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Friday 26 August 2022

Edu Fest - Teachers' Day Celebrations 2022 Guidelines, Day-wise Activities

Edu Fest Teachers' Day Celebrations 2022 Guidelines, Day-wise Activities Edu Fest 2022 Celebrating 60 years of Teachers' Day Guidelines School Education - Organizing - 'Edu Fest-2022' on account of Celebrating 60 years of Teachers Day' - Certain guideline issued 

Rc.No.68/A&I/2022   Dt: 25.08.2022


Sub: School Education - Organizing - 'Edu Fest-2022' on account of Celebrating 60 years of Teachers Day' - Certain guideline issued -Reg.


Read: Recommendations of Director, SCERT-AP based on the feedback from Headmasters and Teachers.


 All Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers are aware that Teachers' Day is celebrated annually on 5th September to mark the birthday of the country's former President, scholar, philosopher and Bharat Ratna awardee, Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who was born on this day in 1888. Since 1962,the year he took oath as the President of India ,Teacher's Day is celebrated on his birthday to commemorate his work as a teacher, which he is believed to have considered a "proud privilege".


Teachers Day is one such event which students and teachers equally look forward. The Day is important for the students as it gives them a chance to understand the efforts put in by their teachers to ensure that they get quality education. Similarly, teachers look forward to the Teachers' Day celebration as their efforts get recognized and honored by students and other agencies as well.


Teachers nourish and prepare students for their future as they are the real icon of knowledge and wisdom. They create awareness among the students and common people. They are the source of light in the world that has been darkened due to ignorance. Our teachers are the true pillars of our success.


Since last two years, owing to the Covid-19 pandemic, the schools and colleges were shut and the annual celebrations at schools were replaced with virtual ones.


Keeping in view of the above and with reference cited, it is proposed to organize "Edu-Fest-2022" from 29th August to 5th September 2022 in association with Parent Committees, NGOs, Philanthropists, Old Student Associations, alumni, Parents and Retired teachers in the village and public representatives to uphold the values.


The day wise suggested activities are annexed to these proceedings.


Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are directed to disseminate these guidelines to all school under all managements and to visit schools and guide them for effective implementation of the program.


The district wise compliance along with the photos/videos of best practices of this Edu-Fest-2022 shall be reached by this office on or before 10th September 2022.

Edu-Fest-2022 - Day wise suggested activities



Suggested activity.



  • Conduct of Staff meeting and analyze the performance of students in baseline assessment.
  •  Understanding the Academic Calendar w.r.t learning outcomes.
  • Developing action plan for slow learners.
  • Organise National sports day



  • Formation of student clubs( language, science, social service, cultural, sports, health, Yoga etc ) and In-House teams.
  • Allocation of teachers as mentors for clubs and in-house tams
  • Discussion on school safety guidelines and display of posters on prventing sexual abuse.
  • Setting up of complaint box.


  • Conducting Parent Committee meeting
  • Invite NGOs, Philanthropists, Old Student Associations, alumni, Parents and Retired teachers in the village and public representatives to prepare an action plan for celebrating Teacher's Day in schools.
  • Invite representatives from line departments and secretaries of village / ward secretariat.
  • Disseminating the best practices of the school to the invitees.
  • Discuss on Govt. schemes like Amma Vadi, Nadu Nedu, Jaganna Gorumudda, Jagananna Vidya Kanuka etc...
  • Discussion of Student attendance and strategy for making long absentees to attend schools.



  • Conduct of student health checkup in convergence with Health Department.
  • Health check up for staff in association with concerned PHC.
  • Displaying videos on school health program.
  • Discussion on career guidance 


  • Conduct competitions on with the theme of
  • teachers 'day for students and teachers.
  • Conduct of self-government activity


  • Display of Class wise Subject wise Lesson wise Learning Out comes.
  • Submission of Battery Test Records to HM and Identify the 5 best Players -event wise, and class wise particulars as per the Battery Test.
  •  Conduct of sports and games to teachers under the guidance of Physical Education Teachers (SA(PE)/PET)
  •  Mandal level competitions / Divisional competitions as per the convenience.



  • Celebrating 60th Teachers' Day
  • Encourage students to honour the teachers
  • Distribution of Prizes to winners (Children and teachers)
  • Talks by the Students
  • Felicitations to the Best Teacher Awardees, Retired
  • Inspirational Talks by the Guest Speakers
  • Conducting Cultural Programmes by teachers / Students
  • Upadya Deevenalu (Ashirvachanalu) to  all children.

Download  Proceedings, Day-wise Activities
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