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Monday 6 March 2023

International Women's Day Celebrations 2023 in AP Schools

International Women's Day Celebrations 2023 in AP Schools Activities

International Women's Day Celebrations 2023 School Education - International Women's Day on 08.03.2021 - Certain instructions issued - Reg Memo.No.30029/6/2023-A&I-CSE Dated: 05/03/2023


Ref:- D.O.No.21-1/2021-IS-11, Dated:24.02.2021 of the Secretary, DoSEL, GoI., New Delhi.


All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are informed that the International Women's Day (IWD) is being observed every year on 8th March for celebrating achievements of women. This day is also aims to draw attention to the issues faced by women and advocates for women emancipation. Education is a forerunner for empowering women to lead with quality life. Further to reinforce the significance of the day, especially for the girls and also the boys in the school, impactful events/programs may be organized in the week beginning on 1st of March, 2023 in the schools and culminating on International Women's day. Some suggested activities are as under;


  1. The topic of instructions in different subjects may be focused on gender equality and rights of women. For example, stories on women empowerment may be narrated in the language classes, whereas in Social Studies, social issues regarding women and the eminent people who strived for equal rights for women may be
  2.  Special morning assemblies themed on women empowerment may be organized, which may include talks on women achievers in different fields, role play, thought of the day, group song on women empowerment, award/recognition to the girls students who have performed well in different fields such as academics / sports, dance, music, arts social service and other novel areas.
  3.  Such local women may be identified who have succeeded despite their struggles and their interaction with school children may be Talks by women professionals such as but not limited to those in armed forces, police, aircraft pilots, locomotive pilots, aerospace engineers, building & construction, scientist etc. may also be organized.
  4. The achievements of Women sports-persons throughout the year may be highlighted and girls should be encouraged to actively participate in sports.
  5. Women faculty members and staff may be felicitated for their significant contributions to school and society.
  6. Banner on International Women's Day may be displayed on all Government websites.
  7. Discussions at school level may be held with female students regarding any problems/issues being faced by them in or while commuting to school and corrective measures may be devised. Boys may also be encouraged to participate to bring in the concept of equality and mutual respect, from a young age.
  8. Create awareness on Menstrual health and Hygiene so that drop-out of girls at secondary/senior secondary level may be reduced.

Therefore, all Regional Joint Director of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are requested to issue instructions to the field level functionaries to organize the above specified activities in all schools under all managements on the eve of International Womens’ Day, 2023.

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