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Monday 28 November 2022

Certain issues on Municipal Schools / Teachers on G.O.Ms.No. 84 Remarks

 Certain issues on Municipal Schools / Teachers on G.O.Ms.No. 84 Remarks certain issues/difficulties related to the Municipal Schools & Teachers arisen due to entrustment of supervision and administrative responsibilities of the Municipal Schools to the School Education Department vide G.O.Ms.No.84, MA&UD (D1) Dept., dated: 24.06.2022.

The Commissioner of School Education, A.P., convened a meeting with the & Director of Municipal Administration, Andhra Pradesh and other Officials to discuss certain issues/difficulties related to the Municipal Schools & Teachers arisen due to entrustment of supervision and administrative responsibilities of the Municipal Schools to the School Education Department vide G.O.Ms.No.84, MA&UD (D1) Dept., dated: 24.06.2022. The list of participants has attended the meeting is shown in the Annexure.


During the discussions, several issues/practical difficulties in respect of supervision of Municipal Schools & Teachers have been raised and the following remarks are noted below:



Certain issues on Municipal
Schools/ Teachers



Obtaining the Service Registers of Municipal Teachers with up-to-date entries from the Municipal Administration.

The C&DMA, A.P., has informed that instructions were already issued to the Commissioners to hand over the Service Registers with up-to-date entries of all Municipal Teachers to their respective District Educational Officers. If any, specific issues in this regard, the same may be rectified in co-ordination  with the DEOs' Commissioners.

The CSE, A.P requested to provide the complete details of all municipal teachers along with online
module/mechanism if any.

The C&DMA, A.P., has stated that, there is no centralized mechanism in the HoD and all        Commissioners concerned are maintaining their Municipal Teachers information separately, and the    same will be provided to the School Education Department.


Delegation of powers and functions to the Headmasters of Municipal High School/Upper Primary School/Primary Schools.

Proposal has been submitted to the Government  for  delegation of powers and functions to the Headmasters of Municipal High School/Upper Primary School/Primary  Schools in concurrence with the Finance Department. Orders are awaited in this regard.


Opening of GPF accounts to the Municipal Teachers and depositing the PF amount deducted by the Municipal Teachers along with the Government PF interest in the GPF Accounts.

The C&DMA, AP has stated that a proposal was submitted to the Govt., for creation of a separate HOA for managing the PF accounts of Municipal            Teachers. Further, the APCFSS is  requested to    develop required software Modules/mechanisms for maintaining PF Accounts of Municipal              Teachers in the similar lines of ZP employees in coordination with the DTA Authorities. It is under process.

The School Education Dept., informed that,    the     deducted PF amount from Municipal Teachers shall be maintained in their concerned Municipalities until creation of the new HoA for managing PF accounts of Municipal Teachers to avoid unnecessary complications.

Further, the C&DMA, AP has agreed to continue the existing procedure w.r.t provident fund deductions of
Municipal Teachers.

The Joint Director (Services) to take action to create GPF Accounts for the Municipal Teachers.


 Framing of Municipal Educational  Sub-ordinate  Service Rules. 


Implementing the unified service rules to the Municipal, Municipal Corporation, Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation and Vijayawada Municipal Corporation Teachers.

The C&DMA, A.P., has informed that at present there are 04 types of Service Rules for the Municipal Teachers (i.e.,   Municipal, Municipal Corporation, Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation    and Vijayawada Municipal Corporation). 

 Further, a proposal has been submitted to the Govt. for unified service rules to the Municipal, Municipal  Corporation, Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation and Vijayawada Municipal Corporation teachers. It is under process.

 The CSE, A.P., has requested to furnish the draft proposal submitted to the Government for unified service rules for all Municipal teachers, the same may be examined with the existing service rules (Govt./ZPP/MPP) in the School Education Department and necessary action will be taken for framing of municipal teacher service rules.

