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Tuesday 10 January 2023

Nadu Nedu Phase 1 Inspections and Repairs to Drinking Water Systems

Nadu Nedu Phase 1 Inspections and Repairs to Drinking Water Systems RO Systems Mana Badi Nadu - Nedu - Certain instructions to Head Masters on Drinking Water Systems 

Mana Badi Nadu - Nedu - Certain instructions to Head Masters on Drinking Water Systems - issued-Reg Circular Rc.No.1956925/MBNN/2023 Dated. 09/01/2023

Ref: Decisions taken in the review meeting held with TSU (Technical Support Unit), APEWIDC and CPM Vendors of Drinking Water Systems and Paint companies.


As part of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu in Phase-I Progamme Drinking Water Systems were provided in all Schools as part of the 10 components of the programme. Several complaints, reports and feedback from the Inspecting Officers and reports from Nadu Nedu PMU reveal that some Drinking Water Systems, supplied are not working.


After review of the CPM grievances related to the Drinking Water Systems with the Suppliers the following guidelines and instructions are issued for taking immediate repairs of Drinking Water System by the Companies.

(i) Starting from 10th January 2023 all the Drinking Water supply Companies will inspect every machine they supplied, identify the defects and replace the spares and rectify the machine by end of January- 2023.

(ii) Each of the Companies shall take up regular mandatory visits once in 3 months without fail and the one which will start from 10th January will be the first such mandatory visits.

(iii) The APEWIDC will design a proforma for each machine with a checklist to be used during the periodic mandatory inspections.


Issues which cannot be handled by the companies such as motor repairs, power(restoration of power connection, etc) cleaning of overhead tanks, Pipelines from Water Source - repair and maintenance shall be got done by the concerned Head Master. The Head Master can book the expenditure under SMF (School Maintenance Fund) and it is the responsibility of the Head Master to ensure that Water Supply to the Drinking Water System is made available.


Drinking Water Companies shall affix the telephone number of the service engineer on the Drinking Water System at a visible location. Companies must give the permanent numbers of the Service Engineer which shall not be changed for next 5 years. Service engineer may be changed but phone number shall be permanent


The inspection of all the Drinking Water Systems and their rectification shall be completed by end of January-2023.


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