.


Step 1:

Open browser and in URL box, give the following URL . DDOs should log in to HERB Platform with their respective username and password.

Step 2:

After successful log in, DDO shall click on ‘HR & Payroll’ Tile in his/her dashboard

Step 3:

By scrolling down, in ‘Master Data’ Module, user shall click on ‘Office Details Mapping For Contract Employees’.

Step 4:

Now, the DDO will be redirected to ‘Office Details Mapping For Contract Employees’ Page. DDO Code will be selected from the drop list. Once required DDO Code is selected from the list, user will click on ‘Submit’ Button.

Step 5:

By clicking on submit, list of contract employees whose office details must be mapped to concerned DDO will be displayed below. User will click on ‘Update’ Button, to update the details of employees.

Foe searching a specific individual, ‘Search Box’ facility is also provided for the feasibility of the user.

Step 6:

User should click on ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ radial button, based on the criteria if the employee is sanctioned against government regular vacancy or not.

Step 6A:

If the employee is sanctioned against the regular government vacancy, other details must be furbished. If the employee is working under other DDO, his code must be mapped from the drop list. Employee working office ‘Organization ID’ must also be chosen from the drop list. If the contract employee is working under any specific position and designation, his or her position and designation must also be mapped from a drop list.

Step 6b:

if the employee is not sanctioned against the regular government vacancy. Step 6a must be skipped and step 6b must be followed. DDO Code, under which this specific contract employee is working must be selected from the drop list. The employee working office ‘Organization ID’, must also be correctly mapped.

Step 7:

Once all the required details are appropriately given, user will click on ‘Save’ Button. Now the above changes are successfully updated.

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