Further, the CSE, A.P., has instructed to constitute a committee with the officials/   teachers/unions of School Education/Municipal  Administration Dept., for framing the Service Rules for the Municipal Teachers immediately.


Filling up the 12 Deputy Educational Officers posts  in the Municipal Department

The C&DMA, A.P has informed that, the Deputy Educational officers posts are sanctioned in the Municipal Department.

The CSE, A.P., has requested the C&DMA, A.P., to submit a proposal to the Government for transfer/hand over of Deputy Educational Officers posts in the Municipal Department to the School Education Department.

After transfer/hand over of Deputy Educational Officers posts, they shall be filled by the feeder categories/method of appointment mentioned in the service rules.


Taking up the Re- apportionment, General Transfers and promotion to Municipal Teachers as is done in the case of School Education Department.

After framing of Service Rules for the Municipal Teachers, the exercise of Re-apportionment,      Upgradation, Conversion and  Transfers will be
taken up one by one as per need.


Upgrading the surplus SGT posts and Language Pandit, PET posts in Municipal Schools, and given promotions.

After framing of Service Rules for the Municipal Teachers, the exercise of Re-apportionment,      Upgradation Conversion and Transfers    will    be
taken up one by one as per need.


Implementing the G.O. 77 to the Municipal Teachers and give promotions to the SGTs, Language Pandits and PETs.

After framing of Service Rules for the Municipal Teachers, it will be examined and appropriate decision will be taken.


Sanctioning of notional increments to the special teachers working in Municipal Schools, as was done in the cases of special teachers working under the School Education Dept.

The CSE, A.P.,     has   requested the C&DMA, A.P., to furnish a detailed report with specific recommendations  (to  issue/not to issue) regarding sanctioning the notional increments to the special teachers               working in Municipal Schools as similar lines to  the Govt./ZP Teachers.


Sanctioning the notional increments to the DSC- 2008 teachers working in Municipal Schools, as was done in the cases of

special teachers working under the School

Education Department.

The CSE, A.P., has requested the C&DMA, A.P., to furnish a detailed report with specific recommendations (to  issue/not to issue) regarding sanctioning the notional increments to the DSC­2008 teachers working in Municipal Schools as similar lines to the Govt./ZP Teachers.


Continuing the Academic Instructors, where there are no teachers in Municipal Schools and pay the salaries to them.

The C&DMA, A.P., has informed that previously Academic Instructors are working in Municipal Schools where there are no teachers and pay salaries  from Municipal General Fund. But, present academic year there are no Academic Instructors are working in the Municipal Schools.

 In this regard, the CSE, A.P., directed that surplus Govt./ZP management Teachers    should    be
adjusted as per rules.


  Continuation of Non- Teaching staff working in Municipal Schools and deployment by Municipal Administration Department.

·In  G.O.Ms.No.84, Government instructed that, non-teaching staff in Municipal Schools shall by deployed by the School Education Department.

The CSE, A.P., has instructed to submit  a       proposal  to the Government  to continue the deployment of non-teaching Staff (i.e., Sr. Astt., Jr. Astt., Rd. Astt., and Attenders etc.,) in   the Municipal Schools by Municipal Administrative Department instead of School Education Department. Accordingly, Proposal shall be submitted to the Government for amendment of G.O.Ms.No.84.

 Further, the CSE, A.P., requested the C&DMA, A.P to continue the Non- Teaching staff working in the Municipal Schools without sanctioned posts   until   alternative arrangements made by the School Education Department.


Taking over and continuing the Part-time Contract and Contingent Staf working in Municipal Schools into the School Education Department and paying the salaries to them.

The C&DMA, A.P., has informed that the Salaries of Part-Time Contract and Contingent Staff (i.e., Watchmen and Sweepers) working in Municipal Schools are being paid from the General fund of concerned municipality. After      issuance of G.O.Ms.No.84,   they  can’t pay the salaries to the above staff from General fund of  concerned municipality. Further, he requested the School Education Dept., to take alternative arrangements for payment of salaries to the above staff.

