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Friday 7 October 2022

AP Teachers Promotions Further Guidelines 2022

AP Teachers Promotions Further Guidelines 2022 for preparing Promotion Seniority Lists Promotions to the posts of Schools Assistants and Headmaster Gr-2 in Govt and ZPP/MPP Schools along with instructions on Merit cum roster, SGT teacher is eligible for 01 or more subjects, Relinquishment, Aided Teachers Seniority, Promotions to the posts of School Assistants working in Special Schools

School Education - Promotions to the posts of Schools Assistants and Headmaster Grill in Govt and ZPP/MPP Schools along with instructions Communicated Rc.No.FSE02-14028/1/2022-E-VI   Dated.06/10/2022


1. This office Procs Rc.No.ESE02-14028/1/2022-E-VI, Dated 04-08-2022.
2. This office Procs.Rc.No.FSE02-14028/1/2022-F-VI, Dated 11-08-2022.
3. WebEx meeting on promotions conducted by the joint Director, 0/0 CSE on 28-09-2022 and 04-10-2022

In the reference 1st  and 2nd cited, certain  guidelines were issued to all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State in a to promotions to the posts of Schools Assistants and Headmaster Gr-II Govt. and ZPP/MPP Schools 

After discussions with Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in  the Webex meetings on 28-09-2022 and 04-10-2022 the following further instructions are hereby issued:

1. To prepare Seniority lists duly following the guidelines already issued with a rider to take into consideration menu raster followed at the time of initial selections.

2. In respect of promotions to the post of School Assistant (subject wise). the teachers working in SGT categories are eligible, subject to possessing the required qualifications. If any SGT teacher is eligible for 01 or more subjects in respect of School Assistant posts and in se any SGT relinquish any one subject he/she ceases his/her opportunity for the promotion of School Assistant for one year in respect of other subject posts also and their cases will be consider for promotion in the next opportunity.

3. If any teacher declares relinquishment for the promoted post the concerned RJDSE / DEO shall have to serve an order to that teacher stating that his case will be considered for promotion in the next opportunity i.e. after a period of one year from the date of receipt of promotion orders.

4. The teachers who have been absorbed from aided schools in the respective managements, their seniority shall be fixed with reference to the date of their joining in the latter unit of appointment in respective managements.

5. On absorption of aided teachers in the posts of School Assistants in respective managements their status in the reservation roaster point has also to be considered for arriving adequacy in the respective roster point,

6. The promotions to the posts of School Assistants working in Special Schools shall be taken up separately which will be intimated at later date.

CSE à°µాà°°ు Rc. No. 14028 dt 6.10.2022 à°¤ో జరుà°—à°¬ోà°µు పదోà°¨్నతులకు à°¸ంà°¬ంà°§ింà°šి "à°¤ాà°œా" à°—ా à°®ాà°°్à°— దర్శకాà°²ు à°œోà°¡ింà°šాà°°ు

à°ˆ à°¤ాà°œా ఉత్తర్à°µుà°² à°ª్à°°à°•ాà°°à°®ు:

  • à°®ెà°°ిà°Ÿ్ à°•à°®్ à°°ోà°¸్à°Ÿà°°్ పధ్ధతిà°²ో Initial Appointment Cader à°•ు Seniority lists తయాà°°ు à°šేà°¯ాà°²ి
  • à°’à°• ఉపాà°§్à°¯ాà°¯ుà°¡ు 1 à°•ంà°Ÿె à°Žà°•్à°•ుà°µ పదోà°¨్నతులకు à°…à°°్హతలుంà°¡ి à°µాà°Ÿిà°²ో à°’à°• à°ªోà°¸్à°Ÿు పదోà°¨్నతిà°•ి Relinquish ఇస్à°¤ే à°°ెంà°¡ో à°ªోà°¸్à°Ÿు పదోà°¨్నతిà°•ి à°’à°• à°¸ంవత్సరము తర్à°µాà°¤ à°®ాà°¤్à°°à°®ే అవకాశమిà°µ్à°µాలని RJD/DEO లకు ఆదేà°¶ాà°²ు à°œాà°°ీ à°šేà°¶ాà°°ు
  • ZP/Govt à°²ో Absorb à°…à°¯ిà°¨ Aided à°µాà°°ి సర్à°µీà°¸ు Zp/Govt School à°²ో à°šేà°°ిà°¨ à°¤ేà°¦ీ à°¨ుంà°¡ి వర్à°¤ింపచేà°¯ాà°²ి
  • ZP/Govt Schools Absorb à°…à°¯ిà°¨ Aided à°µాà°°ిà°¨ి పదోà°¨్నతులలో à°°ిజర్వషన్à°² à°•ొà°°à°•ు SC/ST/Ph Adequacy (15/6 /4%) à°•ు పరిగణన à°²ోà°•ి à°¤ీà°¸ుà°•ోà°µాà°²ి
  • Special Schools à°²ో à°¨ి School Asst posts à°•ు పదోà°¨్నతుà°²ు Separate à°—ా Take up à°šేయబడుà°¨ు. ఆతేà°¦ీà°²ు Intimate à°šేయబడుà°¨ు.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education & District Educational Officers are hereby requested to follow the instructions scrupulously and take action accordingly,

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