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Sunday 12 March 2023

AP MLC Elections 2023 Holiday Declaration to schools

AP MLC Elections 2023 Holiday Declaration to schools Declaration of the day of poll on 13th March, Monday as a holiday for schools Biennial elections to the Legislative Council of Andhra Pradesh from Teachers Constituencies - Declaration of the day of poll on 13th March, Monday as a holiday for schools, to facilitate the teachers of Government, Aided and Private schools for exercising their franchise - Orders - Issued

School Education Department - Biennial elections to the Legislative Council of Andhra Pradesh from Teachers Constituencies - Declaration of the day of poll on 13th March, Monday as a holiday for schools, to facilitate the teachers of Government, Aided and Private schools for exercising their franchise - Orders - Issued Memo No:2018059/Ser.ll/2023-1 Dated: 11.03.2023

In the wake of Biennial elections to the Legislative Council of Andhra Pradesh from Teachers Constituencies, Government, hereby declare the day of poll on 13th March, Monday as a holiday for schools, to facilitate the Teachers of Government, Aided and Private schools who are bonafied voters in the elections, for exercising their right of franchise.

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The Commissioner of School Education, is therefore, requested to take further necessary action accordingly, in the matter.

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