The CSE, A.P., has   instructed to obtain the information of Part-time Contract and Contingent Staff (i.e., Watchmen and Sweepers) working in Municipal Schools and requested to examine the requirement of above staff as per pupil strength in the schools.

Further, after  obtaining the requirement of watchmen, sweepers etc., in  all Municipal  Schools, the
Director, MDM & SS, A.P., may take over the existing staff and necessary steps may be taken for appointment of  sweepers and watchmen's in Municipal Schools under TMF fund.


Payment of Electricity Bills and Rent of School Buildings in Municipalities with the Samagra Shiksha Funds.

·      At present, the electricity and other expenses in the municipal schools are being met from the School Maintenance Grant given by the Samagra Siksha (SE Dept) to the Municipal Commissioners.

In this regard, the CSE, A.P., has requested the C&DMA, A.P., to direct the Municipal Commissioners should pay the Electricity Bills and Rent of School Buildings etc, until creating & allocating the PD   Accounts and delegating the DDO powers to the Municipal Headmasters.


Promoting the eligible Municipal Teachers to Junior Lectures in upgraded 10+2 Municipal Schools as per NEP-2020.

This is a policy matter, a decision has been taken as per the rules.


Sanctioning and filling up the Head Masters and Subject Teachers posts as per cadre strength in Upgraded Municipal High Schools.

After framing of Service Rules for the Municipal Teachers, the exercise of Re-apportionment,      Upgradation, Conversion and Transfers will be
taken up one by one as per need.


Upgrading the Schools with the highest enrolment in Municipal Primary and Upper Primary Schools.

After framing the Service Rules for the Municipal Teachers to upgrade the schools  with the highest
enrolment in Municipal Primary and Upper Primary  Schools as similar lines to the Govt./ZP Schools.


Panchayat Providing all facilities applicable to Govt./ Raj Teachers to the Municipal Teachers.

All facilities applicable to Govt./ Panchayat Raj Teachers will be provided to the Municipal Teachers as per the rules.


Processing the Compassionate Appointments of the Municipal Teachers through the Municipal Administration Department only.

The CSE, A.P., has requested the C&DMA, A.P., to grant Compassionate Appointments to the Municipal Teachers and Staff as per the instructions of the Government in the Cir.Memo.No.35252/Ser. G/A1/2011- 1, GA (Ser.G) Dept., dated: 04.12.2013 that "..if any Department/ Local Bodies  (i.e., Municipalities, Municipal Corporations,                 Zilla Parishads, Mandal Praja Parishads, Grama Panchayats) can not be given Compassionate Appointment in the Govt., Departments and they have to be appointed only in their respective Office!Organization as per their rules


The issues related to the pending service matters (Pay fixations, Promotions, Transfers), Hon’ble High Court cases (Filing counter affidavits), and other disciplinary cases

regarding the Municipal Teachers that exist before G.O.Ms.No.84 MA & UD Dept., dated: 24.06.2022.

The C&DMA, A.P., has informed that at present MA&UD Dept., is not competent to issue orders in the service matter of Municipal Teachers /comply of orders of the Hon’ble Courts as the G.O.Ms.No.84 MA&UD Dept., dated 24.06.2022 came into effect from 24.06.2022.

In this regard, the CSE, A.P., has requested the   C&DMA,  A.P., to furnish detailed report in chronological order with specific recommendations (to issue/not to issue) with all connected records in each and every file (i.e., service matters, Hon’ble High Court cases, and other disciplinary cases etc.,) for complying the orders of Hon’ble Court/to take decision in the matter.

Further, the CSE, A.P., has instructed to constitute a  Committee in the O/o. CSE., A.P with SE/MAUD officials to resolve the above issues in a timely and smooth manner.




Finally, the Commissioner of School Education, A.P., has requested the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, A.P., to take necessary action to resolve certain issues related to municipal schools & teachers and also directed the concerned for taking all steps as discussed to avoid further complications in the matter.


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