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Monday 27 February 2023

25 Years / 5 Years Leftover Service AP Employees SR Verification by AG AP

25 Years / 5 Years Leftover Service AP Employees SR Verification by AG AP Submission of the Service Books in respect of employees who have completed 25 years / 5 years leftover service to send the pension authorizing authority for service verification - certain Instructions Sending the service books in respect of the Govt. employees who have completed 25 years of service/ 5 years left over service to the pension sanctioning authority i.e., the State Audit Department or Accountant General for service verification as per 4(b) of Appendix 1 in APRPR, 1980.


Pension - submission of the Service Books in respect of employees who have completed 25 years / 5 years leftover service to send the pension authorizing authority for service verification - certain Instructions issued - Reg Memo.No.ESE02-16021/81/2022-PENSION-CSE Dt.24/02/2023


Ref:- Lr.No.D2/1894442/2022, Dated: 07/02/2023 of the Director, Treasuries & Accounts Department, A.P., Mangalagiri.


A copy of the letter in the reference cited is here with communicated to the all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state wherein the Director, Treasuries & Accounts Department, A.P., Mangalagiri have instructed all the pension sanctioning authorities working under their control for sending the service books in respect of the Govt. employees who have completed 25 years of service/ 5 years left over service to the pension sanctioning authority i.e., the State Audit Department or Accountant General for service verification as per 4(b) of Appendix 1 in APRPR, 1980.


As such, all the RJDSE’s and DEO’s/ pension sanctioning authorities in the state are requested to follow the above instructions issued by the Director, Treasuries & Accounts Department, A.P., Mangalagiri and take necessary action accordingly.


Encl:- As reference above